
Rare and Elusive Animals and Items Captured in Photos

It’s hard to fathom a time before the internet, where answers to virtually any question weren’t just a few clicks away. The world of unique animals and remote locations is no longer confined to stories and myths; with a quick online search, you can explore these wonders for yourself.

Image: reddit.com

Yet, some breeds and phenomena are so rare and captivating that their mere capture and online presence is remarkable. Continue scrolling to discover some of the most mesmerizing and elusive finds.

Snail with clear Housing

It’s not uncommon to come across a snail with a beautifully patterned shell, but encountering one with a completely clear, see-through shell is a different story. Someone discovered this little marvel on their door frame and shared a photo online. Whether it’s a wild snail or a pet remains unclear, though the latter seems more plausible.

Image: reddit.com

The origin of its transparent shell is also uncertain—whether it’s a natural occurrence or a result of some anomaly. Despite searching online for a similar snail in the wild, we couldn’t find another example, suggesting that this might be due to a unique mutation or condition.

A Cat With Stunning Fiery Orange Eyes

We’ve come across photos of animals with various genetic mutations, including those with different-colored eyes. However, we’ve never encountered one with eyes as bright orange as this cat’s. Someone posted this photo online, comparing the cat’s eyes to Sauron from The Lord of The Rings.

Image: reddit.com

While this kitty certainly doesn’t look as menacing as Sauron did in the movie, it does have the same striking eyes. The cat also has a somewhat orange coat of fur. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the eyes appear somewhat hazy, which adds to their unique charm. We’re not entirely sure if this is natural or the result of some mutation.

Glasswing butterfly

This animal is truly fascinating. While exploring the Amazon Rainforest, someone had a glasswing butterfly land on their hand. The name is quite fitting, as the panels on its wings are completely see-through. According to Scientific American, these transparent wings help the butterfly camouflage itself from predators.

Image: demilked.com

It’s an incredible adaptation, and we hope to witness it ourselves someday. Although it’s easy to see in this photo, if this little butterfly had its wings folded and was resting on a tree or branch, it would be nearly invisible.

Blue bees for carpenters

This photo of a blue bee is completely real. Blue bees can be found in nature in certain parts of India and Southeast Asia. Known as blue carpenter bees, they might be among the most unique insects on the planet. Their striking blue coloration is quite rare in nature and is believed to play a role in mating.

Image: reddit.com

These bees look very different from the typical black and yellow bees most of us are familiar with. While they aren’t the only type of bee with a blue coat, their fuzz is a much brighter blue than that of other similarly colored bees.

A Blind Cat with Striking Deep Blue Eyes

This little kitty is completely blind, according to the owner who posted the photo online. However, because of its condition, its eyes have turned a deep, deep blue that resembles the aurora borealis or a galaxy. This unique eye color is due to a certain type of glaucoma that causes blindness. Fortunately, it looks like this cat has a loving owner who appreciates her unique beauty and takes great care of her.

Image: reddit.com

The owner also mentioned that the cat’s name is Soren, which is a fitting name for a cat with such striking eyes. Soren’s deep blue eyes are a testament to the remarkable and diverse beauty found in nature, even in the face of adversity. Despite her blindness, Soren’s captivating eyes continue to mesmerize and inspire those who see her.

Tulips Emerging from the Snow

This is likely a rare sight. This photo shows a group of tulips peeking out from the snow. While we’re not sure where this photo was taken, it beautifully showcases the wonders of mother nature. This image was probably captured in early spring, before all the snow had melted, but it’s still striking to see the bright pops of color against the snowy backdrop.

Image: reddit.com

Tulips aren’t the only flowers that can grow in the snow; daffodils are also known to bloom before the snow has completely melted. Now, we just need to find out where this enchanting photo was taken.

A Rare All-Black Serval in the Wild

Servals are already striking creatures with their long, slender bodies and graceful faces, resembling something out of a fairytale. However, the serval in this photo is particularly special due to its melanistic coat—a term that refers to a genetic mutation resulting in an all-black appearance.

Image: reddit.com

You may have seen similar melanistic animals online, such as black leopards. In the wild, servals are native to Africa and typically sport a pattern akin to that of a cheetah, which helps them blend seamlessly into the savannah landscape.

