There are numerous objects that we use daily and that make our lives much more manageable. We have never had to think twice about utilizing these items since we know how to use them instinctively. What if we told you that you already have several products in your home that can make your life easier?
For a very long time, we have been misusing these goods. It’s almost humiliating that we’ve only recently discovered these secret features. Check out these creative methods to eat cupcakes and utilize Coca-Cola to create a mind-blowing experience.
Our comprehensive selection has covered everything from measuring tapes to shopping cart loops and everything in between.
1. Bowls Aren’t Necessary for Oatmeal Packets:

This hack will teach you how to make oatmeal right in the packet if you brought a delicious pack of oatmeal to make on the go but forgot to bring a bowl with you. Turn the instant oatmeal package upside-down so that the top portion of the packet is facing out toward the table.
The former top will be used as a waterproof seal in the future. Cut the bag open and pour hot water into the contents of the pack. It’s a good idea to test it out with lukewarm water first to make sure it’s effective. When it comes to a nutritious snack, oatmeal is unbeatable, mainly if it contains fiber and whole grains.
2. Diamonds on Measuring Tape:

In everyday life, measuring tapes are instrumental. You can use one to determine how much wall space you have for shelving or whether your door is wide enough to let a couch through. Metal ones are typically used in construction, while cloth ones are more suited to capturing body measurements.
On the other hand, the metal ones have a distinctive property that few people are aware of right away. Stud finders, which have small black diamonds running their length, are used to measure the center point between two studs behind your walls. It could be worth checking out the one you bought from Amazon last year the next time you grab for it.
3. iPhone Hole on the Back:

The act of taking photographs with your new iPhone can be a great deal of fun. Many people, however, mistake the tiny hole next to the camera on the back of the camera for the flash. That, on the other hand, is not the case. The flash is conveniently located right next to the camera. Another microphone for recording video with the camera on the back is visible via the tiny hole.
Unless you work in the tech design industry, you’re probably unaware of this fact. If you position your device in the appropriate direction the next time you record a video, you can rest easy knowing that both the camera and the audio will be taken care of.
4. Cartons for Drinking:

It can be challenging to cope with those boxes, whether you’re pouring milk on your cereal or a glass of juice. When undoing the cap and pouring out the contents, the fluids may come out too quickly, causing a mess. However, you may not know that you’ve been holding the carton incorrectly. To have a more controlled pour, you should hold the box such that the spout is at the top, not the bottom. There will be no more messy clean-ups when preparing breakfast.
It may sound counterintuitive given all you’ve learned about pouring cartons from Walmart and elsewhere, but trust us when we say it’s worth it. This behavior can be re-learned to avoid spillage and, as a result, make the product last longer.
Poor Cola In Your Toilet

We explain why you should use Cola to clean your toilet. This Hack is actually working perfectly. Try it yourself!
This is how it works: Pour the right amount of cola into your toilet and make sure the area which you would like to be clean is covered. The Cola will bubble because of its carbon dioxide. Then let it sink in for about an hour. After that, you use the toilet brush and then flush. And then your toilet will be clean! And that without any chemicals from the supermarket. Have a look at the next hack, it’s genius too.
5. A Little Tab on Rearview Mirrors:

Driving at night can be dangerous, but it’s made worse when you’re trailed by a jerk who’s flashing their bright lights. They reflect directly into your eyes from your rearview mirror, making it difficult to see.
That’s why you have a small tab on the bottom of your rearview mirror. It can be turned up during the day to see what you need to see, and then it can be turned down at night to see what you need to see. It keeps the bright light out of your eyes, allowing you to drive more safely at night, even if there are jerks in front of you.
6. Spaghetti Spoons:

Making a great bowl of spaghetti isn’t tricky, but knowing how much to make might be problematic. It never seems like enough, but you always end up with way too much spaghetti in your bowl. Did you know that the slotted pasta spoon you use to drain your spaghetti can also be used to measure the amount of pasta you need to cook?
You can use the perforations in the bottom to figure out how much pasta to cook per person. Of course, while this is an excellent indication, the portion provided by the spoon is probably not as large as what you’d get at a restaurant like Darden’s Olive Garden.
7. Loops in a Shopping Cart:

