Have you ever heard of a condition known as Atherosclerosis? It occurs when fats accumulate on the artery walls. This automatically causes the vessels to narrow and restrict blood flow to the heart or other body parts.
While there are artificial smoothies, detox drinks, and juices that can correct the condition to get everything running, nature has offered a lot of natural foods that can do it even better. That said, here are the natural foods that can help unclog your arteries and improve blood flow.
1. Oranges

In addition to quenching your thirst, oranges have a lot to offer, including vitamin C, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients.
More importantly, oranges contain a compound known as pectin that helps absorb cholesterol from the foods you consume. The potassium also helps to neutralize proteins, lower blood pressure, and flush out proteins.
2. Kale

Even though it might take some time before you land on one, your hustle is worth it. Kale is vital in keeping your heart in great shape. It contains high levels of antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber.
These nutrients are well known for reducing the risk factors associated with heart attacks and other diseases. Also, it has minimal calories contents.
3. Garlic

If you only think garlic is only good for repelling vampires, you have no idea how important they are when it comes to heart-boosting.
Also, aged garlic extract has been known to decrease the amount of soft plaque in the blood vessels. Apart from making your meal tasty, it’s also essential to lower your arterial plaque level and blood pressure.
4. Wine

There is a saying that a little wine is good for the heart. Drinking wine or other types of alcohol in moderation lowers the risk of heart diseases.
For good results, limit yourself to a two-ounce glass of wine daily for men and one for women. Remember, the same effect can also be felt with other types of alcohol.
5. Chocolate

Cocoa beans are very rich in plant compounds known as flavanols. These compounds are known to contain high levels of antioxidants and other minerals that are vital in heart health matters.
Many researchers have found that taking chocolates regularly but in moderation lowers the risk of heart failure as well as atherosclerosis.
6. Sardines

This fatty fish is adored for its high omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for reducing triglyceride levels in circulation.
Regular consumption of Sardine also boosts the levels of HDL good cholesterol in your blood. Above all, it reduces inflammation, clearing any debris in your blood vessels, and heart diseases in general.
7. Lentils

These disc-shaped legumes are abundant in proteins and minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, powerful in lowering blood pressure. Also, increased intake of lentils can decrease the density levels of bad LDL cholesterol.
Fibers work by reducing the levels of cholesterol intake from the gut to the blood stream. Research has found that intake of lentils can reverse the blood pressure-instigated damages.
8. Almonds

Almonds are not only delicious, but also they are rich in nutrients that are known to improve memory and reduce the risk of heart disease. A recent research has shown that high consumption of almonds can boost the level of antioxidants in your blood stream and improve blood flow.
Furthermore, almonds are known to lower cholesterol levels and prohibit the absorption of LDL.
9. Pomegranates

Pomegranates come with lots of antioxidants that prevent plaque oxidation and heart diseases.
A recent research in Israel has proved that consumption of a glass of pomegranates juice combined with dates helps to guard your body against atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. It’s also good for your liver, skin, teeth, and joints.
10. Berries

Berries come in different names, including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries. These plants are wholly packed with vitamins, fibers, minerals, and other plant compounds, including flavonoids and antioxidants that are well known to improve heart matters.
Many researchers have also found that taking berries regularly can highly Atherosclerosis risk factors like LDL cholesterol, blood sugars, and blood pressure. Their anti-inflammatory properties help them improve artery function and protect them against cellular damages.
11. Beets

Beets are a great source of nitrate. Your body converts this compound into nitric oxide that plays many crucial roles in reducing the risks of Atherosclerosis.
Beets are rich in nitrates that decrease inflammation and improve blood vessel function. Taking beets regularly can help to boost your blood vessel functions.
12. Turmeric

Today people recognize the health benefits of this brilliant yellow spice that was conventionally an Indian cuisine addition. Turmeric contains a compound known as Curcumin which thwarts clogged arteries and atherosclerosis.
Curcumin, an excellent antioxidant, also helps to prevent the deposition of fatty acid which can narrow the blood vessels leading to heart attacks.
13. Fish

