
When Hotel Guests Are Entitled to a Refund

Ever had that moment when you’re checking into a hotel or Airbnb, expecting a relaxing stay, only to find out you’ve accidentally booked a front-row seat to a Hotel Nightmare? If you haven’t, consider yourself fortunate—and so do the folks who took these photos.

Image: Media_Photos / Shutterstock.com

While there’s not much to do but laugh now, come along as we explore these hilarious travel blunders that left guests wishing for a refund. Unlike them, you’re sure to enjoy this experience.

The Balcony Access Is Through the Bathroom

In a quirky Honolulu hotel, the only route to the balcony is through the bathroom. While this may excite exhibitionists, it’s less ideal for most guests. Picture having to maneuver past the shower to reach the view, dodging wet floors and towels along the way.

Image: Reddit/cbass62083

This unusual design choice might puzzle guests, leaving them to wonder about the architect’s intentions. Although it adds a humorous element to your stay, it’s likely to make you long for a more straightforward path to relaxation. Sometimes, a simple, direct route to a beautiful view is all you need to fully enjoy your surroundings.

The Least Ideal Art for the Bathroom

A hotel room with a painting positioned above the toilet might offer a touch of inspiration for some guests, but it could also lead to unintended consequences if someone has had a bit too much to drink. Imagine stumbling into the bathroom after a night out and finding a piece of art staring directly at you from above.

Image: Reddit/Slyth66

This placement suggests a lapse in thoughtful design, turning what might have been an attempt at decoration into a potential awkwardness. While it may initially seem humorous, it ultimately reflects poorly on the hotel’s consideration for both practical and aesthetic aspects. This peculiar design choice might make anyone feel uncomfortable while using the toilet. Was it a deliberate quirk or just a funny coincidence?

Trapped in the Shower: A Design Flaw or a Peculiar Feature?

Imagine a man on a road trip who finds himself trapped in the shower of his hotel room—soaking wet and completely naked. Talk about a wild adventure! He likely had ample time to contemplate life’s big questions while trying to escape his predicament, whether reflecting on the decisions that led him to this moment or simply laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Image: Reddit/wilsonon

This comical incident serves as a humorous reminder to always ensure that the shower door functions properly before stepping in. After all, a relaxing shower should never turn into an unexpected, prolonged ordeal!

Pool or Lawn: A Design Dilemma

A family arrives at a Motel 6, thrilled about the prospect of their kids enjoying a swim in the pool. To their dismay, they find that instead of water, the pool area is now an overgrown expanse of grass. Despite the presence of lifeguard equipment, it’s evident that the pool is out of service, transforming their anticipated fun into a major letdown. The kids, ready with pool toys and sunscreen, can only stand in disbelief at the sight of the neglected, grassy pit.

Image: Reddit/Martynypm

The parents, frustrated by the unexpected letdown, attempt to salvage the vacation by exploring nearby attractions. However, the disappointment of the missing pool still lingers. This experience highlights the gap between expectations and reality and serves as a valuable reminder to always read the fine print and possibly call ahead to confirm that all advertised amenities are in working order.

The Most Disappointing Room Service Breakfast

Paying $15 for a hotel breakfast only to receive a meal that resembles low-quality school cafeteria fare can quickly ruin your morning. Instead of a hearty, delicious start to your day, you’re met with soggy eggs and rubbery sausage.

Image: Reddit/nickykeeng

This disappointing breakfast not only feels like a waste of money but also sets a negative tone for the rest of your day. Guests expect a certain standard when paying a premium, and falling short of those expectations can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.

Interesting Salt and Pepper Shakers

You might be accustomed to complimentary salt and pepper packets, but imagine being charged a dollar each at your hotel. This nickel-and-diming tactic is sure to leave a bad taste in your mouth. As you review your receipt, those small charges add up, turning what should be a minor convenience into a source of irritation.

Image: Reddit/sandberg_93

It’s a petty annoyance that can significantly impact your experience, making you yearn for the days of free condiments and the straightforward pleasures of a well-stocked table without hidden fees.

An Odd Sink and Faucet Combo

Imagine encountering a sink equipped with multiple faucets, including unnecessary showerheads—it’s more amusing than functional, isn’t it? This extravagant design seems to have involved several professionals, each overlooking the obvious flaw.

