
A Collection of 40 Hilarious Holiday Pictures

Bild: Maridav / Shutterstock.com

Of course, there is no denying that many people want to look their best in every shot, but let’s face it – there’s only so much you can control when photographing goes wrong. If you want a good laugh, then bad travel photos are so much fun to look at. The only people not laughing are the ones in the photographs.

1. Tying The Knot

She got it wrong when she thought her boyfriend of seven years was proposing. He gets it wrong by getting down on one knee in front of his hopeless romantic girlfriend. Moral of the story: always remember to scope out your surroundings and never tie your shoelaces in front of the Eiffel tower.

2. An unfortunate background

Bild: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

When we take a picture, we should always check if the background is okay. The person who photographed this woman saw that nobody was sitting behind her, so they thought it would be the perfect background.

What they didn’t notice, is the advertisement board on the building far away in the background. Far, but not enough: we can still see the silly face of the model featured on there.

3. A huge wave

Now, that would make a disaster out of a vacation day at the beach. Can you imagine such a big wave suddenly appearing while you are swimming or sunbathing?

Fortunately, this did not really happen. Some persons must have thought their vacation pictures were too mundane, so they decided to include a tsunami wave in them.

4. Big Seal Story

Bild: IMAGO / agefotostock

If you want to know how yellowtail fish tastes, don’t ask this unlucky guy. It turns out the only thing he caught that day was a snapshot of a seal running away with his food. Unfortunately, this is how not to take a picture of the fish you wanted to eat for dinner.

5. Photo Bombs Away

This lady looks like she wants to scream, but at the same time, doesn’t want to scare the Llama. Meanwhile, his reaction is priceless. This could be an attempt on his life, and he’d still be smiling like nothing’s happening. Luckily, the hawk just wants to take a group photo with them.

6. In There Like Swimwear

If spending time with your kid makes you want to reach for the sunscreen, we have just the photo for you. Just remember, one of life’s cruelest ironies is how fast it can take an unexpected turn. For example, doesn’t that old guy’s swimwear look just like Prince’s pants at the VMAs?

7. Ice Ice Einstein

Would you try a hot spring bath in 20-degree weather? This lady did just that, and it made her hair look like a mad scientist’s. Of course, that probably wasn’t the effect she was going for, but if you’re going to attempt an icy hair toss, you might as well go all out.

8. Call An Exorcist

So is it a bizarre genetic mutation or a result of her moving her head so fast that the camera caught two shots at once? One thing’s for sure: if I could move that quickly, I’d audition for the next Matrix movie. On the bright side, at least one of her split personalities looks happy.

9. Monkeys on My Mind

Bild: Imago / ZUMA Wire

Monkeys are very cool but not to wear as headwear. Just ask this fashionable young trendsetter. Unfortunately, he was so busy posing that he didn’t think about the consequences. Then his picture went viral for all the wrong reasons. Too bad his new friend didn’t tell him how goofy he looked.

10. Sneaky Creepers

Is that something out of a Stephen King novel? No, it’s not the clown from “It.” Although I’m pretty sure this unidentified man scared the pants off of this unsuspecting couple near Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. At least they kept calm. How’d the photographer not see him creep up on them?

11. Nightmare on Hundred Acre Wood

This little girl waited to go to Disney World. But, unfortunately, after meeting Tigger in real life, she can’t help but wonder who’s behind the mask. Now Disney characters are so terrifying she won’t come out from under the table. Who knew the Magic Kingdom would turn out to be a living nightmare?

12. The Main Attraction

When you plan family vacations, try to capture the moment and not everyone’s attention. I’m pretty sure this guy felt cute before leaving the hotel. Now he probably wishes he wore something else that day. Maybe if his outfit blended better with the background, it wouldn’t be this bad—poor guy.

13. Mystery Meat

Bild: Imago / ZUMA Wire

If you see Mickey Mouse eating someone’s unsuspecting kid right now, your mind is playing tricks on you. It’s not what it looks like. I’m sure Mickey would think twice before he bit someone’s head off on camera. But, if you look closer, you’ll see that someone is standing behind the iconic character.

