
The Pregnant Beggar and her Secrets

When thinking of sunny San Diego, California, a number of things come to mind. Wealthy people, sandy beaches, national parks, and of course Hollywood! Such the glamorous life imagined. What doesn’t come to mind, is the high number of homelessness that spreads throughout the icon of this coastal state.

1. Great City

An eyesore in this great city, and growing by the day, there seems to be no help or even effort to bring these numbers down and to get these people the help they need. Instead, they become a permanent fixture on the streets and in the neighborhoods of the city.

2. Wanting to help

One woman, wanting to help and pay her fortunateness forward, took sympathy on a young pregnant beggar, but held an uncertain feeling every time she came close to giving this young woman aide. There was just something about the situation that made Melissa Smith, a San Diegan local woman, uneasy.

3. The Young Beggar

Melissa Smith would go to the same little shopping center for groceries, boutiques, and just for general errands. It was in her neighborhood, and convenient, as all the same people occupied these shops. But one person in particular, was so consistent, that she became an overlooked piece of the neighborhood.

4. Something is off

Melissa had seen her before, several times in fact, and had wanted to help, but she would help shake the feeling that something was off. This person wasn’t like the others, standing in the lot with her little sign, Melissa found herself wanting to know more about the young woman.

5. New in Town

A young woman, so very pregnant and with a small boy, occupied the parking lot of this high trafficked shopping center. With her little sign written in basic black marker, resting on her swollen belly, this young woman was unaware that she had caught the attention of this neighborhood regular.

6. A good strategy

She seemed to know a little about the art of panhandling, as if she knew exactly what to do to gain the most sympathy and what would help collect the most money. She seemed to know the perfect place, time, and people to help her with her intake of cash.

7. Down on her Luck

Melissa had started noticing this young woman outside the grocery store, asking for handouts, spare change, whatever anyone could offer. She seemed to have gained sympathy from all those who came in and out of the store, however, Melissa wondered if there was more to the woman that meets the eye.

8. A second person

She had seen this young woman every time she went to the shopping center but noticed that a few times, there was a man with her. Melissa had assumed that it was the young woman’s boyfriend or husband, looking after her as she tried to provide for her growing family.

9. Becoming a Fixture

She definitely looked the part. She was dressed in dirty, tattered clothes, usually with the young boy, who Melissa assumed was her son. Both looked malnourished and like they hadn’t taken a bath in a week. Even through this misfortune, she became a routine face to the locals in the around.

10. She has gone missing

It was on that fateful day that Melissa had stopped at the shopping center to fill up her car with gas, when she noticed that the young woman, who had become a fixture in the parking lot, was missing. Concerned, she glanced around to try and locate the young family.

11. The Mystery Man

Melissa caught sight of the young mother and child sitting on the side of the building, in the shade. She seemed to be looking for someone, and Melissa was relieved to see that she was being safe and taking a rest. But the next thing that happened sparked Melissa’s interest!

12. A mysterious car

From behind the building, a car appears. Not just any car, but a very nice, shiny, brand-new Mercedes car! Melissa watched in confusion as the woman and the young boy climb in without hesitation. Melissa was shocked as the driver, who looked very familiar, sped off through the parking lot.

13. Something wasn’t right

Melissa watched as the brand-new Mercedes-Benz sped off through the parking lot! As it zoomed by, she could see that it was quite an expensive model, with high quality leather seats! Nothing about this situation made sense to Melissa, so she made a courageous decision and decided to investigate and find the truth.

14. Tailing the car

She got back in her car and followed the high-end vehicle, hoping to pick up some clues along the way about what was happening with this young woman and child. As she pulled up beside them, she noticed that they all seemed to be laughing and enjoying themselves a little too much.

15. Lost in all the confusion

Melissa saw that the driver was none other than the man who had accompanied the woman sporadically, outside the grocery store begging. Why would a family that had to panhandle to support themselves be driving a luxury Mercedes-Benz? And why did they all look so comfortable and carefree so suddenly?

16. Gathering evidence

Becoming suspicious, Melissa continued following the car and was surprised when she saw it turn into another shopping mall just a few miles from where it had picked up the woman. Her suspicions growing stronger, Melissa pulled out her phone and began recording, making sure not to miss a thing!

17. The same technique

The Mercedes came to a stop in a new shopping center parking lot and Melissa watched as the pregnant mother and small child climbed out of the vehicle and posted up on the wall, holding the cardboard sign. Becoming angry, Melissa then realized the whole thing was simply a rue.

18. Caught in the Act

After a few minutes, the young woman realized that Melissa had been watching her, and when she saw the phone, she became angry and started screaming at Melissa. She threw rocks and grabbed the boy, trying to run, but Melissa would not let this woman get away with her deceit.

19. Becoming Wise

All the commotion had caught the attention of a passerby who was concerned for the pregnant woman as well as for the well-being of the child and called the cops. The young mother was in such a panic she left on foot with the boy, but Melissa was very determined.

20. Inform people

Melissa had taken a number of pictures and videos of the incident and she had decided to make sure that she did everything she could to try and stop this woman from scamming people in her neighborhood. She took all the pictures and videos and posted them across social media.

21. Hot on their Trail

After discovering that this young woman was taking advantage of the people in her neighborhood, Melissa posted the story online. She made sure to include all pictures and videos she had taken and even went as far as contacting the local news stations. The reporters swarmed like starving piranhas and all contacted her.

22. Drawing media’s attention

The story made top news for a while and reporters even took the photos and videos and started their own investigation into this story. One was able to get a license plate number off of the vehicle and traced it back to a registration for a female, but no address.

23. Another Surprise

Melissa had given the reporters everything they needed in order to make a case for this story. Eventually there was a break and a journalist located and followed the young beggar back to a luxury apartment complex. One by one, reporters went to the apartment attempting to question the woman.

24. Something doesn’t add up

The luxury apartments in which the woman had been traced back to held very high-end prices, up to $2,500 a month. How was the young woman affording to live such a lavish lifestyle if she was being forced to beg in the middle of a shopping center parking lot?

25. Slipping through the Cracks

Journalists thought they had backed the little family into a corner and had their story, but in the dead of night, the small family had packed up and moved out of the complex. Within days, a new tenant had moved into the unit, and the journalists had lost their lead.

26. The Trail goes cold

After this loss, the trail went cold and the questions circled back to Melissa. She received emails, phone calls, messages on her social media, asking to provide more information about what she had witnessed, but she had already given them everything. All she could do was post her story again.

27. The Chase is On

After a while of no acceleration in the case, people began to get discouraged. It seemed the young scammer and her child had disappeared, until someone posted another sighting of the young woman on Melissa’s Facebook page! It seems the young woman had moved on to yet another shopping center.

28. Journalist steps in

This new information caught the eye of Investigative Journalist Emily Vasquez, who had been following the story since it’s first release by Melissa Smith. Vasquez grabbed her crew and headed down to the shopping center that the young beggar was said to be seen in. She had finally found her!

29. A New Discovery

As Vasquez moved forward to start asking questions, she noticed that the young woman was no longer pregnant, but was in fact holding a small newborn in her arms. She began backing away and saying she didn’t speak English, and to Vasquez’s surprise, the young woman didn’t speak Spanish either.

30. Answers from the husband

What Vasquez didn’t prepare for was just around the corner from where they stood. She had forgotten all about the woman’s husband! When he appeared, she made sure the cameras were still rolling but turned her questions to him, hoping to get an answer. He spoke to Vasquez in Spanish.

31. Yet another Secret?!

The man spoke to Vasquez in Spanish, claiming he didn’t know what she was talking about and didn’t know where she was getting this information, but when he spoke to the young woman, he spoke an unrecognizable language. Then without another word, the young couple went off into the night.

32. Help from a detective

Vasquez and her team went back to the studio for some research, as they had filmed the whole encounter; but not making any progress, Vazquez did the only thing she could think of, she called in for reinforcements, a retired detective from organized crimes! Vasquez had called in Leslie Albright.

33. Down into the Hole

Albright had worked for the Organized Crime Division for over 25 years before retiring, and she had background information on all the different types of cons they ran and the lifestyles they lived. At least Melissa had been right about one thing, this apparent “family” definitely had something to hide.

34. Finding some information

Albright confirmed the language the man spoke as “Romani”, a common language most known to be used by gypsies. They travel in groups and are known to be professional scam artists. Usually entering the US illegally, they tend to move around a lot, so it’s almost impossible to catch them.

35. Voluntary Captivity

Gypsies are usually related but also work as co-workers in the modern world. The women in this culture are forced to take the role of a victim in need of help from those outside their culture. Pregnancy captures the sympathies of others, causing the daily income to be around $500.

36. Using people’s generosity

The women in this culture may not even be related to anyone in the high groups, they may just be desperate souls in feed of food and shelter, so they take on this type of role as payment for what they are given. Those with children are exploited for money.

37. The only life they have known

For the children who are born into this life, they are not permitted to attend school, or have contact with any outside children. They are taught to trade and con very early on and once mastered, are sent out to work. For many, this is the only life they know.

38. The Need to Survive

The children go into the world as a con artist, stripped of options or choices regarding themselves. They prey on others who can be taught the skills, and learn to collect as much money as they can a day in order to be able to survive in this underground family.

39. The Underground Life

One Reddit user risked his life making a post and providing information on this culture before completely going off the grid. After speaking with authorities and reporters, he stated that he had begun to receive threatening phone calls and death threats. He provided enough information to keep the investigation going.

40. Disappeared again

Before disappeared, the informant labelled the group of con artists, the “BMW Scammers”, because of their desire to live the glamorous life, regardless of how they obtained the money for it. Even with this information, authorities are still working to bring this entire crime ring to justice. That’s the story about the secret beggar.