Image: Reddit/DiceGottfried

Standing before this bewildering fixture, you can only laugh at the sheer absurdity. While it might keep the countertop spotless, it leaves guests scratching their heads as they try to wash their hands. One can’t help but wonder how this bizarre design ever received approval.

The Honeymoon Suite with Zero Privacy

A honeymoon suite might be perfect for lovebirds seeking romance, but it’s a challenging setup for coworkers or friends traveling together. The overly intimate bathroom design assumes a level of closeness that not all guests are comfortable with. Imagine two colleagues awkwardly avoiding eye contact as one uses the facilities.

Image: Reddit/CrappyDesign

While newlyweds might enjoy the romantic touch, others will find the lack of privacy intrusive. This unexpected level of intimacy highlights the need for hotels to consider the diverse needs of their guests, ensuring accommodations are both comfortable and private for everyone.

What Lies Behind the Railing?

In a San Francisco hotel, a door with a barely noticeable hinge gives off a distinctly creepy vibe, as if it hides something sinister. Guests might start to speculate about what lies behind it, imagining everything from a hidden murder room to a secret dungeon. As you pass by, an unsettling chill may run down your spine, making you feel like you’ve stepped into a horror movie scene.

Image: Reddit/_ItsAllRelative

Such eerie features can make a stay memorable for all the wrong reasons, leaving guests feeling uneasy. While some might find it amusing to share ghost stories later, others could be genuinely disturbed, questioning their choice of accommodation and hoping for a peaceful night’s sleep.

When the Toilet Paper Is Too Far Away

Imagine discovering that there’s no toilet paper in your hotel bathroom. What a predicament! You’re left with the unappealing options of either using a nearby towel or, even worse, calling out for help. The latter is only possible if the door is unlocked and someone happens to hear you. This situation is sure to make you yearn for the comforts of home. As you contemplate your next move, you might even start plotting a quick escape to the supply closet to avoid an embarrassing situation.

Image: Reddit/MotleyHatchet

Next time, it’s a good idea to check the bathroom supplies before you settle in for a break, to avoid such an awkward situation.

The Sign That’s Impossible to Read

A confusing hotel sign can turn finding your room into a frustrating ordeal, especially if you’re not sober. Picture stumbling down a dimly lit corridor, struggling to decipher a sign that feels more like a cryptic puzzle than a helpful guide. Guests might find themselves knocking on random doors in their quest for clarity, only adding to the confusion. In such scenarios, the front desk becomes the lifeline, with weary travelers seeking much-needed assistance to navigate the labyrinth.

Image: Reddit/Pararoyal

While it might seem amusing at first, consider how frustrating it must be for individuals with impaired vision. For them, navigating a confusing sign can turn a minor inconvenience into a significant challenge. What might be a humorous oversight for some is a serious hurdle for those already struggling with visibility issues.

False Advertising at Its Worst

A guest booked a hotel, eagerly anticipating a large pool based on the enticing online photos, only to discover it was an optical illusion. Arriving excited for a refreshing swim, they’re met with a small, underwhelming pool that barely accommodates a few guests at a time. This experience underscores the need for skepticism when evaluating online advertisements, as the reality often falls short of expectations.

Image: Reddit/abenomic

Misleading images can lead to significant disappointment and frustration, eroding trust in the establishment. As the guest stands by the pool feeling deceived, it becomes evident that honest and accurate marketing is essential for maintaining guest satisfaction and a reliable reputation.

Harry Potter Style Experience

Ever felt like Harry Potter searching for Platform 9¾? That’s what navigating a poorly designed hotel can be like, especially in an emergency. You might open a door expecting an exit, only to stumble into another guest’s room. Attempting to walk through walls will likely result in bruises rather than a magical adventure. As you wander through a maze of confusing hallways, you might wonder if the hotel was designed by someone with a mischievous sense of humor.

Image: Reddit/yeaabut

This not-so-magical experience serves as a reminder that clear signage is crucial in any hotel. A poorly marked path can turn a simple trip to the lobby into an unexpected and frustrating adventure.4o mini

A Knob for Hot Water You Can’t Access

A hotel room setup that prevents guests from enjoying a hot shower is a major inconvenience. After a long day of sightseeing or business meetings, all you want is a relaxing, steamy shower. Instead, you’re met with lukewarm water at best, leaving you shivering and disappointed.

