
Every Driver Needs to Know About These Handy Car Hacks

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Whether you commute in your car daily or reserve it for weekend family adventures, there’s no denying the inherent challenges of car ownership. Rising fuel prices, increasingly congested roads, and the seemingly daunting task of car maintenance without a trustworthy mechanic on call can make the experience overwhelming.

However, there’s a silver lining – you can make car ownership much more manageable without breaking the bank with these straightforward car repair and maintenance tips. Best of all, you can perform these tasks from the comfort of your own home.

Utilize Coffee Filters for Dust Removal

For those who can’t kickstart their day without a caffeine fix, chances are you’ve got a surplus of coffee filters stocked in your kitchen. While originally meant for brewing a delightful cup of Joe, it turns out that coffee filters have another handy use – cleaning your car. Their lint-free design makes them ideal for tackling the dust that accumulates in your vehicle.

Image: Fotopogledi / Shutterstock.com

If you’re looking to freshen up your dashboard or give your windshield a quick wipe-down, these coffee filters will effortlessly whisk away any dust. It’s as straightforward as that.

Eliminate Dents Using a Plunger

Discovering a dent on your car, especially when it’s someone else’s doing, can be incredibly frustrating. However, there’s often no need to spend a significant amount on professional repairs. If the dent isn’t extensive, you can easily tackle it yourself with just some hot water and a plunger! It’s a straightforward process that anyone can manage.

Image: www.engineeringchoice.com

Simply pour hot water over the dent and the plunger, then affix the plunger onto the dent. As you gently pull the plunger back toward yourself, the dent should pop out along with it.

Apply Toothpaste on Your Headlights

Many people forget about their headlights when it comes to their car maintenance. But this area of the car is actually one of the most susceptible areas to dirt and grime, which can be dangerous when you need the brightness of the headlights to see in the dark. So, it’s important that you give them a good clean every now and then. And whitening toothpaste could be your saving grace when you do this!

Image: Lifehack.org

Following a thorough cleaning of your headlights with soap and water, apply a thin coat of whitening toothpaste to the headlight surface, allowing it to dry. Afterward, buff it vigorously with a damp cloth for a few minutes to achieve a polished finish.

Go Hands-Free with Your Phone

It’s common knowledge that operating your phone while driving poses a significant safety hazard. Diverting your attention away from the road is a risky move. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of your phone’s hands-free capabilities! While you could spend your money on a dedicated hands-free phone holder, why do that when you can utilize items you already have at home?

Image: www.youtube.com

Indeed, with just a rubber band and a pen from your stationery drawer, you can effortlessly fashion a setup that enables you to affix your phone to your car’s ventilation system.

Incorporate Baking Soda into Your Pre-Vacuuming Routine

While many associate car maintenance with mechanic visits and repairs, an integral aspect of upkeep is maintaining a clean and organized vehicle. This includes regular vacuuming. However, if you notice lingering odors like wet dog or the aftermath of lively kids even after vacuuming, turn to baking soda for a quick solution. It’s your go-to remedy for swiftly eliminating unwanted odors in your car.

Image: kattazz/Instagram

Simply sprinkle a layer of baking soda onto the seats before you commence vacuuming, as it serves as an excellent odor-neutralizer. Don’t fret if you happen to use an excess amount; you can easily vacuum it up afterward.

Keep Paper Towels Accessible

Paper towels are incredibly useful in your kitchen and bathroom, but have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to clean up a spill in your car or check your oil levels? In those moments, having paper towels readily available would have been a lifesaver. That’s why it’s a smart idea to keep a supply of paper towels in your vehicle at all times. And to prevent them from getting misplaced in your trunk, consider attaching them to the roof of your trunk.

Image: www.handyman.net.au

By affixing an elastic cord to the trunk lid, you can suspend paper towels within easy reach, ensuring they’re always available when you require them. This simple solution will streamline your car maintenance tasks.

