Has your car recently been involved in an accident? We understand that you might be quite shaken. Car accidents are not only scary, but also result in costly damages. Restoring the appearance and functionality of your vehicle can cause a significant financial blow.
Fortunately, you can reduce the financial burden using a few helpful tips, all from the comfort of your home. We will help you discover some tricks you can use with boiling water to restore the functionality and aesthetics of your vehicle. Read on to learn more.
1. What auto body shops don’t want you to discover

Garage and auto body shops make profits from repairing vehicles. This is why auto body shop owners might not want you to discover how you can use boiling water to repair your car.
However, we understand that car damage can be financially overwhelming. You can offset repair costs if you can cater to some repairs yourself.
2. Car damage affects aesthetics

Both major and minor accidents can impact your vehicle’s aesthetic appeal. Car dents look unappealing and repelling. It can be frustrating to watch your vehicle transform due to damage.
Your sleek vehicle might appear less cool after getting some dents. However, you don’t need to visit an auto body shop for minor dents. You can easily fix them using boiling water.
3. Costly dent repairs

Car accidents result in dents that can be quite expensive to repair. Since damage occurs unexpectedly, you might not be financially ready to incur extra costs. The cost of repairing a dented vehicle can range anywhere from $50 to $2,500+.
This cost depends on other factors such as vehicle type, damage severity, technician, location, and others. You might pay even more if your car has other issues.
4. Get rid of dents

Getting rid of dents is a DIY task you can easily complete without hiring a professional. Some technicians might overcharge you when it comes to dent repair.
To avoid this, consider using boiling water to remove dents and restore the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle. Sounds easy, right? However, you should be careful since boiling water might cause injuries or damage sensitive vehicle parts.
5. Pour boiling water on the dented area

Using an electric kettle, boil some water. You can also use alternative means to boil your water. Once the water boils, carry it carefully to your car. Consider wearing protective gloves to protect your hands from injuries.
Pour the water gently on the dented region of your car. Be extra careful not to burn your hands or feet. Boiling water makes the car’s surface more malleable, making it easier to pull or push the surface.
6. Use a toilet plunger

Once you pour hot water on the dented area of your vehicle, use a plunger to remove the dent. Since boiling water makes the surface softer, a plunger can restore the dent into place.
Pick your bathroom plunger and place it on the dented surface. Gently pull your plunger to get rid of the dent. Repeat this several times to get rid of the damage completely.
7. Manually push the metal back into position

If you don’t have a plunger, you can manually pop the dent using your hands. Once you pour hot water on the dented area, reach the opposite side of the surface. Using your hands, carefully push the surface outwards to get rid of the dent.
For this method to work, you need to access the surface underneath the dent. For instance, you can reach underneath your bumper to pop the dent.
8. Use a vacuum cleaner

Another trick you can use after pouring boiling water on your dented car involves a vacuum cleaner. Use a bucket or container to complete the trick. Drill holes at the bottom of your container.
Place your container against the dented area. Place the vacuum cleaner over the hole. The vacuum sucks the air and pops the dent through the hole.
9. Pour cold water on the surface

After using any of the above methods to pop the dent on your car, swiftly pour water over the surface. Cold water allows the surface to regain its form and shape effectively.
Pour cold water on all the dented areas you fix to allow your car to retain its functionality and aesthetic appeal.
10. Using a hair dryer to fix car dents

If you are sceptical about using boiling water to remove dents from your car, you can consider other alternatives. A hair dryer is also effective against dents. Heat the dented area using a hairdryer.
Keep the hairdryer at least 6 inches (ca. 15 cm) away from the dented surface. Once the area is hot enough, place an aluminium foil over the area. Rub dry ice on the aluminium foil. The sudden temperature changes will make the dent pop.
11. Prevent dents by parking in a garage

While accidents are unpredictable, you can still try to protect your vehicle from damage. Most cars get dents while outdoors. Other car doors can hit your car in a car park. Falling debris can also dent your vehicle in an open parking lot.
To prevent car dents, try to park your car in a controlled environment like an enclosed garage. If you have to park your car in a public spot, park it away from other vehicles.
12. Does boiling water work on metal bumpers?

Boiling water gets rid of dents from metal bumpers. Since bumpers are at the front and rear ends of vehicles, they are prone to dents. Fortunately, boiling water can easily eliminate unsightly dents on your metal bumpers.
All you have to do is pour boiling water on your bumper and pop it manually. Be sure to pour cold water afterward to restore its shape.
13. Can boiling water damage car paint?

While boiling water is effective against dents, it might damage your paint. When you use too much water to get rid of dents, the heat might interfere with the protective layer of your car paint.
The paint might peel or appear discoloured. When using boiling water to remove dents, consider using just the right amount to prevent damaging your car paint. Also, try to be gentle when pouring boiling water on your car.
14. Can hot water remove minor dents?

