Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned over the United Kingdom for an unprecedented 70 years, longer than any previous British monarch, witnessed numerous technological and societal transformations during her rule. Amidst these changes, she revealed her vibrant personality and a delightful sense of humor, all while firmly reminding everyone of her unwavering authority. Here, we celebrate some of the finest moments from Queen Elizabeth’s remarkable reign.
A Surprise Wedding Guest
In Manchester, a young couple had scheduled their wedding at the town hall. To their surprise, the venue informed them that there would be another significant guest present on the same day. In a playful spirit, they decided to send an invitation, jokingly speculating that it might be the queen.

They had never anticipated her actual presence, but to their astonishment, she attended the event, leaving the bride and groom utterly surprised. Not only did she take the time to get acquainted with their names, but she even incorporated them into her busy schedule. This heartfelt gesture truly underscores her deep appreciation for her people!
An Experienced Driver and Mechanic
We often envision royals as immaculate figures surrounded by a retinue of staff to tend to their every need, but this wasn’t the reality for Queen Elizabeth. She wasn’t afraid to roll up her sleeves and dive into tasks herself.

She received training as a mechanic during her service with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in the British Army. Even during her stays at Balmoral Castle, Queen Elizabeth would personally handle mechanical work on her car. In a remarkable display of her dedication, she even operated an ambulance during World War II!
Expressing Gratitude to the Railway Workers
Queen Elizabeth consistently showed strong support for public services, and this extended to the railways as well. In 2014, Reading station underwent a redevelopment aimed at eliminating one of the most problematic bottlenecks in the railway network. The Queen honored the occasion with her presence during the official opening.

At this location, she captured a photograph alongside more than 100 railway workers, symbolizing her heartfelt appreciation. What’s particularly remarkable is that she had previously inaugurated the original station back in 1989, underscoring the extraordinary length of her reign!
Unusual Changing of the Guard
The Changing of the Guard ceremony holds significant importance as it signifies the transition of responsibility for safeguarding the monarch (and formerly, the queen) from the Old Guard to the New Guard. While various musical pieces accompany this tradition, a notably exceptional song was played on September 13th, 2001.

In a powerful display of solidarity with the events of September 11th, 2001, Queen Elizabeth issued a directive to have “The Star-Spangled Banner” played. This poignant gesture resonated deeply with Americans worldwide, evoking profound emotions.
Driving in her Range Rover
Recall the fact that the Queen was a skilled mechanic who personally maintained her vehicles? Well, she also had a genuine love for driving and would often embark on leisurely journeys in her sleek black Range Rover, embodying true independence and confidence.

She defied the constraints of age, continuing to enjoy driving, and paid no heed to conventions when it came to rolling down the windows. This was evident in her chic choice of a silk scarf to shield her hair. After all, everyone appreciates a serene countryside cruise, even Her Majesty the Queen!
The epitome of royal elegance
If there’s one thing you can be sure about when it comes to the late Queen Elizabeth, it’s her deep affection for two things: exquisite attire and Balmoral Castle. In this captivating photograph, she skillfully merged these passions, resulting in an utterly breathtaking image.

This photograph was included in a book commemorating the 60th anniversary of her coronation, and it truly embodies the essence of regal. Every element captured in the image, from her robe to the picturesque Scottish countryside, exudes sheer elegance and grandeur (except for her tiara).
Forever vibrant and impeccably matched
You might have observed that Queen Elizabeth was often seen wearing vividly colored ensembles, meticulously coordinated from head to toe, rather than opting for dull attire. This preference for bright colors was deliberate, as it facilitated her easy recognition by the public.

She even possessed a collection of transparent umbrellas adorned with a multitude of vibrant hues. This ensured that even in the rainy British weather, people could catch a glimpse of her. It’s a testament to the meticulous consideration she put into her attire!
The Ultimate Enthusiast of the Nintendo Wii
Queen Elizabeth’s lengthy reign allowed her to witness significant technological advancements. Fortunately, she had a dedicated team of family members and staff who ensured she stayed well-informed about all aspects, even including video games!

