A good neighborhood is one that people coexist peacefully and mind their own business most of the time. However, it is challenging to get such a community since everyone has got their character weird. If you’re lucky to get a friendly neighbor, you should be thankful since most people can’t get along.
1. The Kind of Neighbor Most People Get

If you live in any neighborhood, be ready to get any neighbor. Some can spoil your stay there and force you to make wrong decisions like moving out. Like the one an elderly man from Florida had to experience because of his neighbor doing something unimaginable. Read on to get the full story.
2. About Oliver Lynch

Oliver Lynch, is a 79-year-old man and a resides in Osceola for about 25 years. He is peaceful and content with his life. He is also a considerate man with firm stands but couldn’t spare anyone for stepping on his toes for no good reason.
3. Lynch’s reputation in the neighborhood

Despite his age, lynch was a friendly person who could freely interact with people. He is one of the famous people in the community who did live in one house for over twenty years. He also did take part in various activities within the neighborhood.
4. The outdoor appearance of Oliver’s compound

Oliver had a big idle land outside his house where he could occasionally relax while catching fresh air. The grass was long, with beautiful scenes around the driveway. The land could give room for the latest development in the area.
5. Before the Neighbor’s Arrival in The Neighborhood

Oliver Lynch, who is the older man, had his house in Osceola in Florida.
Initially, the older man’s neighborhood was peaceful, with everyone minding their business. But there was a turn of events after a certain neighbor came to this neighborhood.
6. After the Neighbors Arrival

Initially, things were calm, with no one thinking about anything bad about this neighbor. However, after a short time, the older man experienced the bad side of his new neighbor. To his surprise and that of other neighbors plus those around the community, this man did something shocking to Oliver’s property.
7. The neighbors motive

The new neighbor’s intention was to secure his property. It was also an attempt to separate the two properties from having different yards. The actions got into lynch’s nerve who couldn’t get why the neighbor had to take action to secure himself and his property. Remember the cinder blocks were to run high above the ground.
8. How the cinders got there

The cinders were put while lynch was away. He was at work during the day only to come back for such a surprise. In the morning lynch’s driveway was clear and clean as usual meaning the neighbor saw him leave.
9. Did Anyone Benefit from The Cinders?

Something funny is that the neighbor didn’t only block Olivers driveway but no one else could use it. The cinders were on a spot where even the neighbor also had no driveway on his side. This was a confusion which lynch couldn’t believe because he thought it was a way to get to his nerves. But the neighbor too couldn’t use the driveway.
10. Lynch’s beliefs

Oliver Lynch did his things with limits and thought everyone should do the same. The recent happenings are proving that he never takes things for granted. And neither was Lynch a weaker man. Lynch did fight for what he thought was rightfully his.
11. Oliver’s Self Defense

Because of his age, he had to protect himself while in this residence because he saw that not everyone would care. Especially with his advancing age, he had to let everyone know that he is no joke and expects respect. He clarifies that he hates being bullied and can’t let his bullies go scot-free in an interview.
12. Talking about New Neighbor

Talking while in the same interview, Oliver said that he has a little fight in him. But hates it when someone wants to harass and disrespect him like the neighbor was doing. He felt like the neighbor was taking advantage of his age and the fact that no one could fight for him.
13. What makes lynch different from his agemates

If you look at his perception and beliefs in life, you’ll realize how he is unlike his age mates. Most old persons would try by all means to run from confrontations to maintain peace. But one day, his new neighbor did awaken his old fighting spirit. The neighbor was building a new home in an idle piece of land.
14. Why was lynch mad

The reason why he was mad is because the neighbor didn’t brief him on the new project. It was a surprise to him since his driveway wasn’t accessible. He was wondering why the neighbor was so inconsiderate and with no respect for someone of his caliber.
15. The Turn of Events

Even though everything was fine initially, lynch saw something worrying one day as he came home. He did discover that there’s a cinder in a lined up on his driveway. At first, he did ignore it, but when his neighbor said the driveway was part of his land, to lynch couldn’t hold it anymore. And because he was sure the driveway was his, he had to fight for it.
16. The Situation Getting Worse

After some time, things became unbearable, and this is after Lynch discovering that the cinder blocks on his driveway were permanent. The neighbor had cemented the cinder blocks afterward. He didn’t expect it to get to this, but his neighbor cementing the cinder on his driveway is something serious.
17. Thinking on What to Do with The Cinders

Lynch couldn’t remove the cinder blocks since doing so would force him to spoil his driveway. The driveway did cost him a lot and he also cherished it. Having no option, lynch had to think very fast and get the best solution to help solve the situation.
18. Still Thinking About the New Occurrence

Even though lynch has been through several challenging moments in his life, this one got him unawares. He didn’t believe this was happening to him and was wondering what to do. One peaceful neighborhood was now turning to be something else, with the neighbor getting to his nerves even more. Oliver couldn’t figure out what this neighbor was going to achieve by having the concrete there.
19. Taking the First Action

Since lynch couldn’t figure out the best way of solving the situation amicably, he saw it wise to look for some evidence. Through it, he’d prove that the piece of land his neighbor was building on was his. This was in a bid to get back his ground and use his driveway again.
20. Getting Evidence

He did find the records showing that indeed he was the rightful owner of the two driveways, each twelve foot. Showing the papers to his other neighbors made the situation worse since things were now heating up. Everyone was now in his support and couldn’t wait for the neighbor to retract.
21. What About This Questionable Character?