Prevent Bumps with a Pool Noodle

Owning a garage is a luxury that shields your car from potential theft and adverse weather conditions. However, parking your car in a tight garage can often result in undesirable door dings from contact with the walls. If this predicament sounds familiar, why not repurpose some of your old pool noodles?

Image: www.foodfashionhome.com

By slicing your pool noodle in half lengthwise, you can affix it to the wall where your car door opens. This way, if you happen to open the door too wide, it will come into contact with the noodle, preventing any accidental damage.

Effortlessly Thaw Frozen Door Handles

Truth be told, automobiles and frost rarely get along. During the winter season, you may encounter difficulties starting your car, dealing with an ice-covered windshield, and grappling with frozen door handles. It’s particularly frustrating when you’re holding a steaming cup of coffee and running late for work. But fear not! If you have cooking spray in your kitchen, you can swiftly resolve this issue.

Image: www.dollartree.com

A quick spritz of cooking oil on the handles will cause the ice to rapidly dissolve, allowing you to effortlessly open your car door within seconds.

Harness the Power of Vaseline

Chances are, you already have a jar of Vaseline at home, most likely in your bathroom rather than your garage. However, you’ll be surprised to learn that this versatile product offers far more than just relief for chapped lips. Vaseline can also be your car’s invaluable companion, with numerous applications in the realm of car maintenance and repairs.

Image: autocraft_detailing/Instagram

In fact, Vaseline is hailed as one of the top-notch car cleaners available. After initially wiping surfaces with a damp cloth, applying a layer of Vaseline will provide an added shine and polish!

Don’t Forget the “Penny Test”

If you’ve ever spent a substantial amount on a mechanic’s assessment of your tire’s condition, you might have been needlessly parting with your money. It’s now simpler than ever to check your tire treads from the comfort of your home, and all you require is a penny! This humble coin can effectively gauge the wear on your tires and help you determine if they’re still safe for driving or if it’s time to invest in new ones.

Image: kiaofirvine.blogspot.com

Just position the penny into the tire tread and observe the direction in which Lincoln’s head is facing. If the tread doesn’t extend beyond his forehead, it’s a clear sign that it’s time to invest in new tires.

Defrost Your Glass with a Potato

Potatoes, renowned for their versatility in the culinary world, can be fried, boiled, mashed, and even baked. However, their utility extends beyond the kitchen. Surprisingly, a spare potato can also serve as a handy tool for defrosting the glass in your car. You need not fret about foggy or icy windows when you have a spare potato at your disposal; a few simple wipes with it can effectively defrost your entire car.

Image: www.youtube.com

To utilize this method, simply halve a raw potato and use the skinless, starchy side to wipe over the glass. This not only offers instant defrosting but can also act as a preventative measure against future frosting.

Invest in a Plug-In Electric Blanket

Whether you’re a regular at the drive-in movie theater or spend your weekends braving the cold to watch your kids play soccer, a plug-in electric blanket could become your ultimate savior. While it’s not recommended for use while driving, it’s perfect for those moments when you’re stationary in your vehicle. These blankets are budget-friendly and conveniently plug into your car, ensuring you stay warm without worrying about them losing heat.

Image: Instagram/sassy1rn

Many electric car blankets available on the market also feature an extended cord, allowing your chilly soccer players in the back to benefit from the warmth once their game is over.

Employ a Spare Pair of Socks for Your Wipers

Raise your hand if you have a stash of old socks lying around – those that may have shrunk in the wash, developed a couple of holes, or fallen out of fashion. Rather than discarding them, repurpose them to safeguard your windshield wipers. We all recognize the inconvenience and time-wasting when wipers become frozen to the windshield, so this simple hack can be a real time-saver.

Image: www.youtube.com

By covering your wipers with socks and raising them off the windshield, you can rest assured that you won’t need to defrost them before embarking on your morning commute.

Maintain Your Leather Interior with Olive Oil

When selecting your next vehicle, what criteria do you prioritize? Some opt for the swiftest car available, while others prioritize aesthetics. Some even specifically request leather interiors. While leather interiors exude style and durability, they demand regular maintenance. Fortunately, you needn’t invest in costly products to achieve this; all it takes is adding some extra olive oil to your grocery list.

