Throughout the span of time, twins have never failed to entice a different kind of spotlight to us. Being in a rare occasion of receiving not only a child but two children at once. In many cultures, people have seen having twins as being lucky. Imagine having twins and grasping, not only in your eyes, that they are the world’s most beautiful twins ?
Encompassing to over 500,000 followers on the social media platform, Instagram, identical twins Ava Marie and Leah Rose are now noted as the world’s “Most Beautiful Twins”. Let’s follow the beautiful journey of how these two 9 year-olds manage to be the sweethearts of the Insta-world.
1. Double The Giggles, Double The Grins

Leah Rose and Ava Marie were the names that were given to the twin girls who were born on July 7th of 2010. It was inarguable how The Clements believed their new additions to the family were the most beautiful beings they have ever rested their eyes upon, to them, it was as if they were struct by cupid’s arrow.
2. The most beautiful babies

Leah and Ava had amazingly proportionate features, they were exactly what Jaqi have dreamed her twins to look like. She can’t help the feeling of being flattered and blessed to have such a beautiful set of twin girls. The family would have never expected what they had in line.
3. Catching Eyes

Receiving multiple compliments on the girls’ identical facial features from family members, friends and even strangers, The Clements realized that there was something particularly unique about the twins, but they could not quite put their hands on what it exactly was. As Leah and Ava grew from babies to toddlers, the amount of compliments and comments seem to only pour on more and more.
4. Little Models

Jaqi already did know that her girls were pretty, and that hey enjoyed posing in front of the camera. However, it was only when relatives and complete strangers were continuously pressuring Jaqi to have Leah and Ava signed to modeling agencies. This only resulted to Jaqi feeling repulsed by all the attention that the twins have received.
5. Taking Control

Feeling reassured that her precious girls are what she thought they are, Jaqi decided to take matters into her own hands. After all, every mother will always see their child as the best amongst all and almost the very definition of perfection. Jaqi knew that Leah and Ava were almost naturals when it comes to posing for the cameras.
6. Make the Decision

And even if the girls were not posing, the pictures that were snapped proved that they are definitely photogenic. Despite the specks of hesitation she and her husband were having, Jaqi came to the decision to sign her half a year-old daughters to a modeling agency. Read more.
7. On Second Thought

Despite the specks of hesitation she had, Jaqi came to the decision to sign her half a year old daughters to a modeling agency. After signing her two daughters up to modeling agencies, Jaqi came to realization that she had too much on her plate. She is a mother of a two year old boy and two toddlers, she was already having difficulties managing them on her own.
8. Remaining “normal” children

Jaqi also became aware of the fact that the girls were too young to be committed to modeling, this advanced to her cancelling the contracts from the modeling agency as she only wanted her young daughters to have an ordinary and healthy life while they had the chance to do so. And an ordinary life was what they had until the girls got a little older.
9. Parenting 101

Kevin and Jaqi definitely knew that they would have to bring the subject of modeling as a choice to their young daughters when they are older and when time is right. Jaqi came to the decision to include her daughter’s thoughts into her parenting. Have a look at the next photo of the two of them.
10. Some Time to Relax

She wanted to make sure that her children were comfortable with whatever they were doing that includes their interests and hobbies, Jaqi wanted to be an active mother who ensures that her children did not feel forced against their own will. Little did they know, Kevin and Jaqi would only be speechless at their children’s decisions in the near future.
11. Seven’s The Charm

July 7, 2017 was the date when Leah and Ava turned 7. Jaqi believed that the number 7 is an extremely lucky number. Feeling super anxious and excited at the same time, Jaqi seizes this opportunity to pop the big question to her daughters. Jaqi was confident with her step as she noticed that her little girls enjoyed the attention that they were showered with.
12. Born to be Performers

Leah and Ava would perform dances in front of anyone, winning the hearts of the little crowd that they have managed to attract, this includes relatives, friends and even their neighbors and strangers. And when asked the question on the girls’ birthday, The Clements were stunned by the answer.
13. A Wise Choice

Although the twins were being total naturals when it comes to their time in front of the camera lenses and spotlights, it was quoted from Jaqi’s blog; theclementtwins.com, that “I was not surprised at all when they started jumping up and down and couldn’t wait to begin,”. Read more about that.
14. Children in the Spotlight

Despite knowing that her girls were embracing the spotlight given to them in the start of their modeling careers, Jaqi knew that the modeling world could be very treacherous for girls at such a young age. And after planning to take the journey slowly, the situation only escalated faster than they could have imagined.
15. A Small Start