Sand under the Microscope

Sand might initially seem plain and unremarkable, but the composition of sand can vary greatly depending on the beach you visit. Some beaches are made up of millions of tiny seashells, fragments of coral, or baby mollusks.

Image: reddit.com

This particular collection was taken from a beach in Hawaii, and as you can see, it almost appears like a glimpse into another world. It’s a striking departure from the usual image of sand. This just goes to show how incredible nature can be—sometimes, all it takes is a closer look (or in this case, a much closer look) to reveal its hidden wonders.

A completely white peacock

Peacocks are famous for their vivid, colorful feathers and intricate patterns, so you might not have considered what an albino peacock would look like. This photo, taken somewhere in Miami, showcases a rare all-white peacock with an albino mutation.

Image: 247mirror.com

The peacock looks stunning and surprisingly elegant, almost resembling a giant dandelion. It’s a striking contrast to the bright blue and green peacocks we’re used to seeing. Deciding which is more beautiful—the vibrant traditional peacock or this pristine white one—is a tough choice. Nature certainly has a way of surprising us with its wonders.

A Completely golden Honeybee

Here’s another fascinating bee spotted in nature—or at least on what appears to be someone’s car door. This is an all-gold honey bee, which likely owes its striking coloration to a genetic mutation. Typically, honey bees are more yellow with darker areas on their bodies.

Image: reddit.com

This bee is probably a cordovan honey bee, though it’s hard to say for certain. Regardless, its all-gold appearance makes it look exceptionally unique and special. Such a mutation is quite rare and not something most people encounter frequently.

Rare purple grasshopper

You’re probably accustomed to seeing animals that are either all white or all black, but what about purple? The purple and pink hues in this grasshopper are the result of a genetic mutation, which is predominantly seen in insects. Someone discovered this rare purple grasshopper in their garden and shared a photo online.

Image: reddit.com

We’re thrilled they did, as a purple insect is quite a rarity. According to sources, this coloration is due to a recessive gene, similar to albinism but much less common. So, if you happen to spot a purple or pink grasshopper in your garden, consider yourself lucky!

An Adult Blue Jay Sporting Juvenile Feathers

Growing up takes different amounts of time for everyone, and the same holds true in the animal kingdom. Someone spotted this adult blue jay and noticed it still had some of its baby feathers. While the lower part of the bird has its usual adult plumage, the top half is notably fluffy.

Image: reddit.com

This raises the question of how its remaining baby feathers might impact its ability to fly, if at all. The fact that the bird was seen walking around on the ground suggests it might have had trouble getting airborne or possibly fell from its nest.

A Horse with Curly Coat

This is certainly an intriguing photo, featuring a horse with a curly coat in all its splendor. The exact reason for their curly hair remains somewhat of a mystery, but researchers believe these horses may be an ancient breed. Evidence of horses with curly hair appears across various civilizations throughout history.

Image: reddit.com

Known commonly as the Bashkir Curly horse, these unique creatures can be found in different variations around the world. This particular horse looks absolutely adorable, and we might find it hard to resist grabbing a brush for its distinctive curls. Regardless, it’s a truly unique and fascinating animal.

A Lobster with a Blue Half

Every time a fisherman discovers a unique lobster, it grabs attention, and with good reason—such lobsters are extremely rare. The pattern seen in this lobster, estimated to occur in just 1 in every 50 million lobsters, is known as gynandromorphy. This condition not only affects the lobster’s coloration but also its sex. This particular lobster is half male and half female, with the blue side representing the female and the regular-colored side the male.

Image: reddit.com

Most, if not all, of these extraordinary lobsters end up in aquariums, where they are cared for and can live out their days in comfort, avoiding the perils of life in the wild.

A Boulder in Lake Baikal

This is a rarely observed phenomenon known as a Baikal Dzen. These rocks are found perched on the ice of Lake Baikal, and they can sometimes cause the ice beneath them to melt, creating a small pedestal or stand, as seen in this photo.

Image: reddit.com

Located in Russia, Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, reaching depths of over 5,000 feet, and is also believed to be the oldest lake on Earth. The rock in this photo appears to be perfectly balanced, highlighting yet another example of nature’s beauty and its endless surprises.