Image: xodetailss/Instagram

While it’s crucial to clean leather seats with soap and water, once that’s done, you can apply a uniform layer of olive oil. This practice will effectively moisturize the leather and prevent it from cracking.

Safeguard Your Belongings

If you’re someone who can’t leave home without your purse, an umbrella, snacks, and seemingly everything but the kitchen sink, you likely spend your drives with these items scattered in the back seat. By the time you reach your destination, your purse has spilled its contents all over the floor, and you find yourself wasting precious time reorganizing everything. Fortunately, you needn’t tolerate this any longer.

Image: chezan30/Instagram

By affixing car hooks or carabiners to the back of the passenger seat, you can conveniently secure all your essential items, ensuring organization and keeping everything within easy reach and in one place.

Defog Your Windshield Using Cat Litter

If you’re a cat owner facing the issue of a foggy windshield, you’re in for a helpful solution. Those extra supplies of kitty litter at home can prove to be a lifesaver when winter chill sets in. Driving with a foggy windshield can pose significant dangers, making it essential to clear it before hitting the road. Fortunately, kitty litter can come to your rescue in this regard.

Image: Simone Hogan / Shutterstock.com

Since kitty litter contains silicate, it’s specifically designed to absorb moisture – the very quality you require when tackling a foggy windshield. By placing the litter inside a sock and positioning it in your car, you can effectively halt the moisture buildup in its tracks.

Address Minor Imperfections with Nail Polish

Many individuals resort to the mechanic for various car repairs, which is perfectly reasonable for engine issues or starting problems. However, it’s unnecessary to spend your hard-earned money on minor scratches and imperfections. If your vehicle has small body scratches, there’s no need to make a trip to the mechanic. Instead, make a detour to the bathroom and grab some nail polish.

Image: m.facebook.com

Nail polish is an ideal solution for covering up those minor imperfections. Just be certain to select a shade that matches your car’s bodywork color; otherwise, it might appear rather unusual.

Eliminate Corrosion Using Coca-Cola

We’ll venture a guess that you have a stockpile of Coca-Cola cans stashed in your pantry, as it’s a beloved beverage for many. While it’s widely recognized for its consumption by humans, what some car owners might not be aware of is that Coca-Cola can also serve as a remedy for removing engine corrosion. So, it appears this popular soda isn’t limited to human consumption alone—it has a place in car maintenance too!

Image: www.youtube.com

Pouring a portion of the fizzy drink into the engine terminals can rapidly eliminate corrosion. If you prefer not to pour it directly into the engine, you can alternatively use a cloth dampened with Coca-Cola to wipe away the corrosion.

Always Maintain Your Pizza’s Warmth

Owning a vehicle often entails assuming various roles, from designated driver to family pizza deliverer. However, few things are more disappointing than arriving home with a cold pizza. Fortunately, there’s a way to ensure your pizza stays warm in your car, even during those traffic jams.

Image: massimo_m.a.x.i.m/Instagram

Many contemporary cars are equipped with seat warmers designed to provide comfort on chilly days. However, why not utilize them to keep your pizza piping hot while it’s in the car?

Employ Slime for Cleaning

If you have children, it’s quite likely that you have some leftover slime lying around the house. This toy experienced a significant surge in popularity a few years ago, and while kids used it for molding in their hands, it turns out that slime can also play a role in car maintenance, particularly for cleaning purposes. Its unique texture allows it to reach into every crevice and clean every inch of your car.

Image: www.amazon.com

Applying slime to your air conditioning vents and other small crevices allows you to collect loose dirt that dusters or vacuums may not reach. Subsequently, you can easily wash the dirt off the slime and reuse it, making it a handy cleaning tool.

Utilize Hand Sanitizer to Combat Freezing

During the winter, numerous individuals turn to boiling water to thaw their car doors and locks. While this is a viable option, if you’re in a hurry and can’t wait for the kettle to boil, consider reaching for the hand sanitizer in your purse instead. After all, conventional anti-freeze products predominantly contain alcohol, which is also a key ingredient in the hand sanitizer we frequently use.