14. Little Rebel

Bild: Imago / Panthermedia

We usually rate family photoshoots PG or PG-13. However, this cute little girl clearly has something else in mind. We’re pretty sure that this little angel is giving the photographer the finger. I am just kidding. It’s a completely unintentional gesture, but you can’t help but burst out laughing when you see it.

15. Dream Waves

An on-duty lifeguard rescued the woman in the photo. Surprisingly, she was in such a deep slumber that she didn’t even notice when the tide came in. It quietly pulled her in and left her stranded on a small sandbar. Luckily, a fellow vacationer noticed and took this picture before calling for help.

16. Bag Lady

She’s usually calm and collected. However, when it comes to her hair, she’s not one to mess around with. The water ride is fun for most people, but there is one thing she dreads more than her hair getting wet. Luckily she used a plastic to-go bag to keep it dry on the way down.

17. Crabby Baby

This family is enjoying their vacation at the sea and are trying to take a nice picture of the dad. But how can you stand still when you have to look after you children at the same time? Here we can imagine that the dad just saw his kids doing something they weren’t allowed to. The photo was taken just at the right moment.

18. Near Manta Ray Experience

This particular photographer had a great shot lined up, then he noticed an extra friendly dolphin in the background, and things just got better. I wish I was the photographer who snapped this shot of his friends with their new buddy. Congratulations. You captured one of the coolest photobombs ever without missing a beat.

19. The Longest Ride

This family had a bad vacation. How bad? Well, they have a picture to prove it. This mom and her two boys really look like they’re returning from the worst trip ever. Wherever it was, I’m sure it’s one of those vacations they’re never going to talk about. It looks like nothing went right.

20. Two Sequels in One

Are you a fan of the film Napoleon Dynamite? How about “National Lampoon’s Family Vacation”? Then I’m sure you’re going to love this picture. It looks like a vacation photo of parents with two kids that look remarkably similar to Napoleon Dynamite and his family. From the haircut to the clothes, it’s all there. I bet they sound just like him too.

21. Gone Fishing For Rocks

Rafting is an adventurous and fun way to get back to nature, and it’s not as dangerous as you might think. However, this lady was still lucky that she was okay after falling into the river. Having a river rafting vacation accident is not always funny, but this time it’s plain hilarious.

22. Gesundheit

Bild: Imago / Cavan Images

Some people are prone to take bad photos. It doesn’t matter how hard they try or what angle, they just can’t seem to get it right. Take this little girl, for example. It looks like she’s completely allergic to taking a good picture. But, we all take funny photos sometimes. That’s what Photoshop is for.

23. Is Anybody in There?

This team of sled dogs doesn’t look too happy. And what’s with the mascot? When you have a furry bear insisting on being in your photo, you know things are going to get weird. If you plan to vacation in Poland anytime soon, be sure to add this photoshoot to the list of things not to do.

24. Once In a Lifetime

Golfing is an elegant sport, but some things can throw off your concentration. Lucky for this old chap, he doesn’t have that problem. I don’t think he would ever see that young man relieving himself in the background if it wasn’t for the photographer. That’s probably the wildest thing I’ve seen caught on camera by accident.

25. The Eeyore Family

Spending time with your loved ones is great, but It’s probably better when you’re smiling. If you’re ever at the happiest place on Earth and see a family this depressed, it’s pretty safe to say somebody’s getting fired. This family was not having a good time hanging out at the Magic Kingdom. So what did Winnie do this time?

26. If the Ocean Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit

Bild: Andrii ZHuk / Shutterstock.com

Our lives are full of small choices. There’s the bathing suit you choose for vacation, and of course, the shoes you wear to a nightclub. This glamour girl seems to mix them all up, and it makes for one confusing photo shoot. Shoes that are good for the beach: flip-flops, pool slides, and sandals. Shoes that are not good for the beach: 6-inch platforms.