Jaqi planned to take baby steps into the modeling world for her girls. And when a next door neighbor needed a couple of kids to model for her new pop up children’s clothing boutique in her garage, Jaqi saw that it was just the perfect opportunity for Leah and Ava.
16. Can’t wait to start

The girls were ecstatic of their debut in this little modeling opportunity. They would be able to get comfortable modeling in many different outfits and accessories as an introduction of how the world of modeling would look like. So with little makeup and curls, the girls shot their first set with a 10-year-old Nikon.
17. Photo-gene-ic

During the process of the photo shoot, it was obvious that the girls were inexperienced as they would suddenly zone out or break into little fights between themselves. But due to the twins’ confidence and their comfort in front of the camera, the results of the shoot were very delightful.
18. An immediate Success

Their first shoot was a success, the pictures were used for their neighbor’s boutique and were decided to be decent enough to be used as portfolio photos that could be used to show to a handful of modeling agencies in hopes that they would attract their interests. But it was this one move Jaqi did that boosted the girls’ modeling careers.
19. Double Tap To Like

It was almost accidental. Jaqi was only messing around when she created “clementstwins’ account on social media platform Instagram in July 2017, using the picture above as the first Instagram post. It was only a thought of how she could use social media to act as an online portfolio for modeling agencies to easily view, and a little fan base would aid in her daughters’ modeling careers too.
After posting the photos from the earlier shoot, Jaqi was stunned at how much attention the account received overnight. Her daughters were now Instagram stars, resulting in agencies pouring in her email.
20. Insta Life

Peaking to 1,000 followers on Instagram in just a little over two months that quickly escalated to 3,000 followers which resulted to the famous LillyKPhotography, the internationally acclaimed headshot and fashion photographer Isa Battaglin, to offer headshots of the girls. This was perfect as Jaqi would have more photographs to add on to her daughters’ collection on the soon to be “celebgrams” social media platform.
21. A Brilliant Start

And without a doubt the headshots were received with open arms of the twins’ fans, allowing the digits of their followings to hit 25,000 in less than a week. Jaqi was dumbfounded at the results, she had never expected the outcome to be so vast. Little did she know, girls’ Instagram career had only just begun.
22. Mastering The “Gram”

People would go out of their way to make sure that their Instagram page would look appealing. After all, it’s like having your life shown in pictures and everyone would want it to give off a good impression to the viewers. But when Jaqi was running short of photos to post on Leah and Ava’s Instagram account, she decided to post photos of the girls individually.
23. Fans of the Twins

This was when Jaqi observed that the followers were more inclined in seeing photos of the girls together rather than them alone. So, photos of the girls together were posted more and more just as their fan base flourished. The girls also enjoyed posing for the camera together the most.
24. Twice As Nice

Before Jaqi came to the conclusion of signing the girls up to DreamRay Model & Talent in Orange County and the LA-based agency: Zuri Model & Talent, she stated that there was something that had her feeling very uneasy after consulting with multiple modeling agencies.
What made Jaqi feel annoyed was that she was not fond of her daughters being identified as “the twins” by the agencies. She wrote on the blog ” I have a tough time referring to them as ‘the twins’ because although they are alike in a lot of ways they are so different in others,”
25. All The Small Things

In the beginning, the idea of being signed to two different modeling agencies seemed alright until the situation started to get a little out of hand. When an agent from one of the modeling agencies came forward with the offer of a “Barbie” audition, Leah and Ava were already swamped with a bunch of other auditions that the other agency had offered only days before including the same “Barbie” audition
. Jaqi was then forced to cancel auditions from one of the agencies that clashed with other auditions. She started to worry if the agencies were going to cut her daughter’s contract on short notice because of that very reason.
26. Tighten Loose Ends

Honesty is the best policy. And that was exactly what Jaqi did. She called the agencies and explained to them about the mix-up and surely enough everything was settled. Jaqi made sure to stand by her ethics, and that is if either or even both of the agencies decided to drop her daughters’ contracts, then they would not be the right agency for her girls.
27. Modeling is a Family Matter

This only brought more gigs coming towards Leah and Ava’s way, proving that their mother is truly a great manager for them. It was no surprise when another member of the family decided to take up on the modeling world as well. After all, modeling seems to be a family matter at the Clements’.
28. Cutting to the Chase

Adding to the family’s talented twins, is Leah and Ava’s older brother Chase. Subsequently, bearing an existing commercial acting skills, Chase came to his parents with the same wish of diving into the modeling industry just like his younger sisters did not too long ago. Jaqi was thrilled to have received such news and proceeded to manage her son’s career as well.
29. Chase Enters the Game

