
Air Fryer Tips for Simpler and Tastier Cooking

Air fryers have surged in popularity recently, and for good reason. Whether it’s whipping up crispy chicken, succulent meats, or perfect french fries, this device makes it all simpler. Yet, many of us barely scratch the surface of what our air fryers can do.

Bild: rafa jodar / Shutterstock.com

This handy kitchen appliance harbors several lesser-known functions that can revolutionize how you cook. Whether you already own an air fryer or are thinking about getting one, these tricks will not only help you create delicious meals but also maintain your device in excellent condition.

Stop Smoke in Your Air Fryer Using Just a Bit of Water

Air fryers might seem nearly flawless, and it’s surprising that not everyone has one in their kitchen. Yet, they aren’t completely without their issues. Despite their many conveniences, air fryers can produce a lot of smoke, especially when cooking meats. This issue often arises from the accumulation of grease and oils, which can become particularly bothersome.

Image: SalmySaznira / Shutterstock.com

To counteract this, a simple solution is to add a few tablespoons of water to the air fryer while it cooks. This helps to reduce the intense smokiness that can occur during the cooking process.

Use Silicone Cups for Perfectly Portioned Air Fryer Meals

You might think silicone cupcake cups are just for baking delightful cupcakes, but they have far more uses, particularly in an air fryer. Beyond cupcakes, these versatile cups can be used to cook nearly anything in convenient, individual portions. They’re perfect for making mini omelets or small dishes that are easy to take on the go, expanding your air fryer’s versatility significantly.

Image: YouTube/Air Fryer World

Who doesn’t enjoy a tasty mini snack that’s perfect for on-the-go moments or when you’re just a bit peckish? Make snacking effortless and fun by using silicone cups in your air fryer to cook them.

Enhance Your Meals with Leftover Juice from the Air Fryer

You might be surprised to discover that you can make use of something in an air fryer that isn’t even cooked. We’re not talking about traditional juices like carrot or orange, but rather the leftover juices from the foods you cook. While it might sound a bit unusual at first, don’t dismiss the idea just yet. Saving these flavorful juices and adding them to other dishes can significantly enhance their taste. Give it a try and see how it transforms your meals!4

Image: YouTube/Risa Weiner

You won’t regret incorporating the leftovers, spices, and juices from the food you cook in the air fryer into other meals. These flavorful additions can elevate your dishes, adding depth and richness to every bite.4

Whip Up Delicious Desserts in Your Air Fryer

While the term “fryer” might suggest that an air fryer is only good for frying, the name can be misleading. In reality, an air fryer functions more like a compact convection oven than a traditional fryer. This means it’s capable of much more than just frying; you can use it to cook items just as you would in an oven, including baking. This versatility allows you to prepare a wide range of dishes, from savory meals to sweet desserts.

Image: Ingrid Balabanova / Shutterstock.com

One of the simplest treats to whip up in an air fryer are small lava cakes, or really any dessert that can fit into a mini baking dish. These compact treats cook beautifully in the air fryer, making it a convenient option for quick and delightful desserts.

Revive Stale Pastries Using Water and an Air Fryer

It’s incredibly frustrating to find that the fresh pastries and bread you recently purchased have already gone stale. It feels like a waste of money and a letdown since those once-delicious treats seem past their prime. However, if you have an air fryer, there’s no need to despair. With just a bit of water and the heat from your air fryer, you can breathe new life into those stale pastries, making them enjoyable once again.4

Image: Reddit

Just add a small amount of water to the drip pan of your air fryer, crank up the heat, and in just a few moments, you’ll find that your pastries feel fresh again. This quick and easy method revives the texture and warmth of the pastries, making them delightfully enjoyable once more.

Efficiently Defrost Frozen Foods in Your Air Fryer

It’s frustrating to start preparing a meal only to discover that you forgot to defrost some key ingredients. Luckily, your air fryer can come to the rescue for quickly defrosting items like vegetables. Using an air fryer ensures that your veggies defrost evenly and maintain their quality, so they remain tasty when cooked. This method is not only efficient but also takes just a few minutes, making it a convenient solution for meal prep.

