If you clicked this article, you probably know someone who is a “baby boomer,” or you, yourself, are one. “Baby Boomer” is a generational cohort that describes those individuals whose birth year was between 1946 and 1964. Being goal-centric, resourceful, disciplined, and family-oriented are some of the qualities they possess.
You may not know it, but some people we recognize and admire actually belong to the boomer generation. The ones who made it on the boomer list are none other than Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, and Bill Gates, just to name a few.
A lot has changed since the baby boomer years, and even the famous people I have just mentioned can attest to it. While some choose to adapt to the trend, other baby boomers just can’t get enough of things their generation is greatly known for. Read on to find out!
1. Going to The Mall

Baby Boomers love shopping. It is their stress reliever and mood booster. With the advent of technology and the rise of online shopping, many people have lost their interest in physically going to stores to get good deals and great finds, but Baby Boomers are an exception.
Yes, they do buy stuff online; but for them, nothing beats the joy of going to the mall to make actual purchases. In fact, the results of a study showed that boomers ranked the highest among generations in expressing their preference to shop in-store than purchase online.
2. Availing Cable Plans and Bundles

Having a television with cable channels was once necessary to watch various video contents, but times have changed. Despite it, boomers still turn to traditional TV to watch news programs and entertainment shows. In actual fact, they spend an average of five hours a day in front of the TV.
Boomers have already made themselves familiar with several streaming services, but they are yet to take the next step. Watching traditional TV may be out of style in your opinion, but not in the eyes of the boomer generation. So, no, they won’t be cutting the cord any time soon.
3. Writing Bank Checks

Online banking has grown in popularity over the years, but boomers still don’t have a strong inclination to it probably because of its heavy reliance on technology. Boomers were taught to write checks and balance their checkbooks to manage their finances, which they have carried on up to this day.
If there is one good thing the boomers could get from this habit, that would be strong financial cybersecurity. In a world where cybercrime is prevalent and vehement, a lot of baby boomers actually believe that writing a bank check is their shield from the dangers brought about by cyber-attacks.
4. Holding a Briefcase

If there is one thing that would never die for the men of the boomer generation, that would be their love for briefcases. As a matter of fact, you would often see famous people who are baby boomers in a pin-stripe suit with a briefcase in hand. Seems familiar, right?
You might be wondering about what their briefcase could possibly contain. Well, for one, their bank check, of course. In addition to that, they could probably have a laptop, notebook, and pen with them, among others. I’ll leave it up to you to think of the rest.
5. Browsing through Catalogues

When you were younger, you may have had a brief experience of browsing through catalogs in order to see goods that you can buy from a particular company. But unlike you, baby boomers had spent quality time with catalogs long before companies started featuring their products online.
Catalogs may seem like an old-fashioned way of shopping, but not if your target customers are baby boomers. They appear to like catalogs above all the other generations. So if you are a product seller, save yourself some time and hand your catalogs out to the boomers!
6. Wearing Socks and Sandals

A lot of us probably think that it is highly unlikely for someone to wear socks and sandals at the same time, but it has been done by many, credits to baby boomers. Yes, they are the ones who started this craze and a lot of people have followed since.
For some, they would say that sandals are made to be worn by your bare feet, but boomers beg to differ. Boomers defied standards in the past and have consistently been doing so. Truth be told, this pair has now become a fashion statement for recent generations.
7. Wearing of Diamonds

Boomers and their interest in diamonds have played a significant role in the success of the jewelry market. In fact, a lot of retailers believe that marketing jewelry to baby boomers is extremely important because they are perfectly aware of the latter’s purchasing power.
As mentioned earlier, the boomer generation tends to splurge a lot on things they like. Nowadays, some of the reasons why diamonds are included in the list are (1) inheritance, (2) safety net, and (3) safekeeping. Do you want your diamonds sold? Go and reach out to the boomers.
8. Using Phone Hip Clips

