Dogs are man’s (and woman’s) best friend, but what is not best about them is all the shedding they do! So, while you love your furry pal, no one loves having to sweep up after them or brush them so frequently. Here are a few breeds that can avoid that problem!
1. Komondor

Komondor dogs are known for their “moppish” look, as they have corded hair when at full length. These cords that they develop keep this breed from shedding, but bathing does take extra work! Drying them can also take longer due to the cords.
These dogs are very family-friendly, but dislike strangers.
2. Saluki

The Saluki is a beautiful short-hair breed with longer hair on the ears and tail. With most often, a golden color, the Saluki was an ancient desert breed of dog.
One of the fastest dogs in the world at longer distances, this breed has gentleness and nobility about them.
3. Peruvian Inca Orchid

This dog breed is known for being coated or hairless and comes in a variety of sizes. The hairless variety is often speckled and is a great companion for people with allergies.
This breed is very low maintenance in grooming but has lots of energy and needs a lot of exercise.
4. Poodle

Most commonly known for their fluffy appearance and variety of grooming styles, the Poodle is a wonderful family pet and are known to be extremely healthy dogs. This breed is extremely intelligent and won’t shed all over your home or clothing!
You can’t go wrong with this breed, especially if you have allergies.
5. Golden Doodle

This hybrid breed is known for its puppy qualities and intelligence, with overwhelming affection and soft demeanor. This breed is the perfect mixture of character and style, sharing qualities from both the Golden Retriever and the Poodle.
Golden Doodle’s are great for those who want a larger breed that does not shed!
6. Belgian Malinois

This breed is known for sharing traits with German Shepherds, and is often mistaken for them! They do not drool like other larger breeds can be known for, and they have a hypoallergenic coat, which makes them a perfect companion dog, or working dog!
Belgian’s are wonderful service and working dogs as well.
7. Basenji

For people who love the look of a hound dog, but can’t handle the smell or shedding, the Basenji is a perfect choice. This breed has a fine, short, flat coat that doesn’t need frequent bathing or brushing.
As long as this breed gets appropriate exercise, they are known to be very quiet.
8. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frisé is a common companion animal, as they require little in the way of outdoor exercise. However, this breed does need a lot of brushing, grooming, and bathing to keep its classic white, and poofy look.
This breed is also known for “tear stains” around the eyes.
9. Chinese Crested

A great way to avoid a lot of shedding is to adopt a hairless breed! This breed comes in two types, hairless and the powderpuff variety. The hairless variety has hair on their heads, tails, and feet.
This breed will need protection from the elements due to its lack of hair.
10. Maltese

The Maltese breed has not changed too much over the centuries and has remained the ideal lapdog companion. This dog is perfect for those with limited mobility as they do not need much exercise.
However, they need regular brushing and bathing to keep their coats smooth and clean. Next one is Border Terrier.
11. Border Terrier

Border Terriers are known for working hard and playing hard! Digging and running are very common for this breed as they originally were bred to hunt.
This breed is wonderful for someone who wants a non-shedding dog, but they can be very high maintenance in other areas. Have a look at the West Highland White Terrier.
12. West Highland White Terrier

This breed is known for being confident and excitable, but can be a handful for the inexperienced owner! These dogs know how to be affectionate, but are also known to be crafty and overly playful.
They love a good brushing and grooming, but they love your attention even more. Next one is Lagotto Romagnolo.
13. Lagotto Romagnolo

These dogs share many similar traits with the Water Spaniel in the way of look and coat style. This breed loves the water and loves to work, so they would make a great hunting companion!
Their coat is short and wiry, and they shed very little. Have a look at the next dog!
14. Afghan Hound

This breed has an exotic look and a lot of poise. Extremely intelligent and independent dogs, so if you are looking for a snuggling companion, this breed is probably not the best fit.
These dogs make great working and hunting dogs, but they do require frequent grooming. Have a look at the next dog!
15. Airedale Terrier

Similar to other Terriers on our list, this breed was bred for working and is extremely agile. This being the largest of Terrier breeds, has seemingly unlimited energy and has unlimited love to give their human companions.
These dogs do best when given an active daily routine or job. Next one is the Portuguese Water Dog.
16. Portuguese Water Dog

This breed was bred for herding fish and delivering messages from boat to boat on the water, and they maintain that love for water to this day.
Sporting a short and curly coat that does not shed and is resistant to water, you’ll often have a friend if you enjoy the outdoors!
17. Scottish Terrier

Yet another Terrier on our list, the Scottish Terrier is a wonderful small-breed, non-shedding dog! With long hair on their faces and underbelly, this dog surprisingly does not need a lot of grooming to maintain their playful looks!
This breed is full of confidence and independence, and why not when you are this cute?
18. Greyhound

Finally, on our list, is the Greyhound. Famous for their speed and agility, and their unique looks. Greyhounds are loving and lovable. This breed has lots of energy and enjoys a good run, especially when chasing small critters around the yard.
This breed makes an awesome dog for anyone who wants a unique friend.