Image: Instagram/tryhardchef.yyc

Once the vegetables are properly defrosted using the air fryer, you can cook them either in the air fryer itself or with any other cooking method you typically use. The defrosting process will have prepared them perfectly for whatever cooking technique you choose.

Always Preheat Your Air Fryer

While the air fryer may seem like a fryer, it actually functions more like a compact oven, so many of the same principles apply. Just as with an oven, it’s important to preheat your air fryer before adding your food. Preheating ensures that your dishes cook evenly and achieve the best texture and flavor.

Image: Reddit

This is especially crucial when cooking meats. Preheating the air fryer ensures that meats cook evenly and thoroughly, helping you achieve the best results in terms of both texture and flavor.

Use Your Air Fryer to Make Perfect “Hard-Boiled” Eggs

Everyone loves a good hard-boiled egg, whether it’s for sandwiches, breakfast, or a quick snack. However, getting the timing right can be tricky. Do you boil the water first and then add the eggs, or do you start with the eggs in cold water? How long should they stay in the water? The questions seem endless. Using an air fryer simplifies this process and ensures perfectly “hard-boiled” eggs every tim

Image: Reddit

With an air fryer, all your problems are solved, and you don’t even need water to make hard-boiled eggs. Simply cook them on low heat for 15 minutes. Easy peasy!

Avoid Nonstick Cooking Sprays

Most people believe that nonstick cooking sprays are essential in the kitchen. While they are useful in many situations, they are not ideal for air fryers. Nonstick sprays can clog the air fryer and cause long-term disruptions. Instead, it’s better to use olive oil or other natural oils whenever possible.

Image: Reddit

You can make your own cooking spray by putting olive oil in a spray bottle. This simple solution will help keep your air fryer in excellent condition and avoid the issues caused by commercial nonstick sprays.

Shake the Basket Regularly

If you cook regularly, you know that when baking in an oven, you should rotate the pans or flip the items halfway through. The same principle applies to cooking with an air fryer. By shaking the basket a few times during cooking, you’ll achieve a noticeable improvement in the final result.

Image: Bubbers BB / Shutterstock.com

This helps ensure that all the food cooks evenly, which is especially important when you want crispiness. Shaking the basket allows all sides to crisp up evenly, giving you better overall results.

Proper Placement of Parchment Paper in Your Air Fryer4o

Although parchment paper is great for most cooking tasks, using it in an air fryer requires some special considerations. You can still use parchment paper, but you need to follow a few rules. Ensure that there are holes in the paper to allow air to circulate, preventing the parchment from burning during the cooking process.

Image: wegottogo.com

If you want to avoid the hassles of dealing with parchment paper in an air fryer, you can opt for a simpler alternative like aluminum foil. It’s easy to use and works well in an air fryer, providing a convenient solution.

Dehydrate Your Fruit

Now, this is one of the more unique items on this list of fun and interesting things to do with your air fryer. While most of the hacks have focused on cooking savory foods or baking different goods, you can also use your air fryer for other purposes, such as dehydrating fruit. If you have some extra fruit that’s about to spoil, simply put it in the air fryer to dehydrate and preserve it.

Image: Reddit

There’s no need for a separate dehydrator when you can use your air fryer. It works just as well, if not better. One device can do it all!

Avoid Placing Your Air Fryer in a Corner or Crowded Between Appliances

Although it might seem trivial, the placement of your air fryer while it’s cooking is actually quite important. Many people are tempted to tuck it into small spaces in their kitchens because of its compact size. While this might work in theory, it can negatively affect how the air fryer cooks food over time. Proper ventilation is crucial for optimal performance.

Image: Hazal Ak / Shutterstock.com

Just like any oven, an air fryer needs proper air circulation to cook food effectively. This can’t happen if the air fryer is squished into a small space. Ensure it’s placed in an open area to allow for adequate ventilation and optimal cooking performance.

Parboil Potatoes Before Air Frying for Delicious Results4o

Cooking potatoes can be quite time-consuming due to their size and density. To expedite the process and ensure they cook thoroughly in the air fryer, it’s a good idea to parboil them first. Parboiling partially cooks the potatoes, allowing them to finish cooking more quickly and evenly when placed in the air fryer, resulting in delicious, perfectly cooked potatoes.

