Many people forget to pack anything when traveling, but they also forget that there are places where you can save a lot of money on small things you need at the airport. If you follow these budget-friendly tips and tricks, saving money at the airport will be easier.
Whether it is your first time flying or your hundredth time, airports are always packed with people who have to carry their belongings around and make use of precious minutes as quickly as possible in order to reach their destination. It means that even though we don’t need much stuff when we travel, most people still end up overpacking.
If you have the time, walking around the airport will help you save a lot of money. Airport stores are notorious for overcharging travelers, so walking and exploring is an excellent ways to avoid these issues. If you need something right away, sometimes it is better to walk up to an airline counter and purchase your items there if they are cheaper or have a coupon available. Sometimes airlines offer special discounts that you can use at specific stores within their terminal.
If you want to save money on your luggage, staying in range of your destination is a good idea. If you are flying to a place near the airport, staying close will help you avoid extra costs for living/parking and sometimes even for transportation.
One of the best ways to save money at the airport is to buy a seat that’s in a different row than your destination. Airlines are notorious for making people upgrade to a better seat or buy special seats (like extra legroom) to get their cash, so buying last minute is almost always cheaper than upgrading. Plan out where you will store your things before you leave your house. If you time it correctly and make good use of space, there will be no need to take stuff with you because your belongings can just fit in the overhead compartments without much hassle. There are generally two types of luggage that most people have: carry-on and checked baggage.
1. Explore

You will have to take several trips to and from your car, your terminal, and your gate when you are at the airport. These trips are great chances for extra exercise; it is a good idea to combine getting in shape with saving money. If you have time before your flight, walk around the airport and explore.
You can check out some stores you usually wouldn’t visit or appreciate the airport architecture. Explore all terminals if you get bored so that early next time you can remember which terminal has which stores or restaurants you like.
2. Buy Your Seat

Airlines are notorious for making people upgrade to a better seat or buy special seats (like extra legroom) to get their cash, so buying last minute is almost always cheaper than upgrading. If you know the airline you will be riding, find out their prices for different seats and save yourself the headache of upgrading.
Click on the airline’s website to see which seats cost more than others. If you want extra legroom or are just not a fan of sitting near strangers, buy your heart ahead of time to save yourself the money airlines like to charge last minute.
3. Plan Your Bags

If you time it correctly and make good use of space, there will be no need to take stuff with you because your belongings can just fit in the overhead compartments without much hassle. When planning your bags, it is a good idea to pack them as tightly as possible to maximize the space you have. Check out luggage tips for a more detailed guide.
It will also help if you pack lightly and need to buy an extra bag later on at the airport store because there are many stores outside of the terminal that sell cheaper luggage pieces than airline stores or inside of them. You can also check out lightweight travel bags if packing light is essential.
4. Buy In-Range

If you are flying to a place near the airport, staying close will help you avoid extra costs for living/parking and sometimes even for transportation. If you are giving regular rides to your family or friends, parking your car and letting them use it is an excellent way to save money at the airport.
If you do not have enough seating space on the flight, try getting onto another airline that has more room or ask an airline employee if they can get you a better ticket.
Some airlines will let their employees take jackets onto planes just like police officers do because they need them to stay warm while they patrol an airport during their shifts. If you need the coat, ask an airline employee to carry your jacket and put it on your seat when you board. If you can’t find any store that sells an airline uniform, you can use logos to help you get better deals.
5. Go to the Airport Store First

Sometimes airlines offer special discounts that you can use at specific stores within their terminal. The best places to look for these discounts are in stores like the airline’s store or other outlets of the same company.
You can usually find coupons and promotions on their website, but sometimes they won’t be as helpful (or they will be hard to find) since many companies try to hide them from you.
If you want to save money on your luggage, staying in range of your destination is a good idea. If you are flying to a place near the airport, staying close will help you avoid extra costs for living/parking and sometimes even for transportation.
6. Fly Less