A Rainbow-Hued Sunflower

Here’s another fascinating example of nature’s diverse coloration. Someone shared this photo of a sunflower with a striking yellow and maroon hue, grown in their garden. We’re accustomed to seeing sunflowers in shades of yellow, so this variation is particularly eye-catching.

Image: Nahar A Zobayda43 / Shutterstock.com

The dark red pairs beautifully with the bright yellow, and the presence of two bees adds to the charm of the photo. Red sunflowers come in various shades, but this one is especially captivating. The contrast between the deep red and vibrant yellow makes it truly remarkable.

A Sea Slug That Photosynthesizes Like a Plant

Nature can be truly astonishing, and this sea slug is a perfect example. Its leaf-like appearance isn’t just for show—it serves a practical purpose. Remarkably, this sea slug can go up to nine months without eating because it has the ability to photosynthesize, much like a plant.

Image: reddit.com

Instead of having its own chloroplasts, it relies on the chloroplasts from the algae it consumes. This incredible adaptation highlights the extraordinary diversity of life on our planet. When food is scarce, this sea slug can literally produce its own food just like a plant.

A Massive Storm Cell

You might have seen photos of tornadoes in the American West on TV, but they rarely convey the full intensity of both the tornadoes and the storm cells that produce them. This image, captured in Wyoming, showcases a colossal storm cell that looks poised to spawn a tornado.

Image: Silverszay / Shutterstock.com

The swirling clouds create a dramatic, almost ominous appearance as if the storm is reaching down toward the ground. We’d probably snap a photo and then quickly head in the opposite direction! Nature can be incredibly beautiful, but it can also be quite intimidating at times.

A Vest Designed for Baby Evacuation

This is likely one of the most fascinating things we’ve seen. A photo shared online by someone who works at a children’s hospital shows a special baby vest used for emergencies. During their training, they learned how to use this vest, which is designed to carry and evacuate infants in the event of a disaster, such as a fire.

Image: tumblr.com

The vest is both adorable and reassuring, highlighting the thoughtful planning and preparedness for safely moving babies during emergencies. It’s a concept we hadn’t considered before, but it’s great to know that such measures are in place to ensure the safety of the littlest patients.

An Exceptionally Tiny Frog

There are several species of extremely tiny frogs, so we can’t be certain about this one’s exact type. Nevertheless, it’s an incredible sight, and we’re amazed that someone even spotted it given its minuscule size. While small frog species are rare to see due to their size, this one is particularly noteworthy.

Image: imgur.com

The presence of a penny in the photo suggests that this frog might be native to North America. Its coloration and camouflage are also fascinating; some copper-toned parts of its body seem to blend in with the penny, enhancing its camouflage.

An Albino Deer and Fawn

If encountering an albino deer is rare, spotting two together is exceptionally uncommon. This photo was taken by someone who had been camping overnight and captures an albino doe with her fawn close behind. The likelihood of this happening is estimated at around 1 in 20,000, which is quite remarkable.

Image: reddit.com

It indicates that both the mother and father carried the gene for albinism. Next on our wish list is a photo of an entire herd of all-white deer or a similar phenomenon. There are reports of such a herd in Seneca, New York, which would be truly spectacular to see.

A Bunch of Blue Java Bananas

Here’s something you don’t come across every day: blue java bananas. As their name suggests, these bananas have a unique blue hue. They not only look distinct but also offer a flavor reminiscent of vanilla and a texture similar to ice cream.

Image: reddit.com

If you’re eager to try them, you might need to travel to Southeast Asia, where they’re commonly found. However, since they are cold-tolerant, you might also spot them in various other regions with some effort. And if you’re intrigued by colorful bananas, there’s also a variety known as the pink banana.

A Striking Ribbon Cloud

Some cloud formations are usually quite ordinary, but occasionally, you come across something truly unusual. Take this ribbon or helix-shaped cloud, spotted from a plane window. Its shape almost looks artificial, but it’s a natural occurrence.

Image: demilked.com

These clouds are believed to be caused by contrails from airplanes that are then twisted and shaped by the wind. Regardless of their origin, they represent a fascinating natural phenomenon. Keep an eye out for them the next time you’re flying or simply observing clouds from the ground!