Image: Reddit

All you need to do is boil the potatoes in water for about five minutes before placing them in the air fryer. This quick step helps them reach crispy perfection.

Use Dishwashing Tablets to Easily Clean Your Air Fryer

Perhaps the biggest downside of an air fryer is that it can be difficult to clean. While people love cooking with it, they often get confused when it comes to cleaning. The process might seem unfamiliar, but it’s easier than you might think. All you need is a dishwashing tablet and some boiling water, and you’re good to go.

Image: Instagram/hall_at_home

Make sure the basket is completely submerged in the liquid along with the dishwashing tablet for at least 15 minutes. When you remove it, you’ll be amazed at how clean it is.

Stop Using the Microwave to Reheat Leftovers – They Taste Better with an Air Fryer

Although microwaves are great for quickly reheating leftovers, the results are often less than satisfying. Microwaved food tends to come out hot but soggy, often losing some of its original flavor and texture. If you have an air fryer, you’re in luck—you might even consider ditching your microwave entirely. Reheat your leftovers in the air fryer for a much tastier result.

Image: Reddit

You’ll find that the food tastes almost as good as when it was freshly made. It’s not even comparable to how the food would taste after coming out of the microwave.

Use the Right Oil to Achieve the Perfect Smoking Point

Using the right oil in your air fryer can significantly enhance your cooking experience. To achieve the perfect smoking point, you need to choose the appropriate oil. Ensure you use the right oil at the bottom of the air fryer. Soybean and safflower oil are excellent alternatives that can help you achieve optimal results.

Image: sweetpealifestyle.com

These oils will cook more efficiently, reducing smoke and enhancing the flavor of your food. Additionally, they can be more cost-effective, making them a win-win choice for your air frying needs.

Aluminum Foil Helps Keep Your Air Fryer Basket Clean

If you’re someone who despises the cleanup after cooking, this hack is perfect for you. You might avoid using your air fryer to dodge the hassle of cleaning, but there’s a simple solution. By lining the entire basket of the air fryer with aluminum foil, you can make cleanup a breeze.

Image: nymphoenix / Shutterstock.com

When you’re done cooking, simply lift out the aluminum foil with all the food inside, and voila! No cleaning required.

Make the Yummiest Grilled Cheese in Your Air Fryer

Who doesn’t love a yummy grilled cheese sandwich? Almost everyone enjoys this tasty treat, whether as a snack or a quick lunch. Forget about the sandwich maker, stovetop, or microwave. All you need is an air fryer to make the perfect grilled cheese in just a few moments. It’s easy, simple, and delicious.

Image: Reddit

This one hardly needs an explanation. Just turn up the heat, assemble your sandwiches, and let the air fryer work its magic. In no time, you’ll have grilled cheese sandwiches with perfectly melted cheese.

Ensure Proper Spacing for Evenly Cooked Meat in Your Air Fryer

Nobody likes being in cramped settings, and some people are claustrophobic and can’t handle small spaces. The same principle applies to cooking meat in an air fryer. To ensure your meat cooks properly and evenly, make sure it is well-spaced out in the air fryer basket. Crowding the meat can lead to uneven cooking, so give each piece some breathing room for the best results.

Image: Reddit

This ensures that the meat cooks properly and evenly. Even if you’re trying to save time by cramming it all together, it won’t be worth it in the end. Proper spacing is key for the best results.

Stack Food, but Avoid Overcrowding

If you need to cook multiple pieces of food at once, stacking them in the air fryer might be necessary. While stacking can work well for some foods, it can cause others to stick together and spoil. To prevent this, use a stacking accessory or a rack that keeps the food separated while still allowing for efficient cooking.

Image: wegottogo.com

You can use a metal divider, like the one shown in the photo, if you want to cook items like hashbrowns. It helps ensure that the food is evenly cooked and achieves a consistent crunch.

Use Your Air Fryer to Make a Casserole

Casseroles are often considered a staple for parents, though anyone can make a delicious one. There’s a special connection between parenthood and casseroles that’s hard to ignore. Take your casserole game to the next level with an air fryer. It’s easy to prepare, cooks quickly, and simplifies cleanup. What’s stopping you from giving it a try?

