
Working at the airport never gets boring – here is why

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Travelling on a plane never gets boring especially due to all the fellow passengers. Have you ever waited for a flight and watched how other people are acting at the airport? It is quite entertaining.

Imagine working at the airport. We found some interesting facts and stories that have been told by actual airport staff.

1. Sleeping passengers

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Imagine being a flight attendant and walking down the aisle of the plane over and over again. After a while it gets boring especially during a night flight.

Watching sleeping passengers is actually quite entertaining. Some people sleep in strange positions or bring all kinds of devices to help them sleep. Imagine a businessman in a suit with a stuffed animal.

2. Take the offer

Most of the time the airline will overbook their flights because there are always people that do not show up. Sometimes the staff has to ask single passengers to take a later flight. They will compensate you for the waiting time.

If you are not in a rush its always worth asking for details because you might get a voucher that is higher than what you actually paid for the ticket.

3. Be nice to your flight attendant

It can be annoying when passengers push the call button several times because they don’t feel like waiting for a moment. We spoke to several flight attendants and most of them agreed that they will take their time when passengers push the call button more than once.

Don’t forget that three flight attendants might have to take care of up to 150 Passengers.

4. Don’t ask for upgrades

A long time ago it was comparably easy to get an upgrade on a flight. Times have changed and commercial airlines will only upgrade you when you pay for it.

Only in some occasions they will upgrade some passengers when a booking class is overbooked. Frequent flyers will always be the first guests to be upgraded.

5. Choose the aisle-seat

Are you always cold on flights? It is recommended to sit on an aisle seat because they are warmer than the seats by the window. Especially on long flights it is also easier to get up without asking the other passengers to stand up.

The outside air in the cruising altitude is colder than you can ever imagine. Even though the plane is insulated the windows will still let in some of the cold.

6. Stick to the weight

We know that it’s not easy to pack light especially in winter. It is not smart to try to trick the baggage handlers. They know all the tricks and will get mad.

Just be honest, and they are more likely to accept the bag even if it is just a little too heavy.

7. Mean Jokes

Imagine asking an airport employee for directions and being sent the wrong way. We were told that they like to joke around and send passengers in the wrong direction. It happens especially when the person is rude and already running late.

It’s not very nice so also be aware and polite to the staff.

8. How to fly for cheap

An easy way to fly for a lower price is to work for an airline. Every airline has their own system of giving their employees a discount, but it’s usually a really good deal.

Just be aware that most tickets are standby, and you only get a seat if they are not taking by regular customers paying full price.

9.A suitcase with four wheels

Are you thinking about buying a new suitcase? There are so many models on the market that it gets hard to decide. If you ask an airline employee for advice they will always recommend one with four wheels.

They might be a little pricier, but so much easier to handle as you can push them with one hand.

10. Travel light

Another great tip is to avoid a checked bag. It always costs you more time and money. Also consider the risk of losing the bag and having to deal with customer service.

Really consider what you really need for your trip and research packing tips if you need. You will thank us later.

11. Charge before the flight

Before a trip it’s always helpful to charge your electronic devices. Most airlines send the boarding pass to your phone and don’t give you a printed ticket anymore.

Having a dead battery will not keep you from entering the plane, but it will make things way more complicated than necessary.

12. They might not know the answer

Be aware that a staff member at the airport will not be able to help you but will most likely send you to someone that can. It’s always helpful to consider who you ask.

Don’t wait in line at the service desk from another airline that you are not flying with. We were told that it happens several times a day.

13. Mistakes happen

Have you ever worried to be on the wrong plane? Although it is very unlikely it has happened before. Always check the sign on the gate before you enter the plane.

And be aware that the captain will make a false announcement on purpose just to be funny. Especially on April Fools’ Day.

14. Oxygen Masks won’t last forever

In case the Oxygen level gets so low that the mask fall out be aware that they will help for only fifteen minutes. But there is no reason to worry since the pilots will change the altitude to a level with enough oxygen in the air.

They are trained especially for an unlikely incident like this.