If you are wondering if these things are really a thing, well, I know the feeling. A reliable source says that Hip Clips are made of stainless steel that you can clip to mobile devices or hard cases. It is used to attach the item to your pocket or waistband.
For a reason unknown to many, baby boomers think that attaching their things to their hip or pocket is a must. I am guessing that they probably don’t want to miss a call or lose an item. As we all know, they tend to be forgetful at times.
9. Reading Conspiracy Theories

As their generation was the first one to be introduced to media, they became an easy target of false information. Conspiracy theories have been gaining popularity in recent years because of social media. Many people, even baby boomers, fall into the trap.
Now, the bottom line here is, no matter what generation you are in, you are no exception to this reminder. Before you believe anything that circulates over the internet, do your own fact-checking first. We do not want you to be one of the peddlers of fake news.
10. Wearing High-Waisted Jeans

History repeats itself, and the same goes for fashion. Speaking of fashion pieces that made it to the trend list, the ladies out there are loving the return of high-waisted jeans. This piece is definitely a stand-out in casual streetwear outfits, and there are tons of ways to style it.
Many boomers dig high-waisted jeans not only because you can easily wear it with plain tops and comfy shoes, but also because it is cozy and form-friendly. In fact, you can even see millennials and Gen Zs wearing the same piece of clothing on their casual days out.
11. Collecting China Tableware

Many boomers are fond of inviting family members and relatives over and hosting intimate occasions. These are the times when the china tableware (usually hidden inside a glass cabinet) is finally displayed on the tabletop. Take note, they spend a dime on the fine and expensive ones.
One reason behind this is that baby boomers believe that china pieces, together with their recipes, are treasured family heirlooms that they could hand down to their kids when they grow older or get married. Unfortunately, many millennials and Gen Zs these days do not appreciate having these possessions anymore.
12. Wearing New Balance Shoes

If you are in a crowd searching for a baby boomer, spot that pair of new balance shoes. The brand itself believes in the boomer power. In fact, the majority of their sales come from a great number of baby boomers who are confident in the quality of their product.
In addition to the information stated above, boomers are extremely fond of sports. When you combine that liking to their financial capability, it would mean sales and profit to shoes and sports companies. Now, the youth of today have finally learned to appreciate it and the demand has grown higher.
13. Using Phone Books

When was the last time you have seen these “yellow pages”? If you can’t remember exactly, I feel you. Before, baby boomers used phone books which are the old-school telephone directory that contains the complete list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of people and businesses in a certain area.
This telephone directory was often placed at their front door, but we rarely see that in this day and age. With technology, we now have information at our fingertips. We are only one click away from obtaining all the details that we need. Baby boomers are yet to master that.
14. Turning Jeans into “Jorts”

To be honest, I have never heard of the term “jorts” before. How about you? Upon doing my research, I learned that jorts are jean shorts either bought that way or made by cutting the legs off a pair of jeans. Boomers just won’t give this clothing piece a rest.
You would often see the men of the boomer generation wear “jorts” whenever they go outside to run errands during weekdays or spend time with their family at the mall during weekends. Sometimes, they even pair it with their corny dad jokes and unique style of wearing socks and sandals.
15. Binge-Watching a 24-Hour News Channel

There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping yourself abreast of current news and affairs, but boy, baby boomers are hardcore news enthusiasts. The launch of 24-Hour News Channels came perfectly in the age of baby boomers. They were well into their adulthood when they were first introduced to it.
Boomers surely loved the idea that they could stay up late and up-to-date with the recent happenings by tuning in to just one channel. Today, however, technology has made things easier and faster for us all. Most people now go to various online media platforms to read the latest news.
16. Wearing Hawaiian Shirts

Have you ever seen someone wear a Hawaiian shirt on an ordinary day? I haven’t, and I am sure that just like me, you also often see people wear Hawaiian shirts only during the summer. Well, leave baby boomers out of that picture because they wear it all the time.
For many baby boomers, their love for floral prints is never-ending. It exudes a great sense of practicality and a unique clothing style that will last for generations. So, if you ever come across a person wearing a Hawaiian shirt, more likely than not, that person is a baby boomer.
17. Writing in Cursive