At least once a week, most of us go grocery shopping. We choose a cart and proceed inside to get our groceries, utterly oblivious to the helpful cart we’re pushing about. Did you know, though, that the carts were made to help you carry more bags than you might think?
Those small loops on the back of the cart are also for holding more bags: thread the bag handles through them, and you won’t have to stack your bags on top of each other at home, ending in crushed bread. Customers don’t commonly use this option at retailers like Target, but that’s just because the general public is unaware of it.
8. Peelers for Vegetables:

We feel that many of the electronics in our homes serve only one purpose. A vegetable peeler is one of those devices; we believe they’re only suitable for removing the skins from potatoes and carrots, but they’re helpful for so much more.
A vegetable peeler, for example, is ideal for slicing onions very thinly when you don’t want a lot of onion taste in your soups or other savory meals. It’s also a lot safer than using a conventional knife to cut thin onion slices. You’ll wonder why you’ve never done something like this before. Now that you know, you can avoid cutting your fingers by changing how you operate in the kitchen.
9. Lids for Soda Cups:

You can save a lot of time by not cooking and cleaning up afterward if you eat out. After you’ve finished your dinner, grab a top and straw and head over to the fountain. It turns out that there’s a lot more to it than that.
What you may not realize is that the lid may also be used as a coaster when you arrive home and don’t want water stains on your tables or surfaces. Remove the top and press the drink over it to keep it in place, resulting in a simple coaster that you can recycle once you’re done.
10. Tags for Bread:

Those tiny plastic tags on bread bags are fantastic for keeping the bag fresh. You may even write on them when you buy your pack of bread to know when it’s time to toss it before it goes moldy. But what else can you do with them after that?
Bread tags turn out to be great for keeping your wires and cords organized so that your computer desk is free of tangled problems. To know what each line is connected to, bundle the cables into separate ones and write on the tags. It’s not only a terrific method to organize your office, but it’s also a thoughtful approach to reduce unnecessary plastic trash.
11. Heinz Bottles:

Heinz bottles, particularly those made of glass, are known for having a specific treatment on the surface that allows you to extract every last drop of ketchup. Nonetheless, the “57” found on the glass’s neck has remained a mystery for a long time.
It’s no longer a mystery; instead of smacking the bottom, it’s the optimum area to tap on the bottle to get your ketchup out. It allows you to get the condiment out faster without making a mess, avoiding embarrassment in a crowded restaurant. We’re not sure how the magical number 57 works, but it’s a tried and true theory. After all, we’ve all tried repeatedly slamming the bottle with little success.
12. Tablets for Dishwashing:

A viral TikTok video recently revealed that we might have been misusing dishwasher tablets all along. They’re a lot more adaptable than we imagined, and they can be used to clean a lot more things around the house, even your shower! Cut a small slit in the side of the dishwasher tablet and drop it in a sponge. Make sure your shower’s surface is damp before scrubbing for the easiest gleaming shimmer.
Furthermore, we all know how difficult it is to remove dried-on watermarks, even with the most potent household cleaning tools. You could have had the ideal solution all along in the kitchen cupboard.
13. Dress Shirts:

It is a fascinating one. Men’s dress shirts contain a small loop of cloth on the back, as you may have seen. It’s not immediately apparent, but it’s there (check your closet if you don’t believe us). This loop is known as a “locker loop,” and it dates back to the 1960s.
The GANT Co. created the locker loops, a men’s apparel brand, to cater to the Ivy League population. Ivy League students could use that loop to hang their dress shirts, keeping them wrinkle-free even after returning from a workout. Men’s dress shirts can still be hung up by that small loop nowadays.
14. Aspirin:

Almost everyone has an aspirin bottle in their home in case of a headache. Many individuals are unaware that aspirin can be used for more than just pain relief. We’re not sure how, but breaking aspirin and putting it in the water you use to water your flowers has been discovered to keep them clipped longer.
Flowers are an excellent way to add natural aromas and gorgeous colors to your home. It’s just a shame they die so soon, even when properly hydrated and cared for. You can keep your flowers fresh for much longer if you put aspirin in them.
15. Mugs for Coffee:

Purchasing a new mug to enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee at home might feel like a prize in and of itself. To decorate your cupboard, you choose your favorite color or the prettiest design. Have you ever flipped over your mug and discovered a small notch on the bottom?
That isn’t a flaw in the design; it is intended to extend the life of your mug when it is washed in the dishwasher. Instead of water pooling at the bottom of the cup, this small notch allows it to drain, allowing it to dry considerably faster. So, the next time you pick up a new Starbucks cup, you can rest assured that it’s built to endure a long time.
16. Lids for Slush:

A trip to the convenience store may prompt you to purchase one of those sugary, frozen beverages. On a hot summer day, they can be somewhat cooling. Consider placing one of those domed lids on your cup the opposite way around instead of slapping it on. It may appear unusual at first, but you will receive more bangs for your buck. Additional slushy will be held in the lid, giving you more drinks for the same price.
Furthermore, the cap still has a hole through which you can insert your straw. You’ll never have to be concerned about overfilling again. The only disadvantage is that you will be less shielded from potential spills.
17. Stapler Remover:

Although few places still use stapled papers in today’s digital age, some firms like to maintain track of everything they do. Staple removers are ideal for removing staples if the documents need to be reorganized.
On the other hand, Staple removers come in handy when you need to remove keys from key rings. To work the metal away from each other, press the teeth into the keyring. It’ll be easier to get keys on and off your key ring this way. Broken nails and damaged fingers are a thing of the past. We all know just how tight keyrings can be, so this hack is a complete lifesaver.
18. Fuel Tank Indicator:

Many individuals go to the gas station at least once a week to fill up their tanks. However, hardly everyone notices the tiny little arrow next to the gasoline gauge, and even if they do, they don’t know what it’s for.
Now you don’t have to wonder any longer. That small arrow indicates which side of the car your gas tank is located. You won’t have to reverse and turn your car around because you parked on the wrong side of the gas pump. You’ll always know which side it’s on now, and you’ll be able to fill your car’s tank much faster.
19. Running Shoes:

Everyone ties their shoes differently, but not everyone uses all of the holes at the mouth of the shoe. Unfortunately, lacing up through these final holes will provide a more secure fit and lessen the risk of blisters on your foot. If you give it a shot, you might discover that your running shoes fit you far better than you anticipated.
Blisters can be so painful that they prevent you from running until they heal, only to reopen when you resume jogging. Instead of blaming the shoes’ manufacturer, try lacing them like we advised and see if it helps. You might be pleasantly surprised!
20. Peanut Butter:

According to WebMD, peanut butter is good for you (in moderation) since it contains a range of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats. Traditional peanut butter brands frequently contain unhealthy fats such as palm oil, as well as sugars. They also have lower protein content than organic foods. Natural peanut butter isn’t much more expensive, and it spreads just as well using this simple approach.
While it contains fewer saturated fats, it contains significantly more oil. Taking the lid off a jar of natural peanut butter and having to stir it, slopping oil over the sides, maybe a hassle. Here’s a tip: store it backward. That way, the peanut butter, and oil will blend without making a mess.
21. Wrist Watch:

When you’re pressed for time at work, your computer may become your biggest adversary. When you walk away from your computer, it goes into screensaver mode, which means you’ll have to waste time waking it up so you can get back to work.
One easy trick can save you a lot of time, and it’s right at your fingertips. This method, however, only works if your mouse has a laser sensor. Simply set the mouse on your watch, and the ticking second hand will be perceived as movement, preventing your computer from entering screensaver mode. It’s both clever and simple.
22. Apple laptop charger:

Apple laptop chargers supply power to computers so that they may be recharged when their batteries run out. However, that’s not the only thing they’re suitable for. Plastic wings can be flipped up on the small white brick.
A power brick was enhanced by the addition of these so that you could wrap your power cord around it and transfer it more easily. It also helps to prevent your cable from becoming tangled in your bag while you’re transporting it around. Finally, fold the wings down so that they don’t get in the way while you’re not using the device.
23. Aluminum Foil Boxes:

When it comes to covering food, aluminum foil is the most popular option. However, getting the foil out without the tube coming out with it might not be easy. It is because few individuals are aware of the box’s distinctive characteristics.
There are tabs on the sides of the foil box you may press in that finish up inside the tube of foil. That section maintains the roll in place, allowing you to tear out foil more quickly without having to reroll it and stuff it back into the box. We’ve all been there, but it’s aggravating when you’ve just purchased a fresh new roll from Walmart, and it appears to have been used and abused for several months.
24. Coca-cola:

All adore Coca-refreshing Cola’s flavor. However, an increasing number of people are turning to the traditional beverage for purposes more than simply soothing their thirst. And this popular product’s hidden meaning has to do with cleaning!
Customers report that the soda helps them with everything from cleaning coins to unclogging toilets to scrubbing porcelain tiles. It’s even been used to de-rust ancient tools that have been sitting in a shed for years. So, if you’re on a budget and need a quick way to clean around the house, try Coke instead of a more expensive product. And think about what it’s doing to your insides the next time you take a sip!
25. Extension cords:

Regular power cables on appliances are limited in length, making it difficult to do tasks regularly. That’s why extension cords make doing tasks a lot easier, especially if you’re using power equipment outside. On the other hand, a firm tug can cause your power tool to unplug from the extension cord.
That’s because few people are aware of this helpful tip: loop your cords around each other in a loose knot to keep them from coming undone. Without needing to unplug from the wall, you may trim that hedge at the far end of your garden or move your vacuum cleaner further. Not only that, but it’s also more secure.
26. Wooden Spoons:

We’ve all been in that situation. You’re cooking a pot of pasta when you glance away for a second to check your phone or wash a plate, and the next thing you know, the spaghetti is boiling over. It makes a giant mess, wastes water, and clogs up your burner.
Fortunately, avoiding this is simple. Simply set a dry wooden spoon on top of the boiling saucepan. Dry wood is hydrophobic, which means it won’t absorb any water. The bubbles are destabilized as they contact the spoon, and the boiling water retreats, saving you a headache. Even better, wooden spoons come in a variety of forms and sizes to match the look of your kitchen.
27. Microwaves:

Cooking in the microwave is a fast and convenient way to reheat food, which is particularly useful if you don’t feel like cooking and simply wants to eat leftovers. Waiting for each food item to finish heating before adding the next one, on the other hand, can be inconvenient.
To heat two foods at the same time, try this hack. Place the first plate on the microwave’s platter and set it aside. Then place a microwave-safe upside-down coffee mug next to it. Place your second plate on top of the mug. Even if the platter is small, the microwave has enough power to heat both.
28. Tabs for Soda Cans:

Every time we crack open a new can of soda, the majority of us can’t help but fiddle with the bit of tab or bend it back and forth until it pops off. And after all, once it’s open, what else can you possibly do with it. Was it ever brought to your attention that the small hole in the tab was designed to hold your straw?
Instead of placing your lips against the can, you can insert your straw through the hole and sip at your leisure without having to worry about the straw slipping out or the carbon dioxide from the drink pushing it out of the hole.
29. Handles of a Saucepan:

Since people stopped cooking over an open flame, cooking pots and pans have made it much easier for people to prepare food in the home. It has also become easier to prevent food from burning or scalding due to stirring utensils, but there is the messy business of placing them down on a paper towel or having to rinse them after each use.
You could also take a look at the handle of your pot or pan as an alternative. See that gaping hole? You can insert your wooden stirring spoon so that the food drips right back into your pan rather than creating a puddle of food on your countertop as it would otherwise.
30. Self-Serve Applesauce:

Applesauce is a savory, sweet snack that can be had on the run. It includes times when you failed to bring a spoon with you. That’s correct; applesauce has a hidden benefit that you may not be aware of. The applesauce packaging is designed to be self-serve.
A spoon can be made out of the tin foil lid that comes on top of cups of Mott’s applesauce (and pretty much every other brand of applesauce in existence, as this is the preferred packaging). Using your fingers, meld the tinfoil into the desired spoon-like shape, and you’re done! You have a simple utensil for your sweet snack that you can use right away.
31. Cups for Ketchup:

There’s a good chance you haven’t been using ketchup cups correctly. Everyone is familiar with the tiny, free ketchup cups that McDonald’s and Burger King (among other fast food establishments) throw out when dining in person. They can hold more ketchup than the little packets.
Ketchup enthusiasts will be pleased to know that not only are these small cups capable of holding more ketchup than the packets but they can also be expanded. The paper cups will grow to nearly twice their original size when the folds are stretched out, allowing you to utilize the containers to their maximum capacity.
32. Cupcakes:

After a long day at the office, there’s nothing more enticing than a delicious cupcake. Some of you may even be fortunate enough to have one of those deluxe bakeries in your neighborhood that makes everything from scratch.
The towering mound of frosting atop the cake, on the other hand, can be challenging to consume. Think about making a sweet sandwich out of the whole thing instead of getting frosting on your nose and cheeks. Using a sharp knife, cut your cupcake in half and place the bottom half on top of the top half, squishing the frosting together. As a result, there is no more mess, and you do not lose any frosting in the process.
33. Containers of tic-tacs:

Tic-Tacs are a bit of fresh mint that you can take with you wherever you go because they fit into almost any purse or pocket. If you give the container a little shake, folks may approach you and beg for one. On the other hand, people appear to find it challenging to get one out, even though the creators of Tic-Tac containers developed the ideal method for doing so.
Simply turn your container on its side and open the aperture at the top. The lid’s grooves are just suitable for presenting one Tic-Tac to you, preventing you from shaking out half the container into your hand and having to re-insert them all.
34. Toblerone:

A Toblerone for the holidays might be a wonderful treat. All of that decadent Swiss chocolate is reserved only for you. However, cutting a piece off can be difficult, and using a knife to do so feels sacrilegious. So, how can you break off a large chunk of chocolate without destroying your hands?
Consider splitting the chocolate in half instead. Break each triangle inwards instead of trying to draw it away from the bar. You’ll notice that it’s a lot simpler to break apart, and there won’t be any chocolate shards all over the place. That implies you’ll be able to eat even more chocolate. We’re not sure who came up with this brilliant idea, but it was most likely a die-hard Toblerone fan.
35. Containers for Chinese Takeout:

The majority of individuals order takeout because they don’t feel like cooking or doing dishes. It is especially true of Chinese takeaway, which is a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States. Millions of customers purchase egg rolls, sesame chicken, orange chicken, fried rice, and other delectable dishes to be delivered to their doorstep every day.
It’s a little-known fact about Chinese takeout dishes that can be folded into a plate without removing the food from the dish first. You can use this dish the next time you order takeout because it is easy to use and does not require you to wash a dish.
36. Toothpaste and Toothbrushes:

Every single day, twice a day, toothbrushes and toothpaste are two items that we all (hopefully) use regularly. This one may have more to do with toothpaste advertisements, which frequently depict a giant glob of toothpaste being squeezed onto a toothbrush handle. It’s a case of doing as they say, not as they do with these commercials.
You may be using too much toothpaste. According to a poll conducted by ABC News, most dental professionals recommend brushing with a pea-sized blob of toothpaste. Additionally, you should ensure that your toothpaste contains fluoride. When you use too much toothpaste, it can damage and stain your teeth over time, demonstrating that getting too much of a good thing can be dangerous.
37. Straws and Strawberries:

Strawberries are a nutritious and delectable snack, whether eaten independently or combined with other ingredients in a salad or dessert. Strawberry shortcake is a classic dessert that, while delicious, can be time-consuming to prepare due to the large number of strawberries that must be chopped. It is necessary to remove the leafy green parts of the berry, but doing so without hacking off the entire top of the berry is difficult.
Until now, that is. To remove the leafy part of the strawberry, you can use a cheap plastic (or metal) straw. Simply insert the straw straight through the pointy end of the berry, and the leaves will be pushed out as a result.
38. Greek Yogurt Containers:

Although Greek yogurt has been around for millennia, it has just lately become a famous cuisine in the United States. According to Healthline, Greek yogurt contains various minerals such as potassium, calcium, iodine, protein, and more. It’s a low-calorie snack with a lot of nutritional value.
Greek yogurt enthusiasts will recognize the container layout: one side has plain yogurt, while the other contains honey, fruit, nuts, and whatever else you can think of to add flavor. There’s no need to stir the toppings into the yogurt if you’ve been spooning them in. These containers can easily fold in half to dump the toppings into the yogurt without using a spoon.
39. Oreos:

This idea was shared on Instagram, and it quickly gained popularity as people were amazed by its simplicity and wondered why they hadn’t thought of it themselves. Oreo cookies are best when dipped in milk, but it’s challenging to cover the entire cookie in milk if you’re using your fingers. A fork can be used to avoid this Achilles’ heel entirely.
Insert a fork into the center of the cookie’s crème filling. While you’re dipping, the crème will keep it in place. You’ll be able to dunk the entire cookie without having to worry about getting messy. Even though it is unclear who came up with this brilliant idea, they are unquestionably genius.
40. Blenders:

A fruit smoothie is one of the most delectable treats you can consume. Even though these smoothies contain a significant amount of sugar, they are far more nutritious than, for example, a chocolate milkshake. If you enjoy smoothies, you’ll want to make sure that you’re loading your blender correctly to get the silkiest results.
Here’s how to put ingredients into your blender. Start with your liquids, such as juice or milk, and work your way up. After that, add the solid components (the fruit) at the very end. The motion of the blender will suck down the tangible items rather than simply tunneling through their centers as it does now. As a result, the smoothies will be the smoothest you’ve ever tasted.