Fish contain high levels of essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, among other important body nutrients. For instance, Omega-3 fatty acids is well known to reduce the chances of Atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.
Equally important, taking the unsaturated fats in fish reduces the triglyceride levels and decreases the arteries’ plaque build-up.
14. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, proteins, nutrients, and antioxidants. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to significantly reduce the level of LDL cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and total cholesterol.
Besides, they reduce atherosclerotic plaque, lower blood pressure, and improve endothelial function. Apart from easily lowering the risks of blood pressure, they also ensure a healthy heart.
15. Apples

Apples are super fruits that are known to contain lots of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. All these work together to help in lowering blood pressure and ultimately heart diseases.
Taking an apple a day has been proved to lower your body cholesterol and significantly reduce any risk of heart diseases.
16. Avocados

Conventionally, any form of fat was seen as something that’s not good for heart matters. But this is a thing of the past—research has revealed that mono-polyunsaturated fats, especially those from avocado, are very healthy to your heart.
This is because these fats help in lowering the bad LDL cholesterol while improving the good HDL cholesterol. Avocados are also known to contain a good amount of fiber.
17. Broccoli

Besides other body advantages, broccoli has been known to have cancer-fighting abilities for years. But researchers have also found that broccoli has a hand in your blood circulation and heart health.
Apart from its anti-inflammatory properties, broccoli has a compound known as sulforaphane that helps the body fight against arterial clogs.
18. Coffee

Like beans, coffee is known to have high levels of antioxidants among other circulation cycle nutrients. Coffee has also been known to reduce the risks of cardiac diseases.
In recent research, scientists gave a mouse some amount of coffee. After a while, they discovered that the mouse’s blood vessels began working more efficiently than before.
19. Flax Seeds

Regardless of their size, flax seeds are nutrition powerhouses. They contain high levels of vitamins, fiber, healthy fats, and minerals like magnesium and calcium.
They contain an anti-inflammatory compound, secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), which’s well known to reduce atherosclerosis risks. More importantly, flax seeds can help to stop the progression atherosclerotic plaques.
20. Spices

Spices include cinnamon, ginger, chili, and pepper, among others. They also have anti-inflammatory properties apart from their capabilities of scavenging free radicals. Improve your body’s capability of fighting Atherosclerosis by adding these spices to your daily meals.
Spices contain compounds that scavenge the free radicals, decrease the clumping of platelets, and improve blood lipid levels.
21. Green Tea

When thirsty, avoid taking other fizzy drinks—green tea is cheap, and it’s packed with lots of blood and heart-healthy compounds. Moreover, it takes great hot, but also as a cool beverage for summer.
It’s a herbal drink that will help prevent arterial plaque build-up and reduce the levels of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels in your body.
22. Kiwi

This fruit might not be that appealing at first sight—its shell can put you off. But you’ll quickly change your mind after you learn of what it offers. This scary-shelled fruit is rich in vitamins, polyphenols, potassium, copper, and magnesium.
It’s a vital recipe for protecting your heart in preventing blood clots, and promoting your overall heart health.
23. Oats

If you are fighting or want to prevent Atherosclerosis, then go for oats. Oats belong to a unique group of antioxidants known as avenanthramides. They help to lower the blood pressure by boosting the production of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide has several blood circulation and heart benefits. Taking oats daily can significantly reduce atherosclerosis risk factors like lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
24. Pears

Like their sister apples, pears are also full of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. The fruit also helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the circulation, lower blood pressure, and minimize heart disease risks.
Taking this nutrient-rich fruit daily can help to decrease the chances of stroke and heart diseases in general.
25. Asparagus

Asparagus are giants on their own when it comes to heart health matters. The fibrous stalks contain lots of quercetin that prevent plaque from attaching to your arteries.
They also contain a significant amount of fiber that helps in lowering the risks of heart diseases. They are also known to have high antioxidants, which are crucial in reducing any risk of heart diseases.
26. Quinoa

If you are one of the spice enthusiasts, then you have heard about quinoa. Apart from spicing your meals, quinoa comes with lots of nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids.
Whether you want to improve your blood sugar, lose weight, or lower blood pressure, quinoa should be your top weapon.
27. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens include spinach, kale, Swiss chard, lettuces, and arugula. They are rich in several nutrients that can help prevent Atherosclerosis.
They are good sources of nitrates that your body converts to nitric acid, which plays a vital role in reducing inflammation and improve blood vessel function. This will in turn reduce the risks of atherosclerosis.
28. Nuts and seeds