Image: YouTube/Kelly’s Cookin’

You can make all sorts of casseroles in an air fryer. Just gather your ingredients, find a pot that fits into the air fryer and can hold the casserole’s liquids, and you’re ready to go!

Cook Delicious Garlic

Garlic is a staple in almost every kitchen, enhancing the flavor of countless savory dishes. If you’re unsure how to cook garlic—whether it’s individual cloves or a whole head—the air fryer is a great solution. Simply use a bit of aluminum foil, drizzle with olive oil, and cook for about 15 minutes.

Image: Reddit

Cook it at 375 degrees, and you’ll be amazed by how delicious it tastes, how easy the cleanup is, and how versatile the end result can be.

Make Your Own Chicken Stock

It’s a shame to waste flavorful food that can be transformed into something delicious. Chicken broth is a prime example. Instead of preparing a whole new batch of chicken broth, consider saving the leftover liquids from your chicken dishes cooked in the air fryer and turn them into homemade chicken stock.

Image: Reddit

It will be flavorful, delicious, and resourceful. Plus, it’s budget-friendly—no need to buy new ingredients!

Chicken Nuggets Just Like Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant

There’s something undeniably addictive about fast food—its deliciousness is hard to resist, despite its health drawbacks. Learning how to make your favorite fast food items at home can save you time and provide a healthier alternative. Plus, you can enjoy the same great taste without the drive-through hassle.

Image: TikTok/dadmode_bbq

Your homemade chicken nuggets might reach a level that rivals those of McDonald’s or Chick-fil-A. With results like that, you might not need to visit fast food restaurants ever again!

The Trick to Perfect French Fries: Getting the Temperature Just Right

French fries are universally loved, yet achieving the perfect balance of crunchy and soft remains elusive for many. They often end up overcooked or soggy—something no one enjoys. The secret to perfect French fries is actually quite simple: cook them at 375 degrees. This temperature ensures they come out crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Image: Reddit

Set your air fryer to around 375 degrees, place the French fries inside, and you’ll end up with some of the most perfectly cooked fries ever.

Use Dawn Powerwash to Clean Your Air Fryer

Cleaning up doesn’t have to be the hard part of cooking. If you’re concerned about how to clean your air fryer, this simple trick will put your mind at ease. Just spray a bit of Dawn Powerwash onto the surface, add some hot water, let it soak, and you’ll be on your way to a sparkling clean air fryer.

This method can be more effective than using water alone in some cases. For stubborn spots, simply use a magic eraser to ensure every area is thoroughly cleaned.

Make Delicious, Non-Greasy Bacon

Right up there with French fries, bacon is one of the most beloved foods. Despite its reputation for being unhealthy, its irresistible taste makes it a favorite. However, excessive grease can ruin even the best bacon. Fortunately, an air fryer can help you avoid that problem and enjoy delicious, less greasy bacon.

Image: Reddit

The best part about making bacon in an air fryer is how easy and quick it is. Simply cook it at 375 degrees for about five minutes, and you’ll have delicious, less greasy bacon in no time.

Use Olive Oil in a Spray Bottle for Air Fried Foods

Olive oil is widely recognized as a healthy choice, central to the Mediterranean diet, which is one of the healthiest diets worldwide. However, olive oil can be pricey. To enjoy its benefits without overspending, simply buy a spray bottle and use it to evenly distribute the oil on your air-fried foods. This method helps you use less oil while still benefiting from its flavor and health properties.

Image: Reddit

You don’t need to use a lot of olive oil when cooking with an air fryer, which is another reason they’re so great. The air fryer allows you to achieve crispy results with minimal oil, making your meals healthier and more cost-effective.

Quickly Prepare Impressive Snacks for Your Guests

Some people believe air fryers are mainly for full dishes and main meals, but that’s far from the truth. While they excel at cooking larger meals, air fryers are also perfect for preparing a variety of snacks. If you’re hosting a small party or get-together, your air fryer will be incredibly useful for making impressive snacks with ease.

Image: Reddit

You can prepare crunchy potatoes, garbanzo beans for a delightful snack, or even shrimp and prawns. The possibilities for creating crispy, satisfying snacks are endless with your air fryer.