Image: Reddit/mclardass

Guests expect basic comforts like a hot shower, and failing to deliver on this promise can significantly detract from their stay and may warrant a refund. Even if the hotel is trying to be eco-friendly, they shouldn’t advertise amenities they can’t properly provide.

Curtains Facing a Wall: A Design Blunder

Imagine checking into a hotel room, only to discover that the curtains are there, but there’s no window behind them. Pulling back the curtains in anticipation of a view, you’re greeted with nothing but a blank wall. While some guests might find this amusing, others could be genuinely disappointed and request a room change.

Image: Reddit/happysquid14

This design choice raises questions about the hotel’s attention to detail and commitment to guest satisfaction. It’s perplexing to wonder why the curtains were installed in the first place—were they just trying to give the illusion of a window? Is there even a real window in the room, or is this a clever disguise? Such quirks can turn a stay from charming to frustrating, highlighting the importance of thoughtful and functional design.

An Ashtray in a Non-Smoking Room: A Confounding Contradiction

This hotel room is sending mixed signals with an ashtray placed in what is supposedly a non-smoking area. The presence of the ashtray can confuse guests, making them question the hotel’s smoking policies and potentially discouraging smoking simply due to the puzzling setup.

Image: Reddit/cinemabaroque

As you try to decipher whether smoking is allowed or not, frustration may set in, leaving you uncertain about the hotel’s actual rules. It seems wasteful to have ashtrays scattered throughout if smoking is prohibited, and there are more straightforward ways to communicate the policy to guests.

The Sink with Multiple Faucets: A Design Overkill

Ever tried washing your hands at a sink that seems like a plumber’s wildest fantasy? Picture this: multiple faucets, each with a different purpose, and showerheads positioned to spray you from every angle. It feels like stepping into a water-themed escape room.

Image: Reddit/MrGrieves123

As you cautiously turn the knobs to avoid an unexpected shower, you can’t help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of the setup. While it might be amusing, this overly complex arrangement underscores a lack of practicality. Sometimes, a simple, single faucet is all you need to keep guests dry and satisfied.

One Door, Two Doorways: Bathroom and Closet Confusion

You step into your hotel room, only to find that one door serves both the bathroom and the closet. You can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it, envisioning the awkwardness of having to decide which space to access at any given moment. It’s like a peculiar game of “Which door do I need right now?” This cost-saving design forces you into an unnecessary choice each time you need to use the bathroom or retrieve something from the closet. While it’s a unique concept, it’s far from practical and adds an extra layer of confusion to your stay.

Image: Reddit/coolmrschill

Sometimes, having separate doors for distinct spaces is essential for ensuring both convenience and comfort for all guests. This straightforward approach avoids confusion and enhances the overall usability of the room.

The Worst Possible Studio Apartment

You book a hotel room, expecting a comfortable, private space, only to discover that the toilet is uncomfortably close to the bed. You laugh nervously, imagining how awkward this would be for anyone traveling with friends or coworkers.

Image: Instagram/georgalife

This layout feels more like a prank than a practical design. As you settle in, you realize that some things are better left unseen from the comfort of your bed. It’s likely the photos were taken from angles that made the space appear more spacious than it really is, but this deceptive setup is something no guest would want.

A Vent That Doesn’t Open or Work: A Design Flaw

After a steamy shower, you look up at the bathroom vent, expecting it to clear the foggy mirror. Instead, you discover it’s merely a decorative element with no actual function. You laugh, wondering if the hotel thought a placebo vent would suffice.

Image: Reddit/r/funny

As you wipe the steam off the mirror with your hand, you can’t help but think that a real, working vent would have been far more useful. You probably weren’t expecting a sauna experience when you went to use the shower, and it’s clear the hotel should address this issue to provide guests with the functional amenities they need.

“Slip Carefully” Instead of “Don’t Slip”

A poorly translated hotel sign, likely the result of a part-time employee’s hasty use of Google Translate, can be a source of both amusement and confusion. You might encounter a sign warning you to “mind your slip” or providing bizarre instructions that make little sense. Alternatively, it could be a serious warning about slipping hazards in the shower, albeit expressed clumsily.