Hot boiling water can remove small dents from your car. If your vehicle has minor damage, pouring hot water on the affected part will restore its appearance and functionality within no time.
Be sure to take all the necessary precautions to prevent more damage or injuries. Avoid using excess water to protect your paint from damage.
15. Can boiling water remove large dents?

Boiling water can definitely remove huge dents. You can use a combination of different methods to ensure you get rid of large dents. Try using a plunger, vacuum, or both to remove dents from your vehicle.
If you are unsure whether boiling water will be effective, you can always consult a professional.
16. Can you pour boiling water on a plastic bumper?

Boiling water is ideal for removing dents from plastic bumpers. Carefully pour the boiling water on the dented bumper. You can choose to push the dent out manually or use a plunger. Once you pop the dent, pour cold water over the plastic bumper to allow it to return to its original form.
17. Can I remove all dents from my car’s bumper?

You can get rid of all minor dents from your vehicle’s bumper using boiling water. Try using different methods to pop the dent.
If you try all hacks and dents still remain, you can consider taking your car to an auto body shop or garage. A professional has the necessary equipment and skills to eliminate all your car dents.
18. Is it okay to leave a dent on your car?

We don’t recommend leaving a dent on your car for a long time. While a dent might appear minor, it can lead to more complex issues in the long run. Paint can peel over time, leading to costlier repairs.
The dent can also compromise the structural integrity of your vehicle. Repairing dents as soon as possible is the ideal solution to potential long-term problems.
19. Can car dents get worse over time?

Car dents can become worse when left for a long time. Dents can lead to moisture damage and corrosion. Leaving a dent on your car can result in paint damage. You don’t want to invest in new paint because of a small dent that you can easily fix using boiling water.
20. Can I drive a dented car?

Depending on the damage severity, you can drive a dented car. However, driving a dented car might not be ideal in some cases.
If your car has small dents, you can drive it without experiencing any issues. However, huge dents can be problematic. Fixing the dents would be the ideal solution.
21. Using dent remover tools

Sometimes, using boiling water, vacuum cleaners, or plungers might not be suitable. In this case, you can consider using dent remover tools. These tools are specially designed to remove dents.
You can choose an ideal dent remover tool online from the countless varieties available. Some tools can remove minor dents, while others can eliminate large ones.
22. Hot water to defrost windscreen

Another trick you can use with hot water is defrosting your windscreen. During winter, your windscreen can become frosted, making it difficult to use your car.
You can use hot water to defrost your windscreen and resume your schedule. However, extremely hot water can damage your screen, and you should always take precautions.
23. Turn car heaters on

When defrosting your windscreen, turn your car heaters on to allow the ice to melt quickly. If your vehicle has a heated windscreen, be sure to turn the heat on.
The heat allows the ice on your windscreen to melt off. Make sure the heaters work at their full capacity to speed up the process.
24. Remove excess ice with an ice scraper

Pour warm water on your windscreen and use an ice scraper to get rid of excess ice. Be careful not to damage your screen with the ice scrapers.
We recommend using only vehicle-specific ice scrapers to remove ice from your windscreen. Wear protective clothing to prevent your hands from freezing.
25. Prevent frosting with a cardboard

To skip the overwhelming defrosting process, you can prevent your windscreen from freezing using cardboard. Place the cardboard over your windscreen overnight.
The ice and snow will accumulate on the cardboard, leaving your windscreen frost-free. Repeat this process every night throughout winter to avoid defrosting your windscreen every morning.
26. Can boiling water damage my windscreen?

Boiling water can damage your windscreen. The heat from boiling water might cause your windscreen to crack from the extreme temperature changes.
If your screen already has a crack, pouring boiling water on it might aggravate the situation. Repairing a windscreen can be costly. It would be best to avoid using boiling water on your windscreen.
27. Can I pour boiling water on my frozen car door?

No, we don’t recommend using boiling water to defrost your car door. Extremely hot water can crack your car’s window. Instead, try using lukewarm water to defrost your door.
Pour the lukewarm water on your door lock. Use a hairdryer to defrost the door frame. You can also use a de-icing spray to free your door.
28. Starting a car battery with boiling water

When temperatures drop, car batteries might not run effectively. When this happens, you can use boiling water to help restart your battery. The idea behind this hack is to make the battery warm enough.
Pour hot water over your battery to make the battery warmer and increase the chances of your vehicle starting.
29. What temperature kills a car battery?

Car batteries lose their power when temperatures drop below 0˚C. A battery can lose about 60% of its power when the temperature reaches 0˚C.
Consider parking your vehicle in an enclosed garage to prevent your car’s battery from losing power. A garage protects your vehicle from exposure to harsh weather elements.
30. Can hot water damage tires?

Yes, Extremely hot water can damage your car tires. Avoid using hot water to melt the ice surrounding your car tires. Instead, use salt to free your car tires from the ice. Also, when pouring hot water on dents, be careful not to pour the water on your car tires.