Image: Varavin88 / SHutterstock.com

Thanks to its elevated alcohol content, the sanitizer will rapidly raise the temperature of the ice, melting it and allowing you to effortlessly open your door and proceed with your morning commute.

Utilize Your Mayonnaise

Whether you craft your own mayonnaise or prefer store-bought options, you’re likely aware of the versatility of this condiment. It’s fantastic for sandwiches and salads, but it also has surprising applications in car maintenance and vehicle repairs. This is particularly handy when dealing with stubborn tar stains on your car’s bodywork, as mayonnaise can effectively remove them in no time.

Image: accem / SHutterstock.com

Simply apply mayonnaise to the affected areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and then you should be able to easily buff out the stains. Just be sure to clean off the mayonnaise afterward!

Remove Stickers with Heat

Bumper stickers can be a polarizing topic – some embrace them wholeheartedly, adorning their bumpers with as many as they can fit, while others opt for a clean and uncluttered look. However, if you’ve recently acquired a vehicle with unwanted stickers, you’ll be pleased to learn that removing them is a straightforward process. There’s no need to spend hours meticulously peeling from the corners.

Image: goldgym.ch

Simply take your hairdryer and direct some heat onto the bumper sticker; it should begin to peel off on its own. Of course, you may need to assist with some additional peeling.

Craft Your Homemade Car Freshener

The initial aroma of a new car is undeniably appealing, often prompting a desire to preserve it. However, it doesn’t take long before that cherished “new car smell” dissipates, giving way to less pleasant odors that can leave your nose wrinkling in disapproval. But rather than purchasing a commercial car freshener, why not take a DIY approach? Creating your own car freshener is a straightforward task, requiring nothing more than a container and scented candles.

Image: Stefanie Keller / SHutterstock.com

Just position the candles within the container and puncture some holes in the lid. Once assembled and placed in your car, the fragrance from the candles will swiftly permeate the interior.

Unearth Concealed Features

When you acquire a new car, there’s often no formal orientation session to acquaint you with its functions, safety systems, or the intricacies of its multimedia center. This holds even truer when purchasing a used vehicle, as the previous owner may not have been fully aware of all its features either. That’s why it’s advisable to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the entire car, from top to bottom, to ensure you haven’t missed any hidden features.

Image: Flickr / Barry L. Atkins

Take, for instance, this luxury car, which boasts a concealed compartment within the passenger door equipped with a built-in umbrella. Who would have thought to search there? Typically, we wouldn’t consider inspecting door panels for concealed accessories, but this discovery may prompt us to start doing so.

Effortlessly Remove Your Keys

Keyrings are undeniably convenient, providing a practical means of keeping all your essential keys on a single ring, streamlining your daily life. However, there are instances when you need to remove a specific key, and accomplishing this can feel nearly impossible. Attempting to wedge your finger between the rings can require brute force and considerable effort, prolonging the process of key removal. Fortunately, there’s a simpler way.

Image: www.facebook.com

Indeed, reach for your staple pin remover instead! By utilizing the teeth on this tool, you can spare your fingers from the struggle and significantly expedite the key removal process.

Prevent Your Car from Slipping

For those residing in regions with exceptionally cold winters, the perils of driving in the winter months are all too familiar. Not only must you contend with slippery conditions in the snow, but you also need to exercise extreme caution regarding black ice. At times, navigating the roads may seem like an insurmountable challenge. However, what do you do when you absolutely must venture out? This is where adding some extra weight to your car can be beneficial.

Image: www.familyhandyman.com

By loading bags with stones, concrete, or other substantial items into the trunk of your car, you can provide added weight and enhance your tires’ traction on treacherous, slippery roads.

