
Laugh-Out-Loud Hilarious Bumper Stickers

Imagine you’re stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, eager to reach your destination. As you glance to your left or right, a hilarious bumper sticker catches your eye and makes you chuckle. These witty stickers can transform a mundane commute into an entertaining journey.

Image: Shutterstock / Andrey Mihaylov

If you enjoy laughing at the clever bumper stickers you see on the road, keep reading. We’ve compiled a list of bumper stickers that are too funny not to laugh at. Trust us; you won’t regret it! These amusing messages are sure to brighten your day and make your time in traffic a bit more enjoyable.

The Misunderstood Artist

Introducing the lost and misunderstood artist who feels compelled to let everyone, especially fellow drivers, know it. We all know struggling artists, but the reasons for their misunderstanding often remain a mystery. Simply being misunderstood doesn’t automatically make someone an artist in any way, shape, or form.

Bumper sticker wisdom.
byu/elegantwino infunny

That said, some of these individuals might genuinely be artists, and that’s great. However, if you find yourself stuck in traffic, pondering why people ‘just don’t get you,’ this bumper sticker might be just the reality check you need. It serves as a humorous reminder that sometimes, the problem isn’t with the world, but with our own perceptions.

Stick Figure Millionaires

This is a humorous twist on the ubiquitous stick figure family bumper stickers seen everywhere. Instead of the usual family, this sticker features two partners flaunting bags of money and wads of cash. There’s no denying that raising children is costly, and parenting isn’t for everyone.

Image: www.flickr.com / rulenumberone2

This couple chose to save their hard-earned money rather than spend it on traditional family life. It’s a playful nod to the idea that everyone has different priorities. After all, as the saying goes, to each their own!

I Believe in a Better World

Everyone knows the classic joke, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” If you haven’t heard it, you might be living under a rock. However, this bumper sticker takes a unique spin, advocating for the right of chickens to cross roads.

Image: imgur.com

It’s not every day you see someone defending chickens’ right to cross roads. Does the driver with this bumper sticker champion animal rights, or are they simply offering a fresh perspective on a timeless joke? It certainly raises questions. This playful take on a classic joke adds a touch of humor and curiosity to anyone’s commute.

The Honor Student

Grade school was a much simpler time. All you had to do was show up and get good grades. Your parents were happy, the world was your oyster, and so were you. Fast forward a few decades, and everything has changed.

Image: www.deviantart.com

Now, you’re an adult with grown-up responsibilities. You might have been an honor student back then, but you’ve likely become a much different person. So, you might find yourself wondering: what happened? The carefree days of childhood have given way to the complexities of adulthood, leaving you to reflect on how much has changed since those simpler times.

The Back of My Car

This driver, humorously dubbed Captain Obvious, tells it like it is. To anyone driving behind them, it’s clear that this is the back of their car. Perhaps one morning, they decided to add a touch of humor to their vehicle, or maybe they wanted a bumper sticker but couldn’t decide on a message.

Image: imgur.com

Whatever the reason, this bumper sticker, while straightforward and somewhat bland, still manages to catch drivers’ attention and elicit a good laugh. It’s a simple yet effective way to bring a bit of amusement to the road.

My Opinions Are Awesome!

Someone here is quite confident in their opinions! Naturally, people believe their views are awesome; that’s why they hold them. However, it’s inevitable that those with opposing viewpoints will disagree. My thoughts are awesome, and your thoughts are awesome—everyone’s thoughts are awesome until we disagree.

What all bumper stickers are basically saying
byu/Khromulabobulation infunny

Another point to consider: how many people actually visit websites advertised at the bottom of a bumper sticker? Probably very few, if any. This bumper sticker perfectly exemplifies that! Despite the confidence in their opinions, the likelihood of anyone checking out the linked website is slim.

I Make My Own Beer

Most funny bumper stickers convey strong messages, often showcasing the owner’s personality traits or featuring sassy comebacks for other drivers. However, this particular bumper sticker stands out for its wholesome appreciation of a unique talent.

Image: yeahmotor.com

This bumper sticker celebrates the art of making beer, a skill that many Americans likely admire and wish they possessed. While everyone has their own unique abilities, this one is particularly cool and deserves recognition. It’s a refreshing change from the usual witty or snarky stickers, highlighting a craft that brings joy to many and adding a touch of positivity to the road.