If you are flying to a place near the airport, staying close will help you avoid extra costs for living/parking and sometimes even for transportation. If you can’t afford to fly or have special medical needs, then a bus or train may be the best option.
You can also try renting a car and finding the closest airport with an hourly shuttle. If this is not possible, then try using a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft.
7. Go Through Security

If you have time before your flight, walk around the airport and explore. You can check out some stores you usually wouldn’t visit or appreciate the airport architecture. Explore all terminals if you get bored so that early next time you can remember which terminal has which stores or restaurants you like.
When waiting to board the plane, try getting a seat as close to your destination as possible so that when you land, there is not much walking needed to pick up your bags and go home.
8. Consider the Extras

Extra bags can cost quite a bit of money, so it is always a good idea to check out the options of luggage purchases that you can get online. Many websites sell cheap luggage, including famous warehouse stores and Amazon, but a good discount chain store like Costco cannot beat these prices.
The only downside is that you have to buy these pieces separately and hope they fit in your car with all your other items. Some extra bags include:
9. Don’t Buy Bottled Water

Instead of buying bottled water at the airport, bring a reusable water bottle you can fill up once you get through security. If you are worried about carrying an entire bottle all day, bring a smaller one, so you can refill as many times as possible. You should be able to find drinking fountains everywhere, and sometimes even water bottles will have built-in filters if they were made recently enough.
Water bottles are much more cost-effective than buying drinks and food at the airport, but if that will help calm your nerves for the flight ahead, go ahead and buy it in bulk.
10. Get Meal Discounts

If you want to save money on meals, try checking out the airport stores and see if they have some excellent deals. If you are having difficulty finding them, ask an airline employee or watch out for signs posted by dining areas. These discounts usually help with free food and can save you a lot of money because you can buy several meals at once.
It does not make sense for everyone, though, because it takes more time than just buying a meal at your destination. Think about what helps you relax and then fill up on it so that when you arrive, your mind is put at ease before the trip begins.
11. Figure Out Your Plane’s Time Zone

If you are being driven somewhere, you can ask for an early check-in time to get the best seats possible for your flight. Sometimes the airline employees may rush through it to get to their next flight, but if you are willing to wait, a trip agent can help you with the typical airline time zones.
Also, check out some travel blogs about time zones because this is a handy tip many people don’t know about. Check out some travel blogs about time zones because this is a handy tip many people don’t know about.
12. Get to the Airport Early

If you are flying alone, do not pay for an extra seat to get more leg room or a special package. Instead, find someone who has the same flight as you or is going to the same place and can split the cost. You can save much money and get extra leg space on your flight.
If it’s going to be difficult for you to get to the airport early, try using public transit instead of driving to save money on gas too. It could be a way to travel worldwide on a budget–ensure that your destination is near the airport.
13. Have Your Carry-On Ready

If you know you will be delayed or have a lengthy layover, it can sometimes be better to find out what time your flight departs and then get there before it does so that you don’t have to pay for an extra seat or meal. Then when it comes time for boarding, leave everything in the checked baggage and go through security as usual and then take one of the airline’s shuttles back to where you need to go after that. This way, you can save money whether there are delays or not and avoid extra fees.
Also, having your carry-on ready helps because you don’t have to fumble around with your bags when it comes time to board and can quickly get on the plane after getting in line.
14. Get an Early-Arrival Discount

Suppose you know that you will have a long layover. In that case, it is always a good idea to find out about the airport’s airline alliance and if they are part of any alliance, then ask where they are flying to and any extra fees that may be required to avoid additional costs.
If they are not part of an alliance or you do not have one already, check out your local airports because they might also offer an early-arrival discount. It can help save money quite a bit on that flight because it could be free if you are getting there early enough.
15. Scout for Coupons

If you know your nearest warehouse store, try shopping there for cheap luggage options, as mentioned above. If necessary, you could also look online for coupons before going to your destination so that you don’t accidentally waste money by buying too much just because it was cheap.
It is a great way to save money and ensure that your bags will fit in the overhead bins of your plane, even if it is not an airline alliance. It works exceptionally well for a big vacation at the end of the year because you can use most of it by packing it into suitcases already made at home.
16. Don’t Pack Your Luggage In Your Suitcase