Meticulously Clean Your Cup Holders

The inventor of car cup holders deserves a standing ovation. Nothing beats the convenience of easily accessing a beverage while driving, and these cup holders also serve as handy storage spaces for loose change or snacks. However, these compact recesses are prone to collecting dust and grime, which can lead to significant dirt buildup if you neglect their regular cleaning.

Image: www.buzzfeed.com

Interestingly, one of the most effective methods for maintaining the cleanliness of these cup holders is to insert a cupcake liner into them! This way, you can easily remove the cupcake liner and clean it, sparing you the challenge of cleaning the cup holder itself.

Effortlessly Organize Your Belongings

If you’re someone who prefers to be prepared for any situation, your car is likely brimming with an assortment of items. You might have spare clothing, deodorant, snacks, a phone charger, and a myriad of other essentials. Aside from the glove compartment, you may be wondering where else you can stow these belongings in your vehicle. Here’s a handy suggestion: consider acquiring a car shoe organizer. After all, you don’t have to use it solely for shoes.

Image: www.onecrazyhouse.com

By suspending these organizers from the back of your car seats, you’ll immediately create storage space to neatly arrange all your belongings. Plus, they won’t shift around in the back anymore!

Leverage the Manual Lock

In our contemporary era, most modern cars are equipped with electronic locks that can be conveniently operated with the push of a button on a key fob. However, it’s essential to remember that these devices rely on batteries, and those batteries can run out, potentially leaving you locked out of your car. Fortunately, car manufacturers considered this scenario when designing this feature.

Image: www.youtube.com

Surprisingly, not everyone is aware that cars with electronic locks also include a manual lock mechanism. Typically, you can locate this manual lock beneath the plastic cover of the door handle.

Determine the Right Stopping Point Using Tennis Balls

Garages serve as excellent protective spaces for your vehicle. However, although many individuals utilize their garages to avoid trips to the mechanic for car repairs, some find it challenging to park their cars safely within the confines of the garage. They often struggle to gauge the correct stopping point, occasionally driving into the wall and damaging their bumpers in the process. Fortunately, tennis balls can come to the rescue by helping you ascertain when to stop.

Image: www.youtube.com

By suspending a string with tennis balls from the ceiling, you can arrange them in a manner that signals when to stop. When the tennis ball makes contact with the windshield, it’s the cue to hit the brakes.

Revive Your Dashboard with Oil

Many individuals understandably steer clear of introducing cooking oils into their vehicles since that’s not the type of oil cars require. While certain cooking oils could create a mess if applied to your car’s interior, olive oil surprisingly comes to the rescue. This is particularly useful if you’re struggling to clean a stubborn dashboard, despite your best efforts.

Image: oneminutehacks.com

Simply dispense a few drops of olive oil onto a coffee filter or cloth, and then proceed to rub it across your dashboard. You’ll witness a remarkable transformation, with your dashboard sparkling as if it were brand new.

Secure an Additional Cup Holder

For those who enjoy staying well-hydrated with an assortment of beverages, the standard two cup holders in your car might fall short. What’s your plan when you acquire a jumbo fountain drink from the drive-thru? The solution lies in grabbing an additional shoe – just not the one you’re currently wearing. Keeping a spare shoe in your car could prove to be remarkably handy in such situations.

Image: www.autoadvance.co.uk

This ingenious approach involves placing your additional drink into the spare shoe on your car floor. Doing so not only keeps it secure but also prevents potential spills and messes from occurring.

Utilize Rice to Eliminate Fog in Your Car

If you’ve ever accidentally submerged your phone in water, you’re likely familiar with the miraculous moisture-absorbing properties of rice, capable of rescuing your phone from an untimely demise. However, what you might not realize is that rice can also serve a similar purpose in your car. If you’re grappling with excess moisture and a foggy windshield in your vehicle, rice could be the solution to your predicament.

Image: homeaddict.io

By placing a bag of rice on your dashboard, you can guarantee a fog-free windshield in your car. Be sure to periodically replace the rice to maintain its effectiveness.