One year, she observed her grandson engrossed in gaming and expressed her desire to give it a try. Her enthusiasm was so great that she even had a luxurious golden Nintendo Wii custom-made. Queen Elizabeth herself concurred that the Wii was among the finest gaming consoles available!
A Journey Through Evolving Technology Over the Years
Speaking of technological transformations, here’s a fascinating shower thought for you! Queen Elizabeth’s coronation took place in 1953, which coincided with the introduction of color televisions worldwide and occurred three decades before the birth of the internet.

However, by the time she passed away, technology had advanced and evolved to such an extent that her demise was announced on social media platforms like Twitter. She witnessed numerous changes and adeptly kept pace with them all without any difficulty!
Exchanging a Covert Grin
Among the most exceptional photographs of the queen are those capturing her with a radiant smile gracing her face. These images reveal her relatable, “human” side, and it was particularly heartwarming when these smiles were elicited by the company of her husband, Prince Philip.

In this particular instance, albeit challenging to discern, both of them shared a hearty laugh following an unexpected disruption caused by a swarm of bees during a formal event. It perfectly exemplifies the joy of having a partner with whom you can share a good laugh.
Gently Conveying Her Views
As the Queen of England, Her Majesty wasn’t permitted to openly proclaim her opinions. Nevertheless, this didn’t hinder her from discovering subtle ways to convey her sentiments. An incident involving the Saudi Arabian crown prince serves as a notable example.

At that time, Saudi women were prohibited from driving, yet this did not deter the queen from utilizing her top-notch driving skills acquired during her military training. She swiftly took the prince on a ride around the Balmoral estate, sending a powerful message that women are capable of achieving anything.
Have You Met the Queen?
Queen Elizabeth possessed a wonderful sense of humor, as a group of American tourists exploring the Balmoral estate soon discovered in an unexpected manner. Upon encountering the queen accompanied by a protection officer, they inquired if she had ever crossed paths with the queen. Queen Elizabeth cheekily responded with a simple “no.”

She mentioned that her officer had, however, so the tourists proceeded to take photographs with both of them, even requesting the queen to capture an image of them with the officer first. To their astonishment, when they shared these photos with friends back home, they had to explain the true identity of that “elderly lady” they had encountered!
A Monarch and a Daredevil
It appears that we, the ordinary citizens of the world, weren’t the sole enthusiasts of James Bond. The queen shared this passion, to the extent that she consented to participate in a video for the London Olympics 2012, in which she seemingly leaped out of a helicopter!

She had just one request, and it was that she be allowed to utter the iconic line, “Good evening, Mr. Bond.” What made it even more delightful was her ability to keep it a well-guarded secret, leaving her own family equally surprised, just like everyone else, when they witnessed her unexpected appearance in the video.
Steering Clear of Uninvited Visitors
As a royal, part of your job is meeting with officials from other countries. But that doesn’t always mean that you want to see them, especially if they’re a problematic person.

Legend has it that on one occasion, the queen went to the extreme of concealing herself in a shrubbery along with her corgis to evade a conversation with Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife. It illustrates that even royalty is willing to take extraordinary measures to avoid interactions with individuals they’d rather not engage with.
In Love Despite the Passage of Time
Not many people can say that they spent 73 years with their soulmate, but Queen Elizabeth could. She and Prince Philip had a long, happy marriage — and you can tell from the love displayed in both the older and newer photos.

The queen wore the same brooch in both photos, which, knowing her, definitely wasn’t a coincidence. We love that the queen and her husband joined in on the whole “then and now” trend that’s been popular for years.
The Last Corgi
Queen Elizabeth was a true dog lover, spending many years responsibly breeding corgis which she loved to pieces. However, as she got older, she recognized the possibility of her beloved dogs outliving her.

This is why she made the decision to discontinue breeding them in 2015, allowing her corgis to enjoy their remaining years in her company. The last corgi she bred, sadly, passed away in 2018. Although she did have other dogs, they were presented as gifts and now reside contentedly with Prince Andrew.
A Gathering of Influential Women
When Marilyn Monroe comes to mind, we often associate her with the bygone era of old Hollywood glamour. However, it’s intriguing to note that she and Queen Elizabeth were born in the same year. In 1956, these two iconic figures crossed paths at a movie premiere in London.