The Fleece of a Merino Sheep

Most people are familiar with the term “merino” from clothing labels, as merino wool is renowned for its quality and softness. But have you ever seen the sheep that produce this wool? This photo showcases the fleece of a merino sheep, and it almost looks artificial, resembling processed linen or wool.

Image: reddit.com

The sheep pictured here is an Australian merino, known for its exceptionally fine and dense wool. While the farmer’s unusually long thumb in the photo is interesting, it pales in comparison to the striking appearance of the sheep’s fleece.

Someone Had a Truly Unconventional Wedding

This couple clearly embraced their unique style for their Southern wedding, as evidenced by this photo. They aimed for an unconventional celebration, and they certainly achieved it. Unlike traditional weddings where the man dips the woman, here it’s the bride who’s lifting and holding up the groom.

Image: nudegirls.wiki

Additionally, the bridesmaids are all wearing different dresses, adding to the event’s distinctive flair. The guests’ enjoyment is evident, and we’re also impressed by the bride’s strength and grace in holding the groom aloft. It’s a refreshing take on wedding traditions, showcasing their personal touch and creativity.

An Albino Deer in a Meadow

This albino deer, which looks like it could belong in a Harry Potter scene, was actually photographed outside a daycare. The deer appears to be foraging in a field when the picture was taken. Albino deer are quite rare, largely because their all-white coats make them highly visible to predators and hunters.

Image: reddit.com

Nevertheless, seeing such a striking example of albinism on a large animal like a deer is fascinating. The fact that this particular deer is a buck with horns only adds to the magical, Harry Potter-like quality of the sight.

A Zoo Keeper Feeding a Hornbill

This heartwarming photo shows a zoo employee feeding a baby hornbill at the facility. To encourage the young bird to eat, the employee uses a puppet designed to look like a bird. While a photo of a baby hornbill alone would be remarkable, this image takes it up a notch, almost resembling someone feeding a baby dinosaur.

Image: reddit.com

This method is used with various bird species, likely to prevent the chicks from becoming too attached to humans and to ensure they can thrive independently when released back into the wild.

Time-Lapse Image of a Beehive

Bees are some of the most industrious creatures in nature, and this time-lapse photo of a beehive vividly illustrates their relentless activity. The image captures the intricate trails of bees as they leave and return to the hive, creating a pattern that resembles a busy traffic map or an aerial view of air traffic.

Image: reddit.com

It’s fascinating to see the hive’s bustling activity visualized in this way. We’d love to know the duration over which this time-lapse was captured—our guess is it spans only a few hours rather than an entire day.

A Person with Twelve Fingers

It’s not overly rare to encounter someone with an extra finger or toe, but seeing someone with an additional finger on each hand is quite unusual. This person has six fingers on each hand, and the extra digits look perfectly normal.

Image: reddit.com

At first glance, you might not even notice the difference. Even examining the photo closely, it’s subtle. However, having twelve fingers could spark some intriguing questions—like whether a manicure costs more for twelve fingers compared to just ten.

One of the Oldest Rocks Known to Science

At first glance, this might just look like an unusual green rock, but it holds significant scientific value. This is the Murchison Meteorite, one of the oldest known rocks, estimated to be about 4.6 billion years old. This places it predating the formation of Earth, making it potentially older than our entire planet.

Image: reddit.com

Remarkably, it contains amino acids, the building blocks of life. Discovered in Australia in 1969, the meteorite has provided scientists with valuable insights into the early solar system and the conditions that existed before the planets formed.

A Natural Waterfall Inside a Cave

Taking a shower in a cave might not be everyone’s idea of luxury, but if we had to choose, this would be a stunning option. This enchanting natural waterfall, captured inside a cave system, resembles a beam of light streaming down from a hole in the ceiling, but it’s actually a flowing stream of water.

Image: reddit.com

Its ethereal appearance even evokes a sense of Star Trek’s otherworldly beauty. If you had to reside in a cave during the Neolithic era, having a feature like this would make it quite an extraordinary place, thanks to the wonders of Mother Nature.

