At this stage, space exploration has experienced significant advancements. Mars, in particular, has become a central subject of numerous studies and projects due to its potential as a viable habitat for humans in the future.

However, there remains much to be discovered about the red planet. The photos taken from both the surface and orbit of Mars have stirred excitement among UFO enthusiasts and puzzled experts. Take a look at these images – could there truly be life on Mars?
1. The bone of a human being
In 2014, the Mars Curiosity Rover took this photo using its mast camera. This image sparked various conspiracy theories when an individual noticed a shape amidst the rocks resembling a human bone, specifically a femur thigh bone.

Does this suggest the presence of life on Mars? Scientists have clarified that it’s merely a rock. They argue that if life ever existed on Mars, it would likely be in the form of small, simple organisms, making it highly improbable to find large fossils or remains on the Martian surface.
2. The pyramidal structure
The enigma of Earth’s pyramids was further fueled when conspiracy theorists discovered what appeared to be a pyramid on Mars’ surface, reigniting various speculations about extraterrestrial involvement in pyramid construction.

Certain conspiracy theorists have posited that pyramids on Mars might be a communication from an alien civilization. However, Dr. Jim Bell from the Mars Curiosity Program has dismissed these theories, stating that the so-called pyramid is in fact simply a rock.
3. A luminous signal
UFO aficionados were abuzz when they observed an enigmatic and intense burst of light in images taken by the Mars Curiosity rover on April 2 and 3, 2014. The occurrence of this bright light in two separate photos on consecutive days led UFO enthusiasts to speculate that it might be a deliberate signal.

Justin Maki, responsible for the engineering cameras on the Curiosity rover, explained that the bright light was simply a reflection of sunlight off a rock surface. Alternatively, it could be light filtering through a gap in the Curiosity rover’s camera.
4. The concealed crab
Attentive UFO enthusiasts identified a creature-like figure in a photo taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover in 2015. Upon closer inspection and zooming into the image, they discovered an object resembling a crab nestled among the rocks.

The magnified close-up image of this so-called Martian crab circulated widely on social media, sparking debates among commenters about whether it resembles a crab, a spider, or a lobster. However, experts have clarified that this appearance is merely a result of the interplay of light and shadows on the rock formations.
5. Marine fossil replica
The hypothesis that Mars once harbored an ocean larger than Earth’s Arctic Ocean has been widely discussed. In light of this, when the Mars Curiosity Rover captured this raw image, UFO Sightings Daily promptly identified a shape amidst the rocks that resembled a fish.

The discovery sparked excitement, as many thought it corroborated the earlier theory, suggesting the fish-like figure was evidence of past aquatic life on Mars. However, NASA clarified that it was merely a rock with a coincidental resemblance to a fish.
6. The concealed body of water
The presence of water often indicates life. Thus, the question arises: Does water exist on Mars? It’s known that certain areas of the Martian surface are icy, which could potentially melt under warmer conditions. Remarkably, in 2018, scientists discovered a whole lake of liquid water on Mars for the first time, a significant finding in the quest for life beyond Earth.

The Martian Lake was located beneath a frozen ice cap at Mars’ south pole. It was identified from orbit using ice-penetrating radar technology. The lake is described as being extremely cold and saline, making it improbable for any living organisms to inhabit its waters.
7. Erupting volcano
An image of Mars taken by the European Space Agency’s Express orbiter generated considerable excitement. Many interpreted it as an indication of an active volcano on the red planet, particularly because the streak-like formation appeared in close proximity to the Arsia Mons volcano.

Dr. Tanya Harrison, part of NASA’s Opportunity Rover team, refuted the idea that the streak was a smoke plume from an active volcano. She clarified that it’s merely water ice clouds forming over the summit of Arsia Mons. She added that, in reality, Arsia Mons last erupted 50 million years ago.
8. Prehistoric deity visage
The photo captured by the Mars Opportunity Rover sparked a lot of discussions. Initially, it might seem like a mere collection of rocks, but a closer look at the highlighted figure reveals a face – and not just a typical one.

This face bears a striking resemblance to that of a Neo-Assyrian deity, and its uncanny similarity is somewhat unsettling. However, ultimately, this is just an instance of pareidolia – the psychological phenomenon where the mind perceives a familiar pattern, particularly a human face, in an otherwise inanimate object.
9. Conveying messages using Morse code
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured an image showing unusual patterns on the Martian surface. To some observers, these formations closely resembled what is known on Earth as Morse code. This led to speculation about whether there could be Martians attempting to communicate with us.

However, even if one were to seriously consider this theory and attempt to decipher the sequence of dots and dashes visible on the Martian surface, the result would be nonsensical. Specifically, the pattern translates to “Zrrmgc tflmtip brzzzz” in Morse code, which doesn’t form any coherent message.
10. A Mars-based Iguana
This photo sparked considerable excitement among those convinced of extraterrestrial life on Mars. Observe the emphasized section of the image. Does its contour seem recognizable? It bears a striking resemblance to an Iguana amidst a desert landscape.

Specialists have debunked these theories, clarifying that it is simply a rock with an iguana-like appearance. However, Scott Waring from UFO Daily Sightings argues that this should be viewed as proof of life on the planet.
11. Volcanic spirals
This distinct formation on the Martian surface, appearing almost too precise to be a natural occurrence, was captured in an image. However, it is indeed a natural phenomenon, resulting from an ancient lava flow on Mars. These twisting spiral designs are known as lava coils.

Experts have determined that the largest Martian lava coils measure up to 30 meters in diameter, surpassing the size of any similar formations found on Earth. With the presence of volcanoes on Mars, some are thought to still be active.
12. Scales of a dragon
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this fascinating image, notable for its almost pinkish surface that resembles dragon scales. NASA experts explain that this unusual surface pattern is the outcome of Martian rock interacting with water.

Consequently, a significant number of the rocks have turned into clay-bearing formations. While experts continue to delve into the specifics of this transformation, they theorize that it could be attributed to a major climatic shift that occurred in Mars’ past.
13. The Muppet-like Martian Figure
Numerous observers have noticed that the highlighted section of this image, taken from the south pole region of Mars, bears a resemblance to a face. Interestingly, it’s not just any face – it looks strikingly similar to Beaker, the well-known lab assistant from The Muppets show!

The features on Mars’ surface that resemble Beaker’s face consist of frozen carbon dioxide. The process of carbon dioxide solidifying on the Martian terrain leads to the formation of pits and mesas, which can result in intriguing shapes such as this one.
14. Chunk of metal
In 2013, the Mars Curiosity Rover photographed an object resembling a protruding piece of metal from the Martian surface. UFO enthusiasts further processed the image to highlight its metallic nature. This led conspiracy theorists to speculate that it might be the handle to a concealed hatch.

Our understanding of Mars primarily comes from surface images, but the possibility of subterranean phenomena raises intriguing questions. However, NASA has refuted the theory about hidden underground elements. They suggest that the shiny object is more plausibly a fragment of a meteorite or simply a rock catching the light.
15. Crater resembling a tadpole
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter managed to photograph a crater bearing a striking resemblance to a tadpole. In reality, this is an impact crater, where the portion resembling a tadpole’s tail is actually formed by the movement of water across the landscape.

This photograph provided NASA scientists with enhanced insights into the power and dynamics of ancient Martian floods. The creation of the “tail” in the tadpole-like formation indicates that the water flow was sufficiently forceful to sculpt these channels.