To lynch’s surprise, this neighbor was a staunch Christian. He saw this act as being hypocritical since the neighbor was also a minister who should be god-fearing. But the behavior didn’t look like one who’s a Christian, according to lynch. He didn’t expect a Christian to do that ungodly act to a neighbor.
22. Lynch’s Expectations of The Christian Neighbor

To Lynch the neighbor should be more mature than that. To him a Christian should be understanding and not to cross into other people’s lines. If possible, a Christian should be helping him out. Or be approachable if not ashamed.
23. Reporting to the authorities

Even though lynch did report the matter to the authorities they didn’t offer solution. They were reluctant to help even with the proof that the land was his. So, the only option was to defend himself his way or face the courts.
24. Having No Other Way Out

Since the neighbor was adamant about talks and things were getting out of hand, lynch couldn’t figure out any other option. So, he went to the county with hopes that he could get help from any of the officials. Although he was doing that, he was sure it wouldn’t yield any positive response since his neighbor was unapproachable.
25. Seeking the Media’s Help

Because of desperation, lynch went to seek help from the media. The media did offer to run the story about the two fighting neighbors. To get a solution, they had to call this neighbor who didn’t respond to their texts or calls. Through this, lynch was hopeful things would change.
26. The Story Going Viral

Through the media’s intervention, the story went viral, and the neighbor’s name was the talk of the whole neighborhood. Everyone saw him as a bad person who had ill intentions for an older man. Many people did condemn the evil acts of the neighbor and were in support of Lynch.
27. The Community’s Say on The Neighbor’s Character

The neighbor’s religious affliction plus the immoral acts didn’t add up to the public who had a Christian’s better expectation. What a public embarrassment to the neighbor who never had a heart for an older man. The neighbor was also spoiling the neighborhoods reputation something that everyone around was keen not to soil.
28. Getting the Bad Neighbor Label

Although everyone was against the heinous acts of the neighbor to lynch, they had a second thought. It was a sign of a bad influence on the whole neighborhood, creating a bad reputation. Why would someone strive to tarnish their name in a community that everyone envies because of its friendliness?
29. The Neighbor’s Response

After all the public humiliations and earning a new name, the neighbor did nothing about the pathway. The neighbor became more stubborn and couldn’t give Lynch a listening ear, nor could the neighbors’ cry. Because of this, lynch had to look for another alternative.
30. The Medias Second Intervention

He didn’t think of anything else apart from going to the media. He had to call the local station for the second time to explain his plight. Through this the neighbor was ready to face Lynch though not any time soon. Lynch had to be patient, though, and see if they’ll talk it out.
31. Accepting to talk

The neighbor eventually did accept to meet lynch for a talk to see if they can agree. However, it was a lengthy talk which took time since they were having their personality difference. Each party had their own belief and expectations at first. However, they had to set a neutral ground to agree.
32. Gearing Towards Progress

After the second media intervention, Lynch had high hopes. But it took several days before the two neighbors could talk and solve the issue. Everyone in the community was also eager to hear the neighbor talk to have both sides of the story. But they couldn’t face the neighbor to get an explanation.
33. Solving Their Difference

When meeting, the neighbor, Lynch, took with him records to show that the driveways were his. And like a miracle, it did work. The neighbor agreed to abolish the cinder from lynch’s driveway after serious, lengthy talks. Lynch didn’t expect to Reach such an agreement owing to the neighbor’s past response. He was now a happy man.
34. Lynch’s reaction

After the talks with the neighbor Lynch couldn’t hide his happiness. Although he was not the offender his willingness to forgive is something extraordinary. It means he had a big heart ready to accept others’ mistakes.
35. The Public Getting to Know Where the Problem Was

Given that the public was interested in the story, Lynch had to come out and explain to them. Oliver Lynch said that the neighbor was sorry for everything since they never had harmful intentions with cinders. The neighbor was also aware of the bad reputation he has in the community.
36. The neighbor’s explanation for the bad behavior

According to the neighbor that was a slight misunderstanding on both parties. Now that they did talk there’s no course for worry but let everyone leave in peace. The issue was a big misunderstanding between neighbors who hope it never reoccurs. If possible, they should love one another.
37. Mending Their Differences

After the two neighbors solving their differences, the community which was in support of Lynch was happy. Everyone was sure the struggles lynch had been through bore fruits. The neighborhood became peaceful after believing the two could become friends.
38. A Bright Future

Although it was easier for lynch to view his neighbor as an enemy because of the previous misunderstanding, it was wise for them to become friends. This is since the two neighbors will live together for the better part of their lives. It’s better to be friends than enemies.
39. Moral of The Story

It’s best to be persistent in life. It would help if you also learned to communicate with others and that the community can help you solve your problems. If Lynch didn’t belief in himself and let the neighbor, he couldn’t get another chance to use the driveway.
40. What Lesson Do You Learn?

Even though you can’t tell the current relationship between the two neighbors, there’s a lesson from their experience. It would help if you learned to fight for your rights but peacefully. Also, forgiveness is vital. Remember how Lynch and the neighbor became friends after solving their difference? That should be the way.