This writing style is extremely popular among boomers. As it turns out, it was the same handwriting that they once used when they were still fond of writing letters and sending postcards to their loved ones. Now, debates have sparked among generations over the use and relevance of cursive writing.
Although many people nowadays question its importance because they hardly use it in writing, baby boomers remain faithful to cursive writing. In fact, when you ask them to write on a paper or sign a document, you would rarely see someone from the boomer generation who would write in print.
18. Wearing Dad Slacks

A baby boomer outfit will not be complete without the presence of these infamous dad slacks often accompanied by a tucked-in striped shirt, and a pair of New Balance shoes. You would often see them wear this on a casual business day out or a quick bonding time with friends.
Today, many celebrities and influencers are spotted showcasing their own style wearing dad slacks in black, dark blue, and beige tones. On top of being comfortable, wearing it can make you look chic and casual. So, if you are a millennial who loves this fashion hype, thank the boomer generation!
19. Buying from Home Shopping Networks

Home shopping is defined as the act of purchasing products carried out in the comfort of one’s own home as these goods were being advertised on a television channel. Baby boomers have gotten used to television shopping stations because they were introduced to this method of purchasing way before us.
Even though boomers are highly into brick and mortar shopping because it sparks joy, they are no stranger when it comes to other means such as home shopping networks. Many sales experts believe that it is mainly due to their interest in exploring new products that are on the market.
20. Using Velcro Shoes

In all honesty, there are only two groups of people who are often seen wearing Velcro shoes: youngsters and elders. Of course, boomers are the latter, but they couldn’t care less. These Velcro shoes do not have laces in them. It only has two Velcro strips to fasten the shoes.
With its build, boomers highly appreciate the comfort and convenience it brings for it literally goes with everything they wear. You may have promised yourself you would never wear anything like that, but who knows right? Maybe you will end up wearing one, and baby boomers will never be happier.
21. Sending Emails

Why bother sending emails when you could just send a plain text message? Well, that’s a baby boomer thing. The reason may be linked to their preference of receiving emails more than text messages. In truth, according to a marketing study, baby boomers prefer to receive emails frequently than millennials.
Just when we thought that they are less techie, research shows that boomers are email-savvy. It has also been the reason why businesses target them through email marketing. Okay, let’s leave the decision up to them. The hassle never bothered them anyway, so why make a big deal about it?
22. Going on a Cruise

Boomers are frugal in most things, but not when it comes to travel experiences. That is why they have a keen interest in cruising. They have the time, money, and desire to go the extra mile for longer stays and upgraded accommodations that one can only experience on a cruise.
Unfortunately, the current pandemic has disrupted the lives of many. With that said, it has also hampered the boomer generation’s dream of embarking on a cruise these days. Nonetheless, when everything goes back to normal, I am absolutely sure that baby boomers will be the first ones on the deck.
23. Eating in All-You-Can-Eat Buffets

Who does not want to eat an unlimited amount of food, right? Well, baby boomers share the same sentiment. They do enjoy being in restaurants that have all-you-can-eat buffets wherein you just have to pay a fixed price before you can eat anything you want as much as you can.
Buffet restaurants have long been passed, but boomers still like it just the same. Aside from the joyful feeling it brings, boomers go to buffets because they want to be provided with options and be in complete control of what they eat. Baby Boomers will not say no to buffets!
24. Wearing a Tourist Getup

You may have already experienced this when you went on a vacation with your relatives. The thing about family gatherings is that there will always be someone who stands out of the group because of a tourist-like attire, and more often than not, that person is a certified baby boomer.
This getup typical to men is composed of cargo shorts, tucked-in top, bucket hat, fanny pack, and camera. Truly a tourist getup, right? This attire will help you easily spot someone between 57-75 years old who is out there in the sun. Who knows? Maybe he can tour you around.
25. Collecting Household Ornaments