The gaze exchanged between them in this photograph exudes a sense of profound understanding, as if both acknowledge the relentless public scrutiny and the meticulous examination of their every action. Moreover, their beauty is undeniable!
May the Queen Reign for Years to Come
Elizabeth’s reign was so extensive that it can be quite challenging to recall the precise moment when she ascended to the throne. She was officially crowned in the year 1952, a mere 27 years old at the time, and the momentous occasion was widely covered in newspapers across the globe.

It’s truly remarkable that this individual unearthed such a precious piece of history, accompanied by a captivating photograph of the queen. It’s evident why she captivated the hearts of countless people throughout the years!
Time for an Equestrian Excursion
The queen’s life came to a close at the venerable age of 96, yet she never allowed age to hinder her pursuits of passion. Among those passions was horseback riding.

In this photograph, captured when she was 93 years old, she continued to find joy in horseback riding on the Windsor Castle grounds. It serves as a reminder that individuals of every age deserve the opportunity to engage in activities they are passionate about.
A Profoundly Unforgettable Evening
The conclusion of World War II was a momentous occasion for many, triggering celebrations in various nations, including the United Kingdom. At the time, Queen Elizabeth, then known as Princess Elizabeth, was determined not to miss out on the festivities.

She and her sister discreetly departed from Buckingham Palace to partake in the jubilant street celebrations in London. She donned her ATS uniform and was readily recognized by many, considering it one of the “most unforgettable nights of [her] life!”
Unexpected Hospital Calls
In 2017, attendees of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, went through a harrowing ordeal when the event was targeted in an attack. The incident was truly heartbreaking, and Queen Elizabeth personally undertook the initiative to visit several of the victims in the hospital.

In this instance, she paid a visit to a 15-year-old girl who was left stunned by her presence, describing her as incredibly kind. The concert attendees should never have had to endure the ordeal they did, but hopefully, Her Majesty’s personal visit brought some solace to their suffering.
The Significance of a Name
Evidently, there’s a longstanding tradition in Britain that requires those ascending to the throne to adopt a new name. However, Elizabeth wasn’t inclined to follow suit. When asked what name she would assume, her response was unequivocal, “My own, of course. What else?”

Her son, who would become King Charles III, made the same choice after her passing, even though Charles isn’t the most fortunate of names. Many wished he had opted for his given name, King Arthur, which would have been truly legendary.
A Love That Stood the Test of Time
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip first crossed paths during their youth, and right from the beginning, they were deeply infatuated with each other. When the matter was broached with King George, her father, he insisted that any formal engagement should be postponed until they both reached the age of 21.

Upon both of them turning 21, their mutual feelings remained steadfast, leading to the approval of their engagement by the king. Subsequently, they married and enjoyed a remarkable union that endured for an astonishing 73 years, a period longer than the lives of many of us.
Nourishing Donna the Elephant
There are numerous privileges that come with being a queen, and one of them involves having unique experiences that most people can only dream of, such as getting up close with an elephant. On one occasion, an English zoo inaugurated an elephant care center, and Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip graced the event with their presence.

They had the delightful opportunity to feed Donna the elephant bananas, a far more exhilarating experience compared to their daily routine of tending to their corgis. The question lingers: Who could be considered more adorable, Donna or the corgis?
Countless Conversations
When you hold the throne as long as Queen Elizabeth did, it entails witnessing a multitude of world leaders rise to prominence and eventually depart. Throughout her reign, she witnessed the tenure of 14 U.S. presidents and engaged with 13 of them in person.

To give you an idea, there have been 45 U.S. presidents, so that means that she met nearly one-quarter of all of the leaders of the United States! We wonder how much small talk about baseball and nice weather she must have had to do.
Her Inaugural Broadcast Address
Princess Elizabeth, before she became queen, delivered her inaugural broadcast speech at a mere 14 years of age. This momentous occasion was prompted by the events of the early 1940s when numerous British children were evacuated to foreign countries.