Image: Reddit/usuarioinvalido

While guests might chuckle at these translation errors, they also reflect a lapse in professionalism. Accurate and clear communication is crucial, especially in hotels catering to international visitors who rely on these signs for their safety and convenience.

A “Pool” That’s Just Concrete: A Major Letdown

You check into a hotel, eagerly anticipating a refreshing swim after a long drive. You change into your swimsuit, grab your towel, and head to the pool area, only to find… a gravel pit? The “pool” is filled with rocks instead of water, resembling a misguided zen garden. Standing there in disbelief, you can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Image: Reddit

This misrepresentation turns what should have been a relaxing dip into a comedy sketch. While reading reviews might have helped avoid such disappointment, it doesn’t excuse the hotel’s misleading claim about having a functioning pool.

A Bed Right Next to the Bathroom: A Design Flaw

Imagine settling into your hotel room, only to find that the bed is directly facing the toilet. Instead of a peaceful retreat, you’re met with an unsettling lack of privacy, where the toilet is in clear view from the bed. This design flaw creates an awkward situation for both romantic partners and business travelers, who expect a certain level of discretion and comfort.

Image: Reddit/HAZMA7

Such a setup detracts significantly from the overall experience, highlighting the need for thoughtful design that prioritizes guest privacy and comfort. A well-designed room should ensure that all facilities are appropriately separated, allowing guests to relax without compromising on privacy.

Books for Display Only: A Curious Hotel Policy

At a Hilton hotel, you come across a sign warning that the books are not complimentary and are not to be taken. This suggests that book theft had become a recurring issue, prompting the hotel to issue a stern reminder. As you browse the collection, the sign catches your eye, leaving you both amused and puzzled. It’s an unusual concept to display books that guests are not allowed to use.


This policy highlights the unexpected challenges hotels face in managing guest behavior and raises the question: why go through the trouble of displaying books if guests can’t actually enjoy them? It seems like a missed opportunity to enhance the guest experience by offering access to the books rather than just showcasing them.

“Add Your Sample Text Here”: A Personalized Touch Gone Wrong

Imagine checking into a hotel room, only to find that the artwork on the wall is marred by a glaring placeholder that reads “your sample text here.” This oversight detracts from the guest experience, making the room feel incomplete and impersonal. While the hotel’s intention to personalize the space is clear, the execution falls short, leaving guests with an unfinished impression.

Image: Reddit/DangerDonEl

This highlights the critical importance of attention to detail in creating a welcoming and memorable environment. As you stare at the incomplete artwork, it becomes evident that a simple but significant element was overlooked. Thoughtful preparation in every aspect of the room can greatly enhance guest satisfaction and contribute to a more enjoyable stay.

Not the Best Backdrop for Breakfast: A Geographical Anomaly

As you stroll through the hotel lobby, you can’t help but notice a world map that resembles the ancient landmass of Pangea, with Europe next to Australia and Alaska snuggled up to Africa. You chuckle at the thought of it being an educational relic from a bygone era.

Image: Reddit/ConerTheBarbarian

While the map adds a quirky touch to the decor, it’s not particularly useful for modern travelers trying to plan their next adventure. Realizing the map could lead to some confusing travel plans, you decide to mention the geographical oddities to the staff. Hopefully, they’ll replace it with a map that accurately reflects today’s world, ensuring future guests can better navigate their journeys.

The Pool Is Closed Forever: A Disappointing Reality

You arrive at the hotel, excited to unwind by the pool, only to discover a sign stating, “The Pool Is Closed Forever.” Instead of a refreshing swim, you’re met with an empty, fenced-off area that resembles a relic from the past. This unexpected revelation turns what should have been a relaxing amenity into a major letdown. Such a situation highlights the importance of up-to-date information about hotel facilities.

Image: Reddit/konahopper

Clearly communicating changes or closures in advance can help manage guest expectations and prevent disappointment. As you ponder alternative ways to enjoy your stay, it’s evident that transparent communication is crucial for maintaining guest satisfaction.

Vacuuming the Hotel Sidewalk: A Quirky Commitment to Cleanliness

As you step outside, you’re amused to see a hotel employee vacuuming the sidewalk. It’s an unusual sight that makes you wonder if they’ll start shampooing the asphalt next. This unexpected dedication to cleanliness is both entertaining and impressive, showcasing the hotel’s commitment to maintaining a pristine environment—even if it means employing unconventional methods.