Clap Your…Oh

Looking at this bumper sticker, you can’t help but feel a bit sorry for the struggling Tyrannosaurus Rex. All this dinosaur wants to do is express his happiness by singing the classic children’s song and clapping his little hands.

Image: imgur.com

Unfortunately, T-rexes are known for their big teeth and tiny arms, making hand-clapping practically impossible. Poor little—or rather, big guy—but his predicament creates a very entertaining bumper sticker. It humorously highlights the T-rex’s physical limitations, turning a moment of imagined frustration into a playful and amusing message for everyone on the road.

Extra Terrestrial

This bumper sticker is one of the best you’ll see around. Not only does it serve as a great reminder for everyone to wear their seatbelts, but it does so humorously. For those who believe in extraterrestrial beings, this sticker might seem threatening, even though it’s meant as a joke.

Image: noricum, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ultimately, it’s all about perspective. As long as the main message—to wear a seatbelt—comes through, the sticker has done its job! It effectively combines humor with a vital safety reminder, making it both entertaining and useful for drivers and passengers alike.

Boldly Going to the Grocery Store

Sometimes, the smallest endeavors can feel like the biggest wins. For instance, going to the grocery store might seem like a simple errand for most people, but it can be a significant achievement for a homebody, especially during COVID-ridden times.

Image: Imgur [@wearelightanddarkness]

This bumper sticker, with its bold print, is sure to catch attention on the road. While the mention of groceries might seem underwhelming to some, it’s important to remember that what might seem small to you can be a huge accomplishment for someone else. It’s a reminder to appreciate and celebrate even the modest victories in our daily lives, recognizing that everyone’s challenges and achievements are different.

Cool Prius!

While the Toyota Prius receives its fair share of criticism, it often says more about the critics than the car itself. When the Prius was first introduced, it gained fame as an electric car, a novel concept at the time.

Image: Imgur [@dizzyturtle]

This particular Prius driver, like many others with similar bumper stickers, embraces the hate. After all, anything popular tends to attract some negativity, so why not flaunt it? By showcasing their pride in their Prius, these drivers turn criticism into a badge of honor, highlighting the car’s innovative history and their own forward-thinking choices.

Sorry for Driving so Close

This fake apology is as sarcastic as bumper stickers get. Instead of directly telling the driver behind you that they are too close, this bumper sticker offers the perfect solution.Not only does it convey the message effectively, but it also provides a good laugh for the driver behind you. After all, what better way to address someone than with humor?

Image: Imgur

A sassy sticker like this one is ideal for making any tailgater back off instantly. It combines wit and a touch of sarcasm to get the point across, ensuring that your space on the road is respected while adding a bit of fun to the interaction.

How Am I Driving?

Not only is this bumper sticker full of questions, but it is also full of major plot twists. So, after reading this one, you might wonder, what exactly is going on here? Anyone with this bumper sticker needs to reflect on their driving and religious affiliation.

Image: imgur.com

If one is questioning how an engine works enough to put it on a bumper sticker, maybe they should invest time in learning. If these questions are being asked, this driver is probably looking for answers. Let’s hope they get the answers they are looking for.

Disney Fans on a Roll

This punny bumper sticker is perfect for any Kia Soul-driving Disney fanatic. “Poor Unfortunate Soul” is a song from Disney’s The Little Mermaid. The driver of this vehicle clearly loves the movie and probably the song, as indicated by the accompanying Ursula sticker.

A Punny Bumper Sticker
byu/murfflemethis infunny

Credit where credit is due, “Poor Unfortunate Soul” is an incredibly clever pun for a Kia Soul. It’s amusing to think that someone old enough to drive a car still enjoys Disney so much. But hey, to each their own! This bumper sticker perfectly combines a love for Disney with a playful nod to their choice of car, making it a fun and unique statement on the road.

‘Sucess’ is a State of Mind

Someone forgot to use spell check when creating this bumper sticker! While the quote is nice in theory, it would be more effective if “success” were spelled correctly.

Image: auto.alot.com

This bumper sticker is a nightmare for English majors, grammar enthusiasts, and anyone who values proper spelling on the road. Not only can it be a distraction, but it can also provide a good laugh for those who notice the error. Despite its well-intended message, the misspelling turns it into an unintentional source of humor for many drivers.

I Hate Bumper Stickers

This is the most ironic bumper sticker of all time: “I hate bumper stickers.” It’s sure to make anyone laugh out loud. Imagine sitting in traffic and coming across this gem? It would definitely add humor to the journey. The sticker’s irony is undeniable, considering the owner must not hate bumper stickers as much as they claim.