Princess Elizabeth and her sister, Princess Margaret, extended a message of hope and sent well-wishes for the future to all those children who were separated from their homes. Many of those young listeners have since recounted how comforting and reassuring their words were during those trying times.
Laughter at a G7 Summit
The G7 Summit is a gathering where global leaders convene to deliberate on significant global matters, encompassing economics, the environment, and other seemingly tedious topics. The queen evidently acknowledged this as she injected a touch of wit while posing for a photograph.

She quipped to the group, “Are you all meant to appear as though you’re having a good time?” While her intent could have been multifaceted, it certainly elicited hearty laughter from those in attendance.
Exclusive Perks of Being a Queen
Queen Elizabeth enjoyed numerous exemptions from the rules during her reign. One such privilege was sovereign immunity, which meant that she “could not be held legally liable and was shielded from civil lawsuits.”

She could also drive without a driver’s license, which the rest of us definitely can’t get away with. It’s a good thing she was a trained mechanic and driver since she presumably didn’t have to go through a driver’s test!
Exempt from Passport Requirements
The queen had even more privileges than sovereign immunity and driving without a driver’s license. She could also travel without a British passport! Why, you ask? Well, it’s pretty simple, really.

Both British driver’s licenses and passports are issued in the name of Her Majesty. When she’s the one issuing them, it becomes apparent that it wouldn’t make much sense for her to possess one herself, does it? Many of us can relate to the desire to bypass border control procedures!
Eternally the Dazzling Monarch
Today, many of us are familiar with photographs of the queen in her later years. However, it’s important to remember that she was crowned at the youthful age of 27, and she was a truly captivating sight to behold.

Queen Elizabeth was undeniably more than just a woman of beauty. Nonetheless, it’s challenging to overlook her resplendent charm when you encounter this magnificent photograph of her on her coronation day. She appeared impeccably attired and held a scepter adorned with an astonishing diamond, a vision of regal grandeur.
The First Email of the Monarchy
We’ve already seen several examples of how the late Queen Elizabeth embraced new forms of technology throughout her reign. Email was just another example of how she got ahead of the curve, sending her first in 1976.

It was only a few years after email was developed, and a couple of decades before the rest of the world jumped on the email bandwagon. It’s not surprising, though, since she was ever the modern monarch. Keep in mind — hers was the first televised coronation, after all!
An Awkward Speech Snafu
When you hold a position of power, it’s quite likely that you might make a few inadvertent blunders during a speech at some juncture. Such an incident occurred with a former U.S. president, who mistakenly stated that the queen had participated in the U.S. bicentennial celebrations in 1776.

Such a statement would have indeed aged the queen significantly beyond her actual age. However, she handled it gracefully, and they both shared a hearty laugh over the mistake.
Choosing the Appropriate Surname to Utilize
Numerous countries adhere to the tradition wherein the wife in a marriage assumes her husband’s surname. The debate regarding whether this tradition is outdated and superfluous is a separate matter altogether. Nevertheless, many women, including Queen Elizabeth, choose not to follow this convention.

Numerous countries adhere to the tradition wherein the wife in a marriage assumes her husband’s surname. The debate regarding whether this tradition is outdated and superfluous is a separate matter altogether. Nevertheless, many women, including Queen Elizabeth, choose not to follow this convention.
Ways to Extend Assistance
During wartime, most leaders are determined to contribute to their country in any way possible. Queen Elizabeth, who was just a teenager when World War II commenced, was certainly no exception to this commitment.

She begged her father to let her join the efforts despite her young age, wanting to show her people that she was there to support and encourage them through dark times. She was always a present and caring monarch, that’s for sure.
A Vast Gathering in India
India remained under British rule from 1858 to 1947, during which Queen Victoria, and subsequently Elizabeth, presided over India, much like other British colonies. Although India’s direct colonial rule concluded in 1947, Britain maintained numerous connections with the country.

This visit by Queen Elizabeth in 1961 was likely influenced by the enduring ties, and during her visit, she confidently addressed a colossal crowd of over a quarter of a million people! Fortunately, it appears that the queen was not plagued by any form of stage fright.
A Metaphorical Mic Drop
Thanks to the 2012 Olympics, we already know that Queen Elizabeth wasn’t one to shy away from a fun opportunity on camera. She surprised the world again in 2016 for the Invictus Games, a sports event for wounded servicemen and women.