Most nuts including pecans, macadamia, pistachios, almonds, and walnuts are essential sources of proteins, vitamins, healthy fats, fibers, and minerals.
The good news is that research has proved that nuts and seeds consumption can significantly reduce the risk of Atherosclerosis. Taking nuts and seeds helps boost HDL (good) cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
29. Watermelon

When your blood pressure is high, it can quickly wear out your blood vessels lining. This can elevate the risk of stroke or heart attack. That’s when the juicy watermelon comes in handy.
It’s the number one source of citrulline, an amino acid that your body utilizes to produce nitric acid. Nitric acid helps your blood vessels relax and become pliable.
30. Olive oil

Diets rich in vegetable fiber, beans, and olive oil have been linked with improved heart health. A recent Spanish study has indicated that olive oils help to maintain healthy blood floor and clear any debris along the way.
More importantly, Olive oils help to improve the endothelial function of your blood vessels. Failed endothelial blood vessel endothelial is a crucial surrogate for Atherosclerosis.
31. Beans

Beans are in the class of legumes. Legumes are very rich in fiber that’s very beneficial to heart health. Eating beans regularly can help you intensely fight Atherosclerosis.
More importantly, taking legumes constantly helps to keep your cholesterol levels in check. This highly helps in reducing any risks of clogged arteries.
32. Tomatoes and their Products

Tomatoes contain plant compounds that are vital in reducing the risks of Atherosclerosis. For instance, tomatoes are known to have carotenoid pigment lycopene with impressive heart health benefits.
Many researchers have proved that the consumption of lycopene compounds can help in boosting HDL (Good) cholesterol, fight inflammation, and reduce the risks of almost all heart diseases.
33. Onions

Onions belong to the Allium genus, which is linked with an array of heart benefits. Research has demonstrated that onions can help to protect your arteries.
They contain sulfur compounds that are well known to lower blood vessels’ inflammation, prevent the platelets from clunking together, and boost the nitric acid handiness. All these are vital in promoting arterial health.
34. Citrus fruits

Besides being delicious, citrus fruits offer myriad types of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants like flavonoids. Flavonoids contained in citrus fruits help in reducing inflammation and neutralizing free radicals that are associated with the development of Atherosclerosis.
If the free radicals haven’t been taken care of, they can raise havoc not only to the circulation issues, but also your overall body systems.
35. Milk with DHA

As arteries age, they stiffen up. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), helps to relax the arteries. This type of fatty acid is commonly found in seafood.
If you aren’t in a position to access the seafoods like fish and other fish products, milk and eggs are also good complementary options.
36. Potatoes

Potatoes are rich in fiber, vitamins, potassium, and other minerals. They are also rich in spuds which are cholesterol-free.
Spuds contain very high levels of potassium that is very essential in regulating blood pressure. Potatoes are also known to contain high fiber levels, vital in blood vessels and heart matters.
37. Eggs

Initially, cardiologists used to warn people against eggs due to their high levels of cholesterol. But modern researches have revealed that fats in eggs boost HDL good cholesterol.
This type of fat helps to reduce plaque build-up in your blood vessels. A recent Chinese study has indicated that a moderate intake of eggs reduces the risks of getting heart disease by 11%.
38. Fermented Foods

Probiotic foods are to be given their attention as they promote healthy bacteria proliferation in your gut. You can always repopulate the good bacteria in your digestive system by consuming foods like yogurt, Kombucha, Kimchi, and tepache.
Emerging research has shown that these foods help lower the harmful LDL cholesterol levels and your blood pressure.
39. Tuna

Tuna is also referred to as ‘chicken of the sea.’ It’s rich in amino acids that are vital in boosting the growth of healthy and strong muscle tissues. Also, Tuna is abundant in Omega-3 fatty acids.
These fatty acids are very important to your blood circulation system as they come with several benefits.
40. Brazil Nuts

Although all nuts are good for your heart, brazil nuts have a bonus. They are rich in magnesium, amino acids, phytosterols, linoleic acid, dietary fiber, selenium, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and arginine.
Owing to this mixture of nutrients, these nuts help in lipid metabolism, decreasing endothelial inflammation, optimizing blood pressure among others. Their levels of antioxidants are also exceptional. These nuts will perfectly keep you safe from all heart diseases.