A Rare Blonde Squirrel

This rare blonde squirrel was spotted by someone on their mail route, and it’s quite a sight to behold. Unlike albino squirrels, this blonde coloration is due to leucism, a condition that reduces pigment but doesn’t affect the eyes.

Image: reddit.com

This particular squirrel stands out as one of the blondest we’ve seen, and such coloration is less common than black squirrels, which are becoming more frequent. The squirrel also appears to be well-fed, suggesting it might be preparing for winter or benefiting from some extra care.

Whale Bones Beneath the Water

If you’ve ever seen whale bones, you know how striking and surreal they can be. It’s easy to see how fishermen in the past might have spun tales of gigantic sea creatures. This photo captures the partial vertebrae of a fin whale submerged in the waters off Norway.

Image: imgur.com

The sheer size of these bones is truly awe-inspiring, dwarfing the small boat in the image. The sight of them beneath the water is both eerie and fascinating. Imagine being an ancient sailor and stumbling upon something as immense and mysterious as this—it would undoubtedly spark all sorts of legends and myths.

One of the Smallest Surviving Newborns Ever Recorded

This photo shows a remarkably tiny premature baby boy born in Tokyo, Japan, who weighed just about 9.45 ounces at birth. The image was shared by someone who noted that he spent several months in the neonatal care unit before being discharged.

Image: reddit.com

At the time, he was the smallest baby ever born to survive, although even smaller infants have been born since. His survival is a testament to medical advances and the incredible resilience of such tiny newborns. Born at just 24 weeks gestation, his ability to breathe and thrive despite his size is truly extraordinary.

A Completely Transparent Fish

We can only imagine how difficult it must be to spot this completely transparent fish in the water. Its translucent body, combined with its blue hues, allows it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings. While we’re not entirely sure of the fish’s species, it could be a blue tang—similar to Dory from Finding Nemo—as these fish are clear during their larval stage.

Image: reddit.com

Alternatively, it might be another species known for its transparent juvenile phase. Regardless of its exact identity, this fish is an astonishing example of nature’s camouflage, making it almost entirely invisible.

A Photo of a Music Typewriter

We might not often think about how musical notes were typed and printed in the past, but this fascinating device is the answer. This is a musical typewriter, and it does exactly what its name suggests—it types musical notes onto a sheet of paper.

Image: Marcin Wichary / wikimedia.org

Its intricate design is both beautiful and complex, with keys arranged in a crescent shape rather than the standard layout of a regular typewriter. Produced in the 1950s, this model would have cost around $2,000 in today’s money. It would make a striking addition to any display shelf or wall, showcasing a unique piece of musical history.

A Duck With Rainbow-Colored Feathers

This vibrant, rainbow-colored duck isn’t a result of genetic mutation but is known as a Cayuga duck. Once commonly raised in the U.S. for meat, these ducks are now primarily kept as pets. Their unique appearance includes iridescent feathers reminiscent of a peacock and unusually colored eggs.

Image: reddit.com

Although some wild flocks still exist, Cayuga ducks are listed as threatened due to their limited flying ability and reduced breeding. Despite their rarity, they are admired for their striking looks and are known to make excellent, docile pets that tend to stay close to home.

A Unique and Unusual Daisy

We’re a bit divided on this one (pun intended). On one hand, this daisy is undeniably unique and intriguing, but on the other, it has an oddly unsettling appearance.

Image: reddit.com

Its shape resembles something that might have been intentionally altered or damaged, making it look quite unusual. The daisy’s strange form certainly raises questions about its origins—whether it’s the result of a genetic mutation or some external influence during its early growth stages. Regardless of the cause, it’s definitely a rare and fascinating sight to behold.

A Cyclist’s Leg Post-Race

Here’s a rare and somewhat unsettling sight: a photo of ex-World Champion Janez Brajkovic’s leg after a cycling race. The level of muscle definition is extraordinary, revealing each muscle in striking detail. However, the leg also appears unusually cramped and tense, which might suggest discomfort or strain.

Image: reddit.com

The prominence of his veins and the overall look of the leg hint at the intense physical demands of elite cycling. This kind of extreme muscular display is a testament to the rigorous training and endurance required of top athletes, even if it looks a bit unsettling to the untrained eye.