The queen appeared in a promotional video with Prince Harry, where she responds to a message with “Oh, really? Please” and Prince Harry drops a mic. If only the queen herself had mic-dropped!
Something Out of the Ordinary
As a queen participating in numerous promotional events, it’s important to infuse a bit of fun into the proceedings from time to time. So, when she attended a reception to cut a cake, she didn’t settle for just any ordinary knife.

Instead, she borrowed a ceremonial sword from one of her guards, and snarkily replied “I know there is” when told there was a normal knife. She commented that the sword was “something more unusual.” We mean, she wasn’t wrong.
A Cake That Proved to Be Quite the Challenge
Speaking of cake-cutting, a task the queen seemingly had to undertake frequently, her choice of a sword at that reception in 2021 becomes quite evident. It’s clear that knives weren’t always her ally in such situations.

In 2015, she attempted to cut the inaugural slice of cake at the centenary celebration of the Women’s Institute, but encountered a momentary snag when the knife became lodged in the cake. Princess Anne eventually succeeded in dislodging it, and fortunately, it resulted in this truly captivating photograph.
Holder of Seven Guinness World Records
We’ve all heard of Guinness World Records. During her lifetime, the queen held a whopping seven of them. Unfortunately, none were as cool as “longest breath held underwater” or “longest plank,” but still.

Her records included the longest reigning queen, oldest current monarch (at the time), oldest British monarch, oldest British queen, featured on the most currencies, the wealthiest queen, and the largest parade of boats. We’ve got some questions about that last record.
Some Astonishing Facial Gestures
The British royal family is renowned for their meticulous attention to the image they project, including their facial expressions, particularly in situations where they might be discontented. However, one specific royal wedding appeared to be an anomaly in this regard.

The queen and Prince Philip were both looking pretty displeased at Bishop Curry’s sermon at Harry and Meghan’s wedding, while Prince William was trying hard not to laugh. We suppose some things are just worth reacting to, royal or not.
Still Alive, Anyway
In the year 2016, Queen Elizabeth took her final visit to Northern Ireland. She turned 90 that year, enjoying a much longer life than many people get to have. She wasn’t afraid to joke about her old age, either.

When the deputy first minister, Martin McGuinness greeted the queen, he asked, “Hello, are you well?” — to which she responded, “Well, I’m still alive, anyway.” Talk about a funny way to dodge a question.
Two Enormous Smiles
Ask any grandparent, and you’re likely to hear about their deep affection for their grandchildren and the immense pride they feel in them. Queen Elizabeth was no different when it came to embracing the role of a doting grandmother, as evidenced by her radiant smile directed towards her grandson.

This heartwarming moment occurred during a parade marking Harry’s commissioning as an Army officer. Queen Elizabeth’s radiant smile was so infectious that Prince Harry couldn’t resist blushing and grinning back at her. It appears that composure was momentarily set aside!
Maintaining Her Cool Under Fire
The mantle of a powerful leader carries inherent safety risks. In 1981, during a parade, Queen Elizabeth was astride her horse when six shots were fired, apparently targeting the queen herself. However, she remained remarkably composed and did not succumb to panic.

She managed to calm down her panicking horse and continue riding on as if nothing happened, which is impressive. Sweetly, Prince Philip broke ranks to ride up to her and make sure she was okay before going back to his place.
Heed Your Grandmother’s Advice
The position of a grandmother inevitably entails instances where you must reprimand your grandchildren, even if you happen to be the queen. On the balcony of Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth found herself in a situation where she had to admonish Prince William during a fly-past.

He was supposed to stand, but was dealing with his children. The queen gave him a queenly whack on the shoulder to remind him to get on his feet, as only a loving grandmother and composed monarch can do.
A Royal Photobomb
Selfies and photobombing are contemporary phenomena, born from the ubiquity of cameras in our lives. At the Commonwealth Games, two Australian hockey players opted to take a selfie to commemorate their victory against Malaysia and capture the moment of meeting the queen after the match.

To their astonishment, Queen Elizabeth herself inadvertently photobombed their snapshot! What’s more, she graced the moment with her warmest smile. Who would have imagined that the queen was keeping up with the latest trends?