For you, it’s clutter; but for baby boomers, it’s an heirloom. The act of collecting knickknacks has been their hobby for years: one thing that many millennials are having a hard time deciphering why. If minimalist is the trend these days, on the contrary, maximalist was the trend those days.
Boomers tend to purchase household ornaments in order to fill in the empty spaces of their rooms. Aside from its decorative purposes, they also believe that they could pass these objects on to the next generation. So, if you are a hardcore minimalist, avoid going to a baby boomer’s house!
26. Using Bar Soaps

With the rising popularity of body washes, guess who is not a fan? Boomers, exactly. Although reports say that there is already a decline in the sales of bar soaps, the boomer generation remains old-fashioned. Consumers who still buy a bar of soap tend to be over 60 years old.
In modern times, millennials are believed to be the ones creating this generational shift. They are now switching from bar soaps to liquid soaps. As a matter of fact, health authorities back them up on this saying that germs that spread infections can easily grow on the traditional bar soaps.
27. Participating in Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes is defined as gambling. It takes the form of a lottery wherein a winner is randomly chosen from a pool of entries to get the price. Sometimes, you can get in for free, but more often than not, you get your way into it by purchasing a lottery ticket.
People these days are not that interested in sweepstakes; however, you have to leave those in the boomer years out of the picture. As it turns out, this shot at a million has an enticing appeal to them, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get their hands on one.
28. Having 9-5 Work Weeks

This 9-5 work duration is done every day (five times a week), which sums up to a 40-hour week grind. Baby boomers are great followers of this work schedule. In fact, their being work-centric proves this claim. This workaholic generation gains a sense of satisfaction from spending long days at work.
Spending long days at work also reveals a lot of the other defining characteristics of those in the boomer years. Aside from being hardcore workaholics, they too are independent, competitive, and goal-oriented which you can immediately feel when you go inside a company with employees who are baby boomers predominantly.
29. Criticizing Millennials

“Why did we come to this?” Millennials and boomers both probably have this thought in mind. Why? It is because there has been a long-standing dispute between baby boomers and millennials; hence, the creation of the catchphrase “Ok, boomer.” Both generations are constantly at each other’s throats.
The clash between the two generations is brought about by their conflicting views and opinions. You see, boomers have stereotypes about millennials being entitled, lazy, and unprofessional individuals. Millennials, on the other hand, perceive them as old-school, arrogant, and unapproachable. This on the rocks relationship won’t seem to end soon.
30. Receiving Paper Bills

These days, we already have what is called “paperless billing” that allows individuals to access their billing statements online instead of having them printed and delivered to their houses. Going paperless has its eco-impact because it helps to reduce C02 emissions. That is why many people prefer to do it.
The majority of boomers are tech-resistant. For this reason, those in the boomer years are yet to embrace “paperless billing” and other automated transactions even though their practice may seem a little outdated. Let us encourage them to make the switch in order to reduce its impact on the environment!
31. Loving Their Toast

Let me give you a brief history lesson about toast. Although it started in the Roman Empire, it became known to the world during the era of America’s Great Depression. That was the time when it became a staple together with other food you can associate with grandmother’s cooking.
One reason why boomers love toast is it is fairly inexpensive and easy to do. You can even experiment to come up with toast recipes. With this fact, it is no secret why even the other generations, especially millennials, are so into one of its varieties which is avocado toast.
32. Watching Police Dramas

The typical story of a police drama involves a crime and a hero (which in this case is the Police). We may not know why, but the boomers seem to buy this story structure. In fact, TV series under this genre were produced a lot during the first television decade.
Many of those in the boomer years are really fond of watching television because truthfully speaking, they are the first generation who grew up with it. Over time, they have developed a deep liking for many police drama shows such as NCIS which is really a baby boomer favorite.
33. Placing Word Arts on Walls