Image: www.flickr.com / zdw

After all, they chose to buy one and put it on their car. This clever contradiction makes it a standout, turning a simple traffic moment into a memorable experience. The humor lies in its self-contradiction, showcasing the owner’s playful sense of irony and adding a touch of wit to the daily grind of commuting.


This Honda Civic clearly doesn’t have a real HDMI port on its back, but the bumper sticker makes it look like one. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, and it’s sure to get a laugh at a red light. Imagine how cool it would be to actually have a car with an HDMI port. It sounds crazy, but it’s not impossible.

byu/nyak_nyak_ inblursedimages

Modern cars come with incredible features; if a vehicle can have a built-in ice maker, why not an HDMI port? This sticker cleverly points out the absurdity, adding a touch of humor to your commute and sparking thoughts about the ever-evolving possibilities in car technology.

Position Open

Here’s another twist on the classic stick figure family bumper sticker! At first glance, it appears to be a typical, happy stick figure family. However, a closer look reveals an arrow pointing to a woman with the label “position open”—yikes! We don’t know the full story behind this bumper sticker, but it suggests there’s more than meets the eye.

Image: Reddit [@silentlysmiling]

While the situation itself may not be funny, the bumper sticker adds humor to difficult times, showing resilience and the ability to find light in dark moments. This creative twist on a familiar image not only stands out but also brings a smile to anyone who sees it, offering a humorous perspective on life’s challenges.

This Vehicle is Protected by a Man With a Sword!

This bumper sticker’s red and black design gives off a scary, serious vibe. It seems the driver wanted to appear tough and intimidating. However, the sticker has had the opposite effect, giving fellow drivers an unintentional laugh. Honestly, unless you actually have a sword, this funny warning isn’t likely to scare anyone.

Image: reddit.com

In fact, it might even encourage some to mess with this car just to see if there really is a sword. Who knows? The sticker’s attempt at intimidation backfires, providing a humorous twist that makes the daily commute more entertaining for everyone else on the road. It’s a great example of how humor can turn an attempt at toughness into a source of amusement.

No Airbags We Die Like Real Mean

Society often expects men to be strong and tough no matter what. This bumper sticker takes that notion a bit too far. While it might give you a good laugh if you’re stuck in traffic, imagine actually driving a car with no airbags. Most men would likely prefer to survive and have airbags in their car than face a deadly crash without them.

Image: www.reddit.com

After all, you can’t be a tough guy if you don’t survive, just saying. This sticker humorously highlights the absurdity of such extreme expectations, reminding us that safety should always come first. It’s a funny yet thought-provoking commentary on societal pressures and the importance of practicality over bravado.

You Just Got Passed by a Toaster

This bumper sticker is perfect for Nissan Cube drivers who enjoy self-deprecating humor. The Cube, often nicknamed “Toaster” due to its cubical shape, does indeed resemble a kitchen toaster. Imagine being on the road and getting cut off by a Nissan Cube, only to see this bumper sticker. It would definitely give you a good laugh, but it wouldn’t change your feelings about being cut off, especially in heavy traffic!

Image: www.buzzfeed.com

This sticker adds a touch of humor to an otherwise frustrating situation, showcasing the driver’s ability to poke fun at their own vehicle. Despite the laughter it brings, it doesn’t make the inconvenience of being cut off any less annoying.

Adults on Board

Usually, cars display a “baby on board” sticker to signal that there is a baby in the car, encouraging fellow drivers to exercise caution. This raises an important question: why do we drive carefully for children and babies but not for adults? As this bumper sticker humorously points out, adults want to live too.

Image: tumblr.com

Perhaps this sticker will make drivers rethink their habits or at least give them a good laugh. It serves as a witty reminder that everyone’s safety is important, not just that of the youngest passengers. By spreading this message, the sticker aims to promote more considerate driving behavior, adding a touch of humor to the daily commute.

I’m Retired Go Around Me

As people age, they become less tolerant of nonsense and more prone to road mishaps. The driver of this car is likely happily retired, aware of their age, and just wanting to get from point A to point B without trouble. This bumper sticker serves as both a warning not to honk if the car is driving slowly and a lighthearted reminder that driving becomes more challenging with age.

Image: Imgur

It asks for understanding and patience, highlighting the reality that everyone will face these challenges eventually. So, why not show a bit of empathy and share a laugh? This sticker promotes a kinder attitude toward older drivers, making the road a friendlier place for all.

Metaphors be With You

Calling all Star Wars fanatics! If you love puns and the Star Wars series, this bumper sticker will catch your eye. Get it? “Metaphors be with you” sounds like “May the force be with you.” Any die-hard Star Wars fan would at least chuckle at this clever twist.

Image: Imgur

The original phrase, first said by Obi-Wan Kenobi, is meant to wish someone good luck and fortune. It’s a kind sentiment, one that people would love to see for encouragement on the roads. This playful take on the iconic line spreads positivity and humor, making every commute a bit more enjoyable. May the force—and the metaphors—be with everyone!

Huge Financial Burden on Board

Having a family is costly, especially with babies. Every parent will tell you that their children and watching them grow up happy and healthy are worth every penny. However, some moms and dads use humor to lighten the mood and momentarily forget about the lack of extra spending money.

Image: Imgur

This bumper sticker is one that any parent can relate to and chuckle at while driving. It’s a funny reminder of the financial sacrifices parents make, but also of the joy their children bring. Who wouldn’t appreciate a lighthearted laugh about the realities of parenting? This sticker captures the essence of parenthood with a touch of humor, making the daily drive a bit more enjoyable for everyone.

Marriage is Grand

This bumper sticker feels oddly specific and quite personal. While the details aren’t clear, it seems someone ended up on the wrong side of a divorce, particularly regarding finances. Whether it’s a warning or an attempt to make the best of a bad situation, it certainly gets the point across.

Image: Imgur

The main takeaway from this bumper sticker is clear: if you don’t have the money to handle a divorce, think twice before committing to marriage in the first place! This humorous yet pointed message serves as a reminder to consider the financial implications of marriage and divorce, offering a laugh while also providing some food for thought.

Watch Out

This bumper sticker is one of the most hilarious to date, serving as both a joke and a fair warning. It cleverly suggests that the driver behind is the “idiot” in question, adding a touch of irony. Seeing this sticker would make anyone question their driving skills, adding a humorous twist to the drive. It also acts as a foolproof warning, considering the many reckless drivers on the road.

Image: Imgur

The interpretation of this bumper sticker is all about perspective. It’s a funny way to remind drivers to stay alert and cautious, while also providing a good laugh. This sticker’s humor and irony make it a memorable addition to any commute, poking fun at the common frustrations of driving.

Don’t Honk at Me I’m Havin’ a Crisis

The most common bumper stickers start with “Honk if…” followed by a comical statement. This one, however, relays the opposite message: “Don’t honk…” bluntly means DO NOT HONK! In this driver’s case, they’re dealing with a crisis, making it especially important not to honk. Sometimes, the best way to cope with a serious situation is to add a touch of humor.

Image: buzzfeed.com

This bumper sticker does just that, turning a stressful moment into something a bit lighter. For the sake of this poor driver, let’s hope their crisis is soon averted. This sticker is a clever reminder to be patient and understanding on the road, while also bringing a smile to those who read it.

My Driving Scares Me Too

Bad drivers are never a good thing, but the best ones are those who are aware of their incompetence on the road. Despite this awareness, it’s still a driver everyone would want to avoid. This driver shows their true colors, proving that honesty is the best policy. If only they had realized their poor driving skills from the passenger seat, many disasters might have been avoided!

Image: Reddit [@CatLuvSurprise]

This bumper sticker humorously admits their driving flaws, reminding others to be cautious. It’s a funny yet honest acknowledgment of their shortcomings, turning a potentially dangerous situation into a moment of levity and awareness for fellow drivers. This candid admission makes the road a bit safer by encouraging everyone to stay alert.

I Love Big Mutts (and I Cannot Lie)

This one is for all the dog-loving car drivers out there. Whether you have a golden doodle, an Australian shepherd-border collie mix, or any type of dog in between, what dog lover wouldn’t enjoy a funny bumper sticker for their car? This bumper sticker is a clever play on words from a popular song lyric, “I like big butts, and I cannot lie.”

Image: Imgur [@rpm3584]

Shaped like a dog bone, it humorously swaps “butts” with “mutts.” It’s a hilarious twist that any dog lover would appreciate, adding a bit of humor and personality to their vehicle. This sticker is sure to bring a smile to the faces of fellow drivers and spread a little joy on the road.