Prepare Your Own Roasted Nuts

Who doesn’t love nuts? They’re healthy, packed with good fats, and simply delicious. If you enjoy them raw, this hack might not be for you, but there’s something irresistible about perfectly roasted nuts. With an air fryer, you can easily roast cashews, almonds, or walnuts in just a few minutes.

Image: Reddit

You can also add a touch of salt to enhance the flavor of your roasted nuts. Just be mindful to use it sparingly if you want to keep them on the healthier side.

Achieve Perfect Air-Fried Chicken Breasts

Chicken is one of the most popular foods to cook in an air fryer, and for good reason. Getting chicken just right can be tricky—cooked through but not overdone or tough. To perfect your air-fried chicken, use this simple trick: coat the chicken with cornstarch and cook it for twenty minutes. This method ensures delicious, well-cooked chicken every time.4o mini

Image: Reddit

Set your air fryer to 400 degrees, coat the chicken breasts with cornstarch, and in just twenty minutes, you’ll have perfectly cooked chicken breasts.

Enjoy Corn on the Cob Even in Winter

Corn on the cob is often associated with summertime, as it’s typically in season and enjoyed at BBQs. However, you don’t have to wait for warm weather to enjoy it. The air fryer offers a fantastic alternative for cooking delicious corn on the cob, even when it’s not BBQ season.

Image: Reddit

Make sure to coat the corn with butter to prevent sticking and enhance its flavor. Flip the corn halfway through cooking for even results.

Extra Crispy Tofu Made Easy

Tofu has gained popularity in recent years as more people embrace vegetarian and vegan diets. However, cooking tofu can be tricky; it often turns out soggy and bland if not prepared correctly. The air fryer is a game-changer, making it easy to achieve extra crispy tofu that’s full of flavor. Once you try this method, you might never go back to your old ways of cooking tofu.

Image: Reddit

Say goodbye to soggy, undercooked tofu. With the air fryer, you can achieve perfectly crunchy, crispy, and delicious tofu every time. Your tofu troubles are over!

Avoid Getting Stuck on the Air Fryer Basket

Many people assume that the air fryer’s basket is the only accessory they can use. However, that’s far from true. You can actually use any cooking pan that fits inside the air fryer, as long as it doesn’t touch the bottom or the heating element. This opens up a world of possibilities for cooking different types of dishes.

Image: Francisco Zeledon / Shutterstock.com

This gives you greater flexibility and freedom with your pans, so you’re not stuck cleaning the basket repeatedly.

Cook the Perfect Easter Morning Ham

Ham is a classic holiday dish beloved by Christian communities around the world. Yet, cooking it can often be a challenge. Fortunately, with an air fryer, preparing a delicious ham for your holiday meal is much simpler than you might think. Say goodbye to the stress of cooking ham and enjoy an effortlessly perfect dish.

Image: Instagram/theairfryerworld

Simply cook the ham at around 300 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 10 minutes per pound of meat.

Ensure Proper Air Circulation Between Skewers

This cooking tip is essential for all types of cooking, but it’s particularly crucial when using an air fryer, especially for meat skewers. Ensure there is adequate space between the skewers to allow proper air circulation, which helps cook the food evenly.

Image: Toshio Chan / Shutterstock.com

This will ensure that your food cooks evenly, achieving the perfect flavor and texture. Always maintain proper air circulation around the skewers for the best results.

Create Mini Cakes and Brownies

There’s something irresistibly charming about mini treats, and your air fryer can help you make these bite-sized delights effortlessly. Although mini cakes and brownies can be baked in a regular oven, the air fryer offers a quick and convenient way to achieve the same scrumptious results. Just grab some small, oven-safe pans or silicone molds that fit inside your air fryer basket.

Image: Reddit

Be sure to look up instructions for cooking desserts, as it can be a bit more precise than regular foods.

Stop wasting money on expensive oils

Although nonstick cooking sprays should be avoided, you don’t need to splurge on expensive oils for your air fryer. Air fryers use significantly less oil compared to other cooking methods. Since oil is not the main component of the cooking process, opting for more affordable oils is perfectly fine.

Image: Imgur

Alternatively, you can choose a high-quality oil if you prefer, as you’ll be using much less of it overall.