You may have seen The Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”) or Gandhi’s quote (“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”) posted on a wall somewhere. Guess who started it? Yes, right, the boomers.
Boomers’ word arts also stand out aside from their knickknacks. It typically contains bible verses, inspirational quotes, or words of wisdom that serve as their words to live by. I am sure that you have also done this yourself one way or another. Again, baby boomers deserve all the credit.
34. Ironing Clothes

Ironing clothes has always been an important part of our laundry day, and many of us have probably gotten used to ironing clothes using the usual iron and ironing board introduced to us by our predecessors. Thanks to the baby boomers who saved us from the wrinkles of newly-washed clothes.
Thankfully, doing laundry at the present time has never gotten any easier than ever before. We now have more options of efficient detergents and softeners that help remove these wrinkle problems. Furthermore, we now have new and improved steamers that can solve almost if not all of our ironing dilemmas.
35. Playing Racquetball

Have you ever thought of a sport that is considered boomer-friendly? Well, there is one: racquetball. Racquetball is a sport played on an indoor court using a racket and hollow ball. Unlike other types of racket sports, it does not have a strict ruling and there is no net division.
Maybe the reason why they are one for playing racquetball is it’s easier to play and a lot more enjoyable. It encourages longer rallies and provides a way of burning fats. So, if you have not played any sport before, take their piece of advice and play this boomer sport.
36. Putting Carpeted Toilet Seat Cover

This one is a boomer thing that many people truly hate to the point that they wish it should not have existed. Who would have ever thought that someone would create a carpeted toilet seat? More so that someone would buy it from the market? You guessed it—baby boomers.
This infamous interior fashion started in the 1970s usually seen in carpeted bathrooms. It may look stylish, but maintaining its cleanliness was a bit stressful for many owners. Damp spaces (which are often what these carpets have) trap bacteria that may cause various respiratory diseases to whoever breathes it in.
37. Using Wallpaper Decorations

This use of decorative wallpaper patterns and designs started in the 16th century during the earliest era of printing until it reached its peak in the 20th century. It was when people from all walks of life, young and old, were already using wallpapers everywhere: bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, and bathrooms.
Baby boomers are not the only ones guilty of doing this. In actual fact, it has made its way back as a trend these days for the same purposes. Thanks to the booms for paving the way for wallpaper to flourish. Time to give that homey vibe the boomer way!
38. Seasoning Food with Mrs. Dash

What makes a boomer’s cooking different from others? That would be the Mrs. Dash aftertaste one will experience. Why? It is because it has always been their go-to food seasoning, and they make it an ingredient of nearly any food. Without a doubt, Mrs. Dash is a certified boomer favorite.
This salt-free seasoning contains granulated mixtures of dried herbs and spices which are sold in holed and small plastic bottles. Even though we already have a lot of options to choose from, baby boomers couldn’t care less. Their taste buds have been and always will be a Mrs. Dash fanatic.
39. Wearing Crocs

As mentioned in the earlier item, all the boomer generation wants is a life of comfort. Crocs as a brand markets itself for its comfortability which is attested to by many consumers. That is possibly the reason why boomers being a fan of it did not come as a surprise.
While others go for sneakers, rubber shoes, flats, and heels, those in boomer years remain faithful to the product that has carried them to different places. It might not match other people’s fashion tastes, but they do not actually care. So, no, they won’t be switching sides any time soon.
40. Having Potpourri

Which of the five senses is being tapped by Potpourri? The word itself already activates one’s sense of smell. If today we already have dehumidifiers, air purifiers, and diffusers, boomers back then only had this for their room fragrance. For this reason, many people associate this smell with baby boomers.
Potpourri is a mixture of dried and fragrant plants which produces a natural scent. Aside from its aroma-giving function, it also acts as a decoration as its color and arrangement inside a glass bowl produce art. I bet you can still find potpourri in boomers’ houses today. Have fun looking!