Enhance Safety with Window Tinting

While most cars are equipped with sun visors to shield your eyes from the sun, they may sometimes prove too small or inadequately positioned. Even with the aid of sunglasses, the sun can still pose a blinding hazard for drivers. Consequently, it’s worth considering the investment in window tints, readily available at your local home store, to bolster safety while on the road.

Image: homeaddict.io

These tinted plastic sheets can be affixed to the front glass, promptly mitigating the glare that permeates your field of vision. This way, you can continue to drive safely with reduced brightness.

Maintain a Fresh-Smelling Car

While you’re behind the wheel, encountering an unidentified and unpleasant odor can be quite vexing. Is it the leftover pizza from a week ago? Perhaps those aging shoes in the back seat are the culprits. Or did your furry friend pick up some mysterious scent before hopping into your car? Regardless of the source, it’s wise to ensure your car always exudes a pleasant fragrance. In this regard, dryer sheets can be a valuable ally.

Image: m.facebook.com

By strategically positioning these dryer sheets beneath your seat and within your air vents, you can effectively maintain a fresh and inviting aroma inside your car. Feel free to select the dryer sheet scent that suits your preference!

Acquire a Car Trash Container for Improved Cleanliness

In the world, there are two types of individuals: those who diligently maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of their cars, and those who unwittingly transform their vehicles into rolling waste bins. The latter group essentially creates a mobile trash heap within their cars, a less-than-sanitary practice. If you find yourself belonging to the latter category, why not consider investing in a car trash container? It may be a small step, but it can significantly enhance your car’s cleanliness and organization.

Image: www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com

Positioning this trash container between the back seats provides a convenient receptacle for disposing of your waste once you’re finished with it. All that’s left to do is periodically empty the car trash can to maintain a clutter-free interior.

Rescue the Fan Belt with Stockings

Navigating the world of car maintenance and repairs can be both challenging and costly. That’s why, in many cases, it’s advisable to seek the expertise of a seasoned mechanic who can handle the intricacies. However, should you ever encounter an emergency situation where you’re unable to summon a mechanic promptly, having a pair of stockings at your disposal can prove invaluable. This is especially true when dealing with a broken fan belt.

Image: www.youtube.com

In the event of a fan belt failure requiring you to move your car to a safe location, stockings can serve as a makeshift replacement. It’s crucial to bear in mind, though, that this is only a temporary solution!

Photograph Your Car in the Parking Lot

Whether you’re making a trip to the shopping mall or exploring a tourist destination during your vacation, few things are as vexing as losing track of your car in the parking lot. In most cases, you simply want to hop back into your vehicle and hit the road without embarking on a search-and-rescue mission to locate your car. Fortunately, you can preemptively avert this scenario by employing a simple trick upon parking.

Image: ryo_zc6/Instagram

Upon parking your vehicle, capture a photograph that includes your car and its immediate surroundings. This picture can serve as a reference point when you find yourself disoriented in the parking lot, enabling you to head in the correct direction toward your car.

Maintain Trunk Orderliness

Every vehicle’s trunk is intended for storage, and we’re all aware of how convenient it can be. Whether you habitually store items in your car’s trunk or use it temporarily, like after a trip to the grocery store, you’re probably familiar with the issue of items shifting and potentially falling out of bags during transit. But what if there was a way to prevent this?

Image: www.reddit.com

You can resolve this issue by placing a couple of laundry baskets in your trunk and organizing your items within them. Additionally, this method allows you to conveniently transport your groceries into the house without juggling multiple separate bags.

Boost Your Key Fob’s Range

For those who rely on a key fob to unlock their car, it’s no secret that the fob won’t function if you’re too distant from your vehicle. This can become a frustrating ordeal when trying to locate your car, potentially leading to hours spent scouring the parking lot. However, there’s a rather peculiar method to enhance your key fob’s range, and it surprisingly involves using your chin!

Image: Best smile studio / Shutterstock.com

By gently rubbing the key fob against your chin, you can harness your body’s electromagnetic signals to extend the range. It may sound unconventional, but we assure you that it’s a surprisingly effective technique!