27. Red Bottoms

The guy thought his boxer briefs were so cool that he had to show a little more of them than usual. Maybe if he took a minute to reflect on his life decisions, he would realize how silly they looked in these beach photos. I can’t blame the photographer for snapping some candid shots.

28. Smooth Sailing

Bild: Maridav / Shutterstock.com

When you’re trying to get out of a giant pink flamingo, you expect it to be easier. However, that’s not always the case. Take this woman, for example. She fell right into the water headfirst and nearly drowned in one foot of water. Apparently, the best photo-ops are the ones you don’t see coming.

29. Shark Week Buffet

Bild: A. Aleksandravicius / Shutterstock.com

I look at this photo and hear Jaws theme music. There is a sign warning these people that they’re entering shark-infested waters, but they continue to go in the water anyway. And worst of all, they seem completely unbothered. I’m pretty sure the photographer took this picture in Florida; that’s where all the crazy people are.

30. Rock-a-Bye Baby

You can’t help but wonder why these parents are so calm in this photo. Maybe they didn’t realize their baby was about to fall out of the backpack and into the sea. Well, at least they have a picture to remind them what bad parents they are. I think the photographer reported them to child services.

31. Our Little Pooh Bear

This baby isn’t afraid to take a toilet break in the wilderness. Instead, he’s just letting it all out right there in front of everyone. It’s okay; kids tend to forget moments like these. Luckily for him, he has a supportive sister to tease him about it for the rest of his life.

32. That’s Me In The Corner

So what’s the story with this kid? Is he just a troublemaker, or does he just love a good laugh? One thing’s for certain. If we ever run into this little joker on the street, we’ll be sure to buy him a soda and thank him for pranking his whole family. Mission accomplished.

33. May the Dork Be with You

Caught in the crossfire of a very bad picture, we find a super nerdy couple and their two kids. One dressed as Captain Kirk and the other as the popular Star Trek character, Spock. Too bad those awesome retro-space suits will become nothing more than a secret they take to the graves.

34. The Coolest Kid In The Jungle

Bild: Smolina Marianna / Shutterstock.com

I think it’s safe to assume that this boy will be the coolest kid in kindergarten, and we don’t mean just in the monkey bars. He already has an awesome crew of friends with him. He’s got monkeys, parrots, beautiful beaches, and you can sense that a proud parent is watching somewhere nearby.

35. National Geo-Graphic

Aww, these two turtles are in love. Wait, are they doing what I think they’re doing? Well, It was beautiful while it lasted. That is, until a bunch of tourists showed up and ruined their romantic evening. Public affection isn’t always pretty. The question is: how can the photographer capture the moment without feeling like a total creep?

36. Crustacean Party

Remember that time you and your partner got so badly sunburned during the summer that you turned into a lobster red? This couple had to buy an enormous amount of aloe vera lotion to calm the burn. Not an experience they will forget, and surely not one that they will repeat.

37. Dirty Birdie

This man was enjoying the beach with his beautiful family when his kids decided to bury him. So now he can’t escape the sand if he wanted to. The funniest part of this photo is the gift that three seagulls left on his forehead. Thank goodness he brought sunglasses that day.

38. Killer Croc Season

Hot weather brings pools and lots of laughs. But if you’re like this guy in the photo, those laughs are from people noticing your sunburn. If you’re going to take a trip to the beach or pool this summer, plan on rubbing sunblock everywhere, including your feet. And ditch the Crocs. Wear sandals instead.

39. What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

While most of us would just settle for a few pictures of Chippendales dancers from afar, this grandma was more than happy to walk up and snap some shots with Magic Mike. I’m sure she’ll be able to tell her grandchildren about this one day when they’re older. Although, on second thought, maybe not.

40. Down in The Dumps

Hey kids, do you want to go to a landfill for your next vacation? You’ll have so much fun. Sure, there are rats and trash everywhere, but rummaging through municipal waste builds character. I’m certain these little ones will grow up with a whole new appreciation of life. Or at least some childhood trauma.