
Dr. Kim: The Viral Facelift Doctor Whose Patients Look Uncanny Explained

Image: Imago / Pond5 Images

In the era of social media, it comes as no surprise that even plastic surgeries have found their way into viral trends. A TikTok video showcasing a plastic surgeon performing a facial operation recently took the platform by storm. This video not only captures the procedure but also the dramatic transformations that ensued.

The consequences are astonishing, with individuals post-surgery resembling less of their next-door neighbors and more like dolls or lively cartoon characters. This article will delve into the various facets of this trend, ranging from medical and aesthetic choices to ethical and psychological considerations.

Who Is Dr. Kim The Plastic Surgeon On TikTok?

While it cannot be definitively confirmed, it is highly likely that Dr. Kim refers to Dr. Ji-Hoon Kim, a plastic surgeon based at Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital in Seoul, South Korea.

Image: Dr. Kim / tiktok.com

Dr. Kim maintains a profile on the Cloud Hospital doctor database, and his profile picture there matches his 2023 TikTok profile picture. Additionally, his initial TikTok videos from mid-2023 feature a watermark prominently displayed in all caps, reading “KIM JIHOON.”

What Procedures Does Dr. Kim Perform?

Dr. Kim primarily specializes in facial procedures, such as facelifts, epicanthoplasty, and blepharoplasty, focusing on addressing issues like excess skin and eye bags.

Images: Dr. Kim / tiktok.com

This specialization is reflected in the predominant theme of his TikTok videos, where his patients’ faces exhibit a pulled-back and smooth appearance. In 2021, Dr. Ji-Hoon Kim also participated in an interview with the Cloud Hospital YouTube channel, during which he elaborated on his expertise in face and eye procedures.

What Do People Think Of Dr. Kim’s TikTok?

Dr. Kim’s TikTok videos feature before-and-after visuals of his patients, representing a diverse spectrum in terms of age, gender, and ethnicity. His clientele spans from individuals in their mid-30s to those well into their 70s.

Image: doctoryoun / tiktok.com

Notably, reactions from other medical professionals on TikTok suggest that Dr. Kim’s outcomes may be startling, yet they align with the prevailing plastic surgery trends in Asia, where dramatic transformations are frequently observed and pursued.

Does Dr. Kim botch his surgeries?

Dr. Kim’s patients generally don’t perceive their surgeries as “botched.” They continue to seek his services, considering the results as a testament to his skill. While his procedures often yield a more youthful appearance with tighter skin, some patients appear uncomfortable in his TikTok videos.

Images: jiezou16 / tiktok.com

This discomfort might be due to the short recovery time, as Dr. Kim typically presents patients only about a week post-operation, which may not allow ample healing from invasive surgeries.

Critics Mock Dr. Kim

On social media, amateur critics have taken a different approach, responding with memes and jokes. They draw comparisons between Dr. Kim’s patients and creepy characters, portraying them as more “cursed” than “blessed” by their transformations.

Image: willfulchaos / twitter.com

As a result, there appears to be limited support or enthusiasm for individuals considering Dr. Kim’s services.

Freedom of Choice

Ultimately, the choice to engage with Dr. Kim’s services, or to watch his content, remains entirely in our hands. For those discomforted by his patient transformations, alternative content options abound, allowing them to steer clear of his plastic surgery practice.

Image: Dr. Kim / tiktok.com

The freedom to decide whether or not to enlist his services or consume his content empowers individuals to make choices that align with their preferences and comfort levels.