While this might reflect the high standards of the establishment, it’s a reminder that going the extra mile can sometimes look a bit quirky. At least they’re making an effort to keep the area clean, even if their approach is a bit out of the ordinary.

He Paid Extra for a “Courtyard View”

Eager to enjoy the gym you upgraded for, you head to the hotel fitness center, expecting a spacious area based on the online photos. Instead, you find yourself in a closet-sized room with just a few machines, the illusion of space cleverly created by mirrors. You can’t help but laugh at how you fell for this classic trick, feeling like you’ve entered a funhouse rather than a proper gym.

Image: Reddit/Tudar87

While it’s a letdown compared to what you were promised, you decide to make the best of it, appreciating the empty room as a small silver lining. Despite its deceptive appearance, it’s better than having no workout equipment at all.

Improper Grammar on the Signs: A Language Lesson Gone Wrong

As you navigate through the hotel, you encounter various signs with glaring grammatical errors. Instead of clear instructions, you’re met with phrases like “Please use the elevator if stairs are not used,” or “No food are allowed in the pool area.” These language mishaps not only confuse but also detract from the hotel’s professionalism.

Image: Reddit/Lugozi

While it might provide some unintentional amusement, improper grammar on signage highlights the importance of clear communication. Properly edited and well-written signs are crucial for ensuring guests understand hotel policies and feel confident in their stay.

Interesting Carpet Design: A Visual Delight or Distraction?

You step into the hotel elevator, only to find it so cramped that it barely fits two people. You can’t help but laugh nervously, picturing the chaos during peak times or events. It feels like a sardine can on a string, and the tight quarters make you start to panic, leading you to consider taking the stairs instead.

Image: Reddit/mshelbym

While the tiny elevator is amusing in its impracticality, it underscores the importance of thoughtful design for guest comfort. Large events and minuscule elevators don’t mix well, and this hotel might want to rethink their vertical transport options to better accommodate their guests.

The Toilet Paper That’s Just Out of Reach

You sit down on the toilet, only to realize the toilet paper holder is placed so far away you’d need an arm extension like Mister Fantastic to grab it. You can’t help but laugh at the absurdity, feeling like you’ve accidentally joined a strange endurance test.

Image: Reddit/squeezemegently

As you awkwardly stretch and strain to reach the roll, you start to wish the designer had put a bit more thought into the layout. In the future, a quick glance at the bathroom setup before taking a seat could save you from this inconvenient and slightly ridiculous stretch.

Bathroom Flooded: An Unplanned Water Feature

You enter the bathroom, eager for a soothing shower, only to be greeted by a flooded floor. Water pools everywhere, and scattered towels hint at a drainage issue that’s turned your relaxing moment into a slippery hazard. You can’t help but laugh at the irony of a design intended for convenience now posing an unexpected obstacle course.

Image: Reddit/mountaintop123

While the bathroom’s accessibility features are commendable, proper drainage would have made a big difference. It’s a reminder that accessible design doesn’t have to come at the cost of functionality—keeping things dry would have made for a much more pleasant stay.

The Most Expensive Parking Ticket

Imagine this: you pull into your hotel’s parking lot, only to discover a parking ticket on your car dated back to the ’90s. “Your car has been parked here since 1996,” it reads, demanding a jaw-dropping fee. You chuckle at the absurdity, picturing your vehicle as a time-traveling relic. What starts as a shock gradually turns into an amusing story.

Image: Reddit/cincodenada

You can only hope the hotel acknowledges the mix-up and corrects the error. While it’s a tale you’ll share for years, it also serves as a reminder for hotels to keep their parking policies current and avoid hitting guests with charges that are practically historic.

What a Delightful Surprise

You request salt and pepper shakers from room service, expecting a straightforward delivery. Instead, you’re handed a tray with the shakers still wrapped in their original packaging. You can’t help but laugh, imagining the staff’s reasoning: “Let’s make unboxing part of the experience!”

Image: Reddit/Mog-Player

As you struggle with the tiny packets inside, you appreciate the effort, even if it feels a bit unnecessary. While they technically delivered what you asked for, the extra step of packaging seems like a peculiar choice. It’s a reminder that sometimes, simple requests don’t need extra flair.