15. Well-trained profilers

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The airport is a place with lots of security staff. Most of them you will not even notice as they look and act like regular passengers. Some of them are so-called profilers.

It’s their job so identify suspicious people that might be a risk to others. They have special training to make flying safe for all of us.

16. Always use a cover

Airplane restrooms are not a place where you want to spend more time than necessary. Especially when travelling with a baby you want to make sure that everything is clean. Always bring a changing mat or a simple towel for the changing table.

We were told that they are not as clean as they look.

17. Do not loose your temper

You can probably relate that airports give you a stressful feeling. Just never get too stressed or overreact. As we already mentioned airports staff is always watching passengers and will not let you on the plane if you are already starting a fight while at the airport.

It is also not recommended to drink too much before a flight. Just stick with water.

18. You never have to be hungry

Airports are usually open around the clock and so are their restaurants. Not all of them will stay open non-stop, but there will always be some food available. Just be aware that the prices are usually high.

If you are on a budget you should always bring a snack and a water bottle to refill after security.

19. Many Emotions

Ask an airline employee about their happiest place at the airport, and they will most likely tell you about the arrival area. If you have the time just look around next time you arrive at an airport.

At the arrival hall you will see flowers, balloons and lots of smiles.

20. Wasted food

Unfortunately an airport creates a lot of food waste as there are so many airlines and restaurants handling food. After a few hours the food has to be disposed if it was not consumed by the passengers.

Some airports have started donating food to homeless shelters and other organizations serving the poor.

21. Smugglers

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Working at the airport never gets boring especially when handling the baggage. One airport worker told us about a passenger that tried to smuggle two boxes of alive turtles. He was caught and fined.

There are many stories about items that passengers tried to bring in from all over the world. Always check the rules when in doubt before bringing an item on a flight.

22. Show your hands

If a security officers asks you to show your hands they will most likely to a swap of your palms. They do so in order to find passengers that were in contact with illegal substances.

A machine will analyze the swap and alarm the officer if it finds a substance.

23. Throwing your bag

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If you ever had the chance to watch an airline worker handle your bags you will have noticed that they most likely will throw it around. They have to do it that way, so they can get everything done on time.

If you find your bag damaged after a flight always report it to the airline.

24. The Club Lounge

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This is a tip from a frequent traveler. If you have a long transit in between two flights and need to get work done you should check out the Club Lounge. You need to pay to get in, but food, drinks and a fast internet connection are usually included.

Sitting at the lounge for hours is much more comfortable than at the gate.

25. Handled by machines

Thousands of bags are handled at big airports every single day. For humans, it would be an almost impossible task. Nowadays automated systems handle the luggage and send it to the right plane.

Airport staff can track your back with a computer. Just make sure the tag is not falling off.

26. Not always working properly

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There is a reason why airport workers have to get a background check done. There have been cases in the past where security employees have used their position to smuggle dangerous items into the airport.

The system was adjusted and rules are way stricter now in order to keep airports safe.

27. Spotting a celebrity

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An airport is a great place to spot a celebrity as they have to travel for their job quite often. For more privacy they can pay extra for a VIP service that will give them access to a private lounge and direct transfer to the flight.

Some celebrities might not care about special services and you can spot them at the gate.

28. Be nice to the staff

Working with customers can be tough especially at the airport. Many people are rude due to being in a hurry or just being impolite. Just be aware that the staff might make your life harder than it has to be when you are rude.

If you want to switch your seat you need to earn it by being nice.

29. Air Traffic Control

Air Traffic Control has the most important job at the airport. They also have a huge responsibility and are well-trained members of the airport staff.

Their job includes monitoring the weather, giving permission to take off or directing the planes to the gate. If they have a doubt about a safe departure a plane will stay on the ground.

30. Lost baggage

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Losing a bag while travelling is one of the worst nightmares. There are several reasons why your bag will not make it to your final destination. One might be a short transit time since it will take a while to unload the bags and send it to the next plane.

There might also be some additional checks between the flights that take extra time.