She created another Instagram account for him, Cut2thischase, which instantly had a steady number of 11.8K followers. The Clements now have a trio of talented little ones and were extremely proud of it. We are now left to wonder if talent simply runs in the family’s bloodline. Read more.
30. It’s In The Genes

Kevin and Jaqi has always been that couple who promote a happy and healthy lifestyle even after with the newcomers added to their little family. The Clements’ lifestyle was full of sports and activities, they wanted to make sure that the kids are aware that they have the freedom to pick and choose whatever they are comfortable with.
31. A happy family life

This also provided the kids another form of activity besides their already busy and back to back modeling career. Kevin and Jaqi believed in life after work, especially when it comes to their children’s career. They wanted to make sure that their kids have time to lead an ordinary life off the camera sets as a happy family.
32. Boys Will Be Boys

Like father like son, Kevin and Chase shared similar interests in sports. But when it comes to football, the boys would never miss out on any matches be it them being on the field or watching it from their seats. Kevin knew that in order to have a lasting and strong father and son relationship, he would have to be an understanding parent and compromise as a father.
Kevin himself is a health and fitness enthusiast so naturally, he would try to incorporate that to his activities with his son but he made sure to never force it so that Chase was give the wide array of options that was introduced by Kevin.
33. Girl Time

Girls want to have fun too! While the boys are out, Jaqi and the girls do not miss out on some quality time too. Now that Jaqi have Leah and Ava, she would not be going to pedicures and shopping alone. Lucky for Jaqi, her two little princesses enjoy the girly activities as much as she does.
34. A Double Role

A mother and manager, Jaqi knows how suffocating the modeling industry can be especially for young kids. Jaqi made sure the girls are given time to let loose and she also knew that she could not shield her kids from negative feedback or influence so the best she could do was to create awareness.
35. Standing Her Ground

Although Jaqi is always active behind the scenes of her daughters’ career, she is also seen poising with her daughters from time to time. As both a mother and a manager for her daughters, she had made it clear that she is the boss. Jaqi is settled on the idea of allowing her daughters full control of their own careers when the time is right and when they are much older.
She was determined to raise her now famous children in a happy and healthy environment within or off the camera sets. Jaqi did not want many of the negative responses from the “haters” to pose a bad effect to her young kids.
36. Haters Will Hate

Jaqi learned that she had to somehow address the negative comments that were thrown at her and her family. It was their very own blog that gave her the opportunity to put her thoughts into words. It was ridiculous how there are an amount of people that were criticizing her without even knowing the basic background or story of how the girls came to be.
37. A chosen career

She knew that, though she thought it was unnecessary, she had to remind the viewers, fans or haters that the girls are happy with the career path they had chosen at a young age and that they continue living a happy and ordinary childhood just like any other children at their age.
38. “Terrible Parents”

There will always be two sides to everything. When there is a positive, there will be a negative too. But Jaqi thought it was just too outlandish when she came across multiple comments presuming that her Leah and Ava looked “unhappy” or “sad” in their professional model photos. It is not a huge secret that models have to put a face on when they are on sets posing for cameras, similarly to actors. Be it smiling or wearing no emotions at all, it is simply part of the job.
And once again Jaqi wrote on the Clements’ blog confirming that her daughters are just doing their part as models and that they are happy in what they were doing.
39. Happy, Healthy Children

The Clements have certainly gone through quite the journey with many of its ups and downs. The Clements’ blog provided the family a platform to conform little updates of their lives on and off the sets. Although there are many people accusing Kevin and Jaqi for hindering their kids from living an ordinary childhood, the Clements know that their children are happy even with their early careers.
Jaqi frequently post blogs addressing the “issues” of her kids, and reaffirming that her children chose modeling and she is doing whatever she can as a parent to support her children’s dreams and passions.
40. The Unstoppable Stars

After gaining the unexpected boost with the social media platform Instagram of their clemetstwins profile that as of recently amounted to 1.4 million followers, Leah and Ava has a blog that recorded their wonderful journey from the very beginning. It almost seemed like a funny topic a decade ago when Jaqi was still pregnant with her now famous twin daughters that they would be such a sensation worldwide.
Leah and Ava’s blog that was created by Jaqi, is used to share most of their lives on and off the camera sets. There is no such thing as a perfect life, and that was exactly Jaqi shared because even diamonds are created under pressure.