If you have oversized luggage and do not plan on taking extra trips, then it might be better to get some mini or small luggage instead because they will easily fit in an overhead bin as well.
This way, you can get some of those extra spaces and still enjoy your time away while on the plane. These kinds of luggage are also much more comfortable and easier to carry, so you will have an easier time moving around too.
17. Use Free Wi-Fi

If you want to save money on cellular data or enjoy Internet access on your flight, then try asking for it before boarding because most planes have free Wi-Fi that is usually available in business class.
Just ask any flight attendant or let them know ahead of time if you plan on using it outside the plane which should help calm your nerves before the trip begins. You can also try using the Wi-Fi at one of the lounges if your flight is delayed or you don’t mind waiting to get on the plane.
18. Watch Out for Price Increases

If you want a good deal while traveling, compare prices when you make a reservation so that you know what the fare will be before your trip even begins. Also, check out some travel blogs that post about price increases because this could save you from buying something and then having to pay more when it comes time for your trip.
19. Pack Your Wallets

If you are going to a foreign place with a different currency than the one you live in, pack your wallets because it is better to have more money there in case of an emergency at the airport or when you are buying something.
Also, carry some cash with you because most places do not accept purchase credit cards. Then when you get on the plane, ask for some change and then get something that is easily exchangeable in order so that you can make sure that what you are paying is actually worth it.
20. Pre-Purchase Your Parking Spot

If you know you will be going somewhere that requires a lot of driving, then it is usually best to try and pre-purchase your parking spot because many people do not like waiting in long lines at the airport.
This way, you can save time and money when it comes time for your trip. Just remember to bring extra cash for this, as most airports charge extra for exiting and entering the area.
21. Choose the Right Airport for Your Flight

If you are flying on a budget, choosing your airport wisely can be helpful because some airports charge more than others. It can also be a great way to save money because some locations might be cheaper than others.
If you do not know anything about the airport, try doing research online before your trip to get an idea of what kind of fees they may have. Then once you arrive, ask a flight attendant what fees that may apply to something and take it from there.
22. Get Some Money for Emergencies

If you forget your credit card or the airline does not have any cash machines in the airport, it is usually a good idea to have some extra cash on hand that can be used in an emergency.
It will save you from having to use or pay higher fees if something happens while you are traveling and can also help put a smile on your face when it comes time to get off the airplane after your trip.
23. Know the Codes of the Airline’s First

When buying airline tickets online, you should always know the code of the airline that you are traveling with because this can save you a lot of money.
If you do not know them, it will be much easier to learn when it comes time to board the plane because most airlines will give the code out at check-in once they are ready to board.
24. Use Airport Parking Instead

If you can’t find parking close to your flight, then it could be best to try and use airport parking as an alternative because they charge less than most other local lots and have plenty of free shuttles available if needed. If you do not want to stay in a hotel, this is the best option because it will save you money.
25. Leave Early for Security

If you want to save money on your flight, try leaving early for security so that you will not have to pay any extra fees when it comes time for your trip. Sometimes this won’t save that much money, but it could be worth something if you take an expensive or long flight with additional baggage.
26. Take Advantage of Mobile Apps

If you are in a rental car, it is best to download the mobile app for your vehicle to get an idea of how long it will be before you get to your destination. It is beneficial if you are going somewhere where you are not sure when the flight will arrive or if there might be some traffic on the way.
27. Ask About Frequent Flyer Services

A lot of airlines offer frequent flyer services that can really save people money when they are traveling. If you are not a member, try asking about an upgrade or see what people think about it upfront.
If you know that it will benefit you, then you can go ahead and get it, even if it means waiting in a long line for security.
28. Fly Commercially

If you have a vacation coming up and have the money to spare, it might be best to fly commercially instead of renting a car because this will save you money. It is also another great way to save money while flying because traveling by air won’t require any tolls or stops along the way either.
29. Buy Insurance for Your Trip

If you are a responsible traveler, buying insurance for your trip could be worth it. Some insurance companies will give you a discount on your flight if you use them and make sure that your luggage arrives with you too.
If you have never used one of these before, try asking about them ahead of time to ensure this is something that will work for everyone.
30. Use the Airport Lounge

If you are a member of an airline program, it may be worth it to use the airport lounge because you will be able to save money and other amenities that may not be available on your flight.
It can also be great for people traveling on a budget who need a quiet place to relax or refresh themselves before they board their flight.
31. Go With Your Fears

If there is an airline that you do not like to fly with, then try going with your fears instead because you might find that this can save you a lot of money in the long run. It is especially true if you are worried about not getting to your destination and paying for a second flight.
If you are going somewhere too far for them to be able to pick you up, then this could be another option for you that might save you money if all works out.
32. Avoid Hidden Fees

If there are hidden fees on your ticket, then it is usually best to drop the price of the key because this will save you from extra costs because they will most likely find out that you cannot afford it after the fact and will try and sell it again at a higher price.
If you do not want to deal with the hassle of haggling with a flight attendant and waiting until all of your luggage is on board, then this can be a good option.
33. Explore Other Options

If you need airfare, it might be best to explore other options because there are plenty to choose from, not just the airlines. You can also consider military discounts and credit card rewards, which can help you save a lot of money.
34. Try Traveling Off Season

If you want to save money when it comes to airfare, then try traveling off-season. It can be a great way to save money because some airlines will try and get rid of their extra seats at a lower price so that they can fill them with more people when it is busier.
It is beneficial if you are going somewhere where there are only certain times that flights run or if you need something that does not compete with other traveling public.
35. Check the Weather

If you are trying to find the lowest price for your flight and do not have access to a lot of information, then it is best to check out the Weather for your route in advance so that you can make sure there is enough time before you need to check in that you can get everything done with plenty of time.
It will help reduce the chance of having to pay an extra fee because they will be able to delay your flight if they see that there could be a problem ahead. You should also check their website so that you know what their cancellation policies are if something happens with the Weather, which could save you significant amounts of money if it came down to that.
36. Check Multiple Websites

If you are looking for the best deal on your ticket, then it is best to check multiple websites instead of just the airline’s website to compare the prices.
It is also an excellent way to rule out any discrepancies since some sites will show different prices depending on where you are in the world or what is happening at that time of year.
37. Book Your Seat Early

If you want to save money when booking your seat, it is best to book early instead of waiting until the last minute because this can save you a lot of money.
Some airlines also allow people to book up to a year in advance, which can save you even more money because this is a chance for them to sell their unused seats at a lower price.
38. Check the Route with Flight Tracker

If you have never used any flight tracking websites before, then it might be worth checking out one so that you can get an idea of what the flight will look like and how it will be affected by weather conditions.
These sites are usually free and can give you a lot of information on your flight to plan and ensure that everything is going to be okay.
39. Bundle Your Tickets

If you are trying to travel with more people than just yourself, it might be best to bundle tickets instead of buying them all at once because this could help you save money and get a good deal on your airfare overall.
You should also see if there are other ways you can save money with different deals or coupons, which will help this become even easier if you have the time to look around for them.
40. Compare the Actual Time

If you are going to be traveling on a discount airline, then you should look at the actual time and compare it to the time that they are telling you because there could be a big difference depending on what time zone they are telling you it is and what time zone that you live in.
This can alter the price and will help save money when it comes down to booking your ticket. It can also help you avoid conflicts with connecting flights before you reach your final destination because they will not let you board if it is too late.
An airport is usually a place of unnecessary stress, which makes saving money there seem like a very daunting task. However, saving money won’t be as stressful if you take these tips into account before going to the airport. Many people travel multiple times per year, so if someone saved $5 per trip on average, they would save over $500 per year on their travels.
The best part about this is that the savings will keep adding to each experience. If you are trying to find the cheapest airfare, then it is best to avoid crowded flights as much as possible so that they do not try to make more money. It is especially true if there is a lot of competition between airline prices, and because of this, they might be tempted to sell tickets for